PRB121283minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING December 12, 1983 The monthly meeting of the Board was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Arrowood. PRESENT: Richard Arrowood, Ralph Tomczyk, Richard Manchester, Vicki Hauser, Carl Wauer, Jackie St. Mary (Recreation Supervisor), and Peter Theis (Parks Supervisor). ABSENT: Joe Weitzer, Karen Wesell GUESTS: Ray Christenson, Stanley Potrykus APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Board Meeting held November 7, 1983, were approved as mailed. COMNIJNICATIONS: Personal Appearances Susan Becker and Ed Purcell presented the conceptual plans and layouts for the Lake Denoon/Lake Meadows area park that were the results of our previous meeting with them. They presented two plans for the Board's review. One plan reflected the roadway leading toward the creek on the north side of the ZO-acre parcel and a parking area on the northern boundary side in the outfield area of the ballfield. The other plan showed the roadway following the southern edge of the 7.0~acre parcel and the parking lot on the southern edge and the lot located between the soccer field and the ball diamond. The Board members felt the second plan provided a better layout for the park. Questions raised by Mr. Potrykus included the following areas: 1. The launch area. 2. The drainage area. 3. The future comfort station (If putting in a sewered facility, build a lift station large enough to serve the future development of the area to the northwest awa:of the park and charge back to the developer part of the cost.) Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, December 12, 1983, page 2. Estimated costs of each of the areas in the park were presented for the Board's review. Boat Launch--should provide some kind of access but the cost is so large, it was recommended by the Board that more ofa T at the mouth of the channel be provided. The Board did recommend that no car/trailer be provided; people would park in the regular lot for car parking and place their trailers in another car spot. Susan will meet with the representative of the DNR to see if that would meet their specifications for "adequate access". The Board also questioned how far we can vary from the base bid. It was recommended that we use add-ons instead of deletes on the bidding of this project. The trail leading north of the foot bridge area should be removed at this time from the plan. Written Correspondence Refund Request A written request was submitted for a $5.00 refund for a son's participation in the Department's youth soccer program. Richard Manchester moved to deny the request. Carl Wauer seconded the motion. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Jackie reported that the revised master plan for Bluhm Park project has been sent from the District Office to the State for their review. Once they review the plan, it will be forwarded on to the Federal government (National Park Service). DEPARTMENT REPORTS Parks Idle Isle Sign Peter updated the Board on the status of the sign for Idle Isle Park. The Police Department has also reviewed the sign and feel they can enforce actions in the park much better with the sign. For a metal sign: (one piece) 3'x5', the cost is $389.00; the cost for a metal sign (2 sections), 2-1/2'x5' is $391.00. Peter requested permission to transfer funds for the cost of the sign, but the Board directed the funds be taken from the parks operating account. Carl Wauer moved to approve the sign as presented by Peter for Idle Isle. Vickie seconded. Motion carried. Naming of Park The Board reviewed the request of an alderman about the naming of the Lake Denoon/Lake Meadows park. It was discussed whether we should name the park or do it as a contest. The Board will study the possibility of naming it in- house. Minutes, Parks and Recreation Board Meeting, December 12, 1983, page 3. Recreation Salary Increase of dance/gymnastic instructor Vickie moved to recommend to the Finance Committee to increase the dance/gymnastic instructor's wages $.50 per hour. Carl seconded. Motion carried. Extension of vacation time Richard Manchester moved to recommend vacation extension of 72 hours for the Recreation Supervisor. Carl seconded. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS The Recreation Supervisor questioned whether the Board supported applying for LAWCON funds to help offset costs for the Lake Meadows/Lake Damon park area. The deadline for application is January 13, 1984. Richard Manchester moved to request the following items be sumitted for LAWCON match: Paved Roadway $57,900.00 Paved Parking 27,100.00 Trails (FNS) 13,ooo.oo Boat Launch 5,ooo.oo Playground Equipment 7,500.oo Plantings 45,ooo.oo For a total of $155,000.00, 50% would be LAWCON match ($77,750.00) and half would be City match ($77,750.00). Vickie seconded. Motion carried. AIUOURNMENT Carl moved to adjourn, Richard Manchester seconded. Motion carried. Meeting was completed by 8:30 p.m. Next meeting, January 16, 1984, at 7:30 P.M. Respecfully submitted, JACKIE ST. MARY for JOE WEITZER, SECRETARY sjd/l-13-84 CC: Board Members, Mayor, Aldermen, City Clerk, Jackie St. Mary, Peter Theis, THE SUN.