President Dick Arrowood called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation
Board to order at 7:44 P.M.
PRESENT: Dick Arrowood, Mitchell Penovich, and Karen Wesell; also
Jackie St. Mary, recreation supervisor, and Peter Theis,
parks supervisor.
ABSENT: JoAnn Kehl, Richard Manchester, Tom Raimann, and Carl Wauer.
GUESTS: Ray Christensen, Bill Hayden and Bill Honeck, Alderman Wayne
Salentine, Bob Han, and Duane Regalia.
Members of the Board present did not constitute a quorum and therefore,
no official action could be taken on any requests or matters brought
before the membership.
A. Bill Honeck appeared before the Board to request use of the Muskego
High School pool for Saturday and Sunday, March 6th and 7th. Ori-
ginally they had requested other dates but due to conflict in the
recreation programs just beginning for Session II, they have changed
their request to March 6th and 7th. No problem with those dates as
long as no conflict with the school scheduled activities exists.
Mr. Bob Han- and Mr. Duane Regalia representing the MAA appeared to
discuss the insurance on storage of equipment at Lion's Park. It
"as discovered that there had been no insurance in the past to cover
any of their equipment. It is not covered under the City policy.
The MAA is willing to pay the additional coverage necessary through
the City's general policy. Confirmation is needed on the rider as
to whether the depreciated value or the replacement value will be
used in obtaining the proper insurance coverage. They also reminded
the Board that they meet at 7:00 P.M. in the Lion's Den at City Hall
on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, if any of the Board members would
like to attend.
Alderman Kenneth Steinberg appeared before the Parks and Recreation
Board to discuss two concerns. The first concern is that the buses
on the monthly senior citizen trips are making a special trip to
pick up the seniors at Tudor Oaks, especially when they have their
own bus service. Some people are very disturbed and feel they should
then receive door to door service. Jackie reported that the buses
will stop at Tudor Oaks only if they have more than twelve people
attending, since twelve is the maximum number that the bus will hold.
The Board later in the meeting discussed this concern and felt that
the policy that is implemented at this time be continued. It was
also noted that any seniors living at that side of the city are
welcome to meet the bus at Tudor Oaks. Alderman Steinberg's second
concern was in regard to the Demon Senior Center. He personally
contributed many valuable games to the site and would like to see
it stay open. Discussion followed regarding ways to possibly increase
the participation at the site. The Board will look into this further.
D. Mr. Bill Hayden and Mr. Ray Christensen, representing the Lake Demon
Advancement Association, appeared before the Board to request that
action be taken soon to develop the Lake Meadows Park using the money
($35,000) placed in escrow by developer Stanley Potrykus and utilizing
TIF funds. The Association would like to be actively involved in the
preliminary plans.
Recreation Report
A. The program brochures as mailed out in September were reviewed
and it was noted that no fees were published for 1982, depending
upon what actions are taken on the Recreation budget for 1982
by the Common Council. The Board reviewed the program cost
breakdown and made their unofficial recommendations to the
Finance Committee regarding which programs, if it becomes neces-
s=ry, they felt could be changed. Those program changes would
be as follows:
Men's Basketball League - full cost recovery(raise team fee)
Open Swim - raise fee from $.50 to $1.00 per person per time
Tennis Lessons - raise course fee for children and adults from
$7.50 to $12.00
Saturday Boys Basketball - raise program fee from $3.00 to $5.00
Huff'N Puff - charge $.50 per person per night--used to be free
Idle Isle Lifeguards - have no lifeguards on duty at any time
(in past, weekends only/Sat. and Sun.,
12:OO PM to 8:00 PM)
Summer Tot Lot Playground - $5.00 fee per person for summer-
no charge in past
Summer Playground Trips - make bus trips closer to breakeven status
Baseball - cut Land 0' Lakes, Varsity and Jr. Varsity teams
Turkey Shoot - possibly charge $1.00 per team (should check with
city attorney to see if this would violate gambling
Men's 30 & Over Basketball League - full cost recovery
B. Correspondence from Dance/gymnastics instructor, Mary Kozlik,
was reviewed. She is requesting a pay increase from $12.00
per hour (effective since 6/81) to $14.00 per hour. No official
action was taken due to the lack of a quorum.
C. Bluhm Farm Phase II "as updated. The city has been awarded
$70,000.00 to use for continuation of the Bluhm Farm project.
Jackie presented a tentative outline for the project. The
city's building inspection department will draw up preliminary
plans for the toilet/shelter building and present it to the
P & R Board for discussion at the November meeting. If approval
is there that evening, the plans will be submitted to the DNR for
their approval (a must). Hopefully by January, the Board will
receive word that we can continue with the project. Bids and
specifications will be prepared in January, bids let out the
beginning of February and approved by the end of February, with
construction to begin as soon as possible. Would like to have the
project completed by June when the leagues will be using the
D. A list of personnel for Fall programs "as presented to the Board.
The employees are: (Hourly rates)
Chilrens's Swim Lessons - Diane Zbilicki, $4.90/Cindy Teml, $3.351
Tamy Morris, $3.75
Adult/Tot Swim Lessons - Cindy Teml, $3.35/Dawn Dominski, $3.35
Adult/Teen Swim Lessons - Cindy Teml, $3.35
Lifeguards - Cindy Teml, $3.3O/Dawn Dominski, $3.3O/Dave Pratt,
$3.151 Bill Zach, $3.15
Pool Supervisor - Tamy Morris, $3.60/Cindy Teml, $3.35/Dawn
Dominski, $3.35
Dance Lessons (Children, Teen/Adult, Aerobics) - Mary Kozlik,$12.00
Gymnastics - Mary Kozlik, $12.00/Jeff Kozlik, $3.60/Julie Kozlik,$3.10
Open Basketball - Tamy Morris, $3.60
No formal approval due to lack of a quorum.
Jackie presented a refund policy established by Greendale,
charging a $1.50 handling charge for any refund requests. Those
Board members present felt there should be no refunds issued in
any circumstances.
The Board reviewed the decision of the Rules, Laws and Ordinance
Committee regarding a new ordinance restricting dogs in the
parks. The committee recommended establishing this ordinance
for only Idle Isle. The general feeling of those members
present is that the ordinance should apply to e parks.
An individual has asked if the Parks & Recreation Department
would offer a basketball program for girls in grades 4 thru 8.
He would be willing to donate his time in coordinating the
program. The Board members felt it was a good idea, as long
as the program did not cost the city additional money at this
A letter from Mrs. Daniel Gutt was discussed. She is requesting
a gymnastics program for 1% to 3 year olds be offered through
the recreation office. The Board members present felt that if
an instructor and a facility was available, along with the program
being offered on strictly a break even basis, the Recreation
Department should offer the program since there seems to be a
demand for this type of program for that particular age group.
Park Report -
Pete Theis presented a general report on the project plan for TIF (Tax
Increment District). He suggested that several capital budget items be
purchased under this plan. These would include a tractor, used police
vehicle, portable generator, picnic tables, railroad ties, and garbage
For the amount of attendance during the skating season at Idle Isle,
the cost of providing heat for the warming shelter is proving to be
expensive. Therefore, it was decided to close the shelter for this
coming season. However, the ice rink for skating will be maintained.
Mr. Theis requested that the Board give permission for the firewood located
behind the Parks Garage be sold. It was the concensus of the Board members
that the firewood not be sold but donated for a worthwhile purpose.
The Swim Club special use fee was not discussed due to lack of a quorum.
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 11:OO P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
ff U/10/81