PRB041883minutesMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, April 18, 1983 The monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Dick Arrowood. PRESENT: Carl Wauer, Joe Weitzer, Karen Wesell, Richard Manchester, Richard Arrowood, Pete Theis, and Jackie St. Mary. ABSENT: Blenda Treba and Jo Ann Kehl GUESTS: Little Muskego Lake Association representatives, Waterbugs representatives, Harry Udvare, Duane & Marge Elertson, Scott Kloskowski, Matt Bennett, Alderman Colburn, and Eugene Gaetzke. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Board meeting held on April 11, and the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 21st, 1983, were approved as mailed. COMMUNICATIONS: Jackie stated that the city attorney had notified her that the meeting of the Board held on March Zlst was an official, legal meeting, and the 2 to 1 vote does, therefore, stand. For future reference: The procedure to follow for bringing back a motion from the previous meeting would be that a motion to reconsider the initial motion would need to be made, se- conded, and carried by a majority vote. If it is carried, the initial motion is the motion that would be on the floor. Scott Kloskowski of the Land 0 Lakes League has requested the use of the concession stand at Horn Field. The Land 0 Lakes team was reminded that they must remember that there are neighbors around Horn Field whom they must get along with. Concern was also expressed over the practice of drinking beer after the game. The Lakes representative said that they just finish the beer there and then leave. He also said that Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, April 18, 1983 Page 2 they have no intention of selling concessions at Muskego High School games. Carl Wauer made a motion to allow concessions at Horn and Richard Manchester seconded the motion with the restric- tion that they watch the time that they are there after games (no longer than 1% hours after a game has ended). The motion carried. The Little Muskego Lake Association presented a layout plan for the Fun Fest. They close the boat parking area down when there are no boat parking slots available. They do allow people to launch after that but they must find their own parking area outside of the park. There was concern about collecting the fees for parking. The question arose as to whether the Parks Department could provide the attendants for parking on the weekend and collect the fees. The LMLA set a fee of $1.00 for parking rather than the city's fee of $.50. Discussion took place as to whether the parks department attendant would be there to collect fees for the sake of revenue and whether to allow people who have purchased season passes to enter without paying an additional fee. The Board felt strongly that the season passes should be honored. Carl Wauer made a motion to accept the plan presented by LMLA and remember that they cannot use the grass for parking if it rains. Richard Manchester seconded the motion. He also asked where the money raised by this event would go. The LMLA repre- sentative stated that they donated a truck and also paid for some of the upkeep of the weed harvester with the funds raised last year. The motion then passed unanimously. Mr. Bill McSorley of the Waterbugs ski club presented a membership roster to the Board. He also submitted a jump permit which was approved by the DNR on March 30, 1983. The Waterbugs expressed concern over the show dates approved at the March Zlst Board meeting. Mr. Arrowood asked if any of the Board members would want to reconsider their motion from that meeting. There was no motion to reconsider. Mr. McSorley then stated that he felt that the problem was that people around the lake do not see the situa- tion clearly. They hear the noise but don't see anyone except the Waterbugs. Mike Fitzgerald stated that he felt that the people around the lake and the Board may be responsible for the financial ruin of the "Waterbugs". Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, April 18, 1983, Page 3 WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: Keith Groth of the Icetronauts requested the dates of June 18th and 19th for a baseball tournament at Bluhm Park. Carl Wauer moved to allow the dates and Richard Manchester seconded the motion. There was a mention of the possibility of getting a beer permit and also of putting up a tent. The group said there would be no truck on the grounds and they have their own clean up. Richard Manchester amended the motion to approve the concessions. Carl Wauer seconded. The amended motion carried. The main motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Harry Udvare of the Muskego Athletic Association was present and requested the hiring of a field maintenance person. The MAA will pay $3.35 a" hour for a 12-14 week period. ($2.26 FICA, $8.80 per week workmans compensation). Richard Manchester made a motion to pass the Resolution #92-83 from the Finance Committee. The MAA would be responsible for minimum rate of pay, social security, and work- mans compensation. Karen Wesell seconded the motion. The MAA would like to make one donation since they cannot hire an employee due to their tax exempt status. Fire Lanes at Idle Isle Park - It was suggested that all fire lanes at the Idle Isle Park be observed and no parking be allowed in those lanes. Also, if the "Bugs" needed to, they should park along th.= water's edge next to the curb by the sailboat launch. The LMLA can park their truck behind the building along with the one car. The parking attendant would tell the people where to park. Meeting Dates - The Board decided not to change the date of their meetings. They will remain the third Monday of each month. NEW BUSINESS: Dick Arrowood requested that Pete look into the status of unemployment compensation and part-time employees, especially regarding the time periods involved when they have worked for the city and are off and then begin to work for the department again. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, April 18, 1983, Page 4 PARKS REPORT: Pete stated that the Mayor had requested to see clean up of some firewood at the garage. Mr. Arrowood suggested that Pete advertise the availability of the wood to Muskego residents in the Sun. After discussion the Board agreed to let Pete handle the matter in the way he feels is best. The following former seasonal employees were recommended for rehiring by Pete: Jerry Galecke, Ken Form, Ed Gund, Craig Chism. It was suggested that Pete check into the unemployment compensation matter regarding these employees and report to Mr. Arrowood who would then poll the Board. Mowers - The Board discussed extensively, the three bids for mowers that were received on a Jacobsen, Tom, and a Bobcat. Richard Manchester made a motion to make a recommendation to the Finance Committee to purchase the Tom. Joe Weitzer seconded the motion. The motion carried. RECREATION REPORT: Jackie St. Mary submitted a concern by the athletic director at Muskego High School. There seems to be a concern as to who will maintain the diamonds at Horn Field. Dick Arrowood suggested trying to get these things straightened out. Joe Beatka seems to feel he is supposed to maintain Horn Field. Pete had some idea as to what he was trying to do but said he will have no permission to do anything to the fields until he comes before the Parks and Recreation Board, and they approve it. Jackie is in receipt of a letter from Roberta Langkamp in which she requested a 25% refund of her $5.50 swimming lessons due to the closing of the high school pool for repairs. A letter will be written to Ms. Langkamp telling her that at this time when the pool reopens, the program may resume. Wait to refund her the money until that time. A request has been received from the Calvary Evangelical Free Church for permission to use the Muskego Elementary baseball field on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM from May 2, 1983 through August 8, 1983. Carl Wauer made a motion to allow the use of the field as is. Richard Manchester seconded and the motion carried. Notification has been received from Tom Blotz regarding LAWCON appropriations. He has informed the department that there is money available in the state budget at Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, April 18, 1983 Page 5 this time for 1983 and if we had a project, plans and applications should be submitted at this time. The School Board expressed some concern about maintaining and improving the parking area at Mill Valley. They would like to encourage parking on the Racine Avenue parking lot. The lease for ball diamonds will be approved but the School Board's representative, Mr. Matheson, will talk to Pete to check into the improve- ments that can be made with the Racine Avenue parking lot. After discussion, it was suggested a letter be sent to all heads of leagues asking them to use the Racine Avenue parking lot. A letter is also to be sent to Mr. Matheson with a copy of the letter to the leagues, telling him about the efforts to do whatever possible to improve the area. Roger Skoczak has submitted a tournament request for the use of Mill Valley from 8 AM to 9 PM cm Saturday and Sunday, June 18th and 19th. The group he represents would provide their own porta-pots and concessions. Due to a conflict of diamond scheduling, the diamonds cannot be released at this time. Carl Wauer made a motion to deny the request and Karen Wesell seconded. Motion carried. Dance Recital Tickets - In the past tickets were free, but the procedure was abused. This year, tickets are $2.00 each. The revenue which will be raised will help to pay for the dance floor replacement at Jensen Center which will be requested at budget time in 1983. A motion was made by Karen Wesell to increase ticket prices to $2.00. Richard Manchester seconded the motion and it carried. Lease for Freedom Square-Phase IV - This item is to be placed on the May agenda. Jackie will be getting an update on this lease from Dick Schaumberg. 1983 Sunmer Program Approval - The Huff N' Puff program previously offered will be dropped this year. Some of the new additions would be the horseshow at the Muskego Country Fair Days, a playground at Idle Isle which would alternate with the present playground at Jensen center, a bus pick up at the playgrounds for open swim at the high school on one day of the week, a family night at a Brewers game, a Fishing School, open gym for adults, weightlifting for adults, a Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, Monday, April 18, 1983 Page 6 Leukemia Swim Classic, and a sailing school. Still other ideas proposed are a county doubles tennis tournament, baton instruction, a youth band program, a personal grooming program, a horseriding program offered in conjunction with North Cape Farms, and a mummer aerobics class. Karen Wesell made a motion to approve the Recreation programs as presented by the recreation supervisor and Carl Wauer seconded the motion. The motion carried. Pool Repair Update - The fiberglass liner was approved by the School Board and repair will begin as soon as the rest of the supplies for same arrive at the high school. From that point, it will take four weeks to finish. Status of Recreation Department - The Mayor's corres- pondence to the School Board regarding the status of any takeover of the Recreation Department and that there was a need for more research and study regarding any planning regarding same, was discussed. It was noted that Bob Heim has donated some ping-pong equipment to the Recreation Department. Cartwheelathon - $1633.00 has been raised in the cart- wheelathon. Jackie is now looking into the purchasing of some uneven parallel bars. A gymnastics meet was held on the last week of class. Compliments were received on how well the meet was run and how professional it was. ADJOURNMENT: Karen Wesell moved to adjourn the meeting at lo:45 PM. Carl Wauer seconded the motion and it carried. Respectfully submitted, Joseph Weitzer, for Jo Ann Kehl secretary ff 5/10/83 RESOLUTIbN #92-83 APPROVAL OF HIRING-A PARTTIME PARK EMPLOYEE IN COOPERATION WITH THE MAA WHEREAS, it has been suggested that the city hire an employee to do various park.maintenance duties for 14 weeks during the summer months, and WHEREAS, the city and the NAA have worked in cooperation with each other for the past several years, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has reviewed the possibility of hiring an employee for parttime employment to work during the summer months in cooperation with the MAA with that organ- ization funding the salary at the minimum rate and to pay the Social Security and the Workman's Compensation of the employee, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval of such an arrangement subject to the approval of the MAA, the City's Park Supervisor and the Park and Recreation Board, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Nuskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the hiring of a park maintenance employee for 14 weeks during the surmner months subject to the approval of the MAA, the City's park-Su~pervisor ~an~d~.the!ack and Recre- ation Board with the MAA reimbursing the city for the employee's minimum salary, Social Security and Workman's Compensation. DATED THIS /s DAY OF FINANCE COMMITTEE Aid. Robert Klenz Ald. Mitchel Penovich Aid. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST: City Clerk -