The meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was called to order by President
Richard Al-rowood at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Richard Arrowood, Dick Manchester, Mitchel Penovich, Tom Raimann,
Carl Waler, and Karen Wesell. In attendance, also, were Jackie St. Mary,
the recreation supervisor, and Peter Theis, the parks supervisor.
ABSENT: JoAnn Kehl
GUEST: Harry Udvare, Muskego Athletic Association
The minutes of the meetings held on August 17, August 24 and October 19 were
approved as mailed with no additions or corrections.
There was no one attending this meeting with special requests or ccmcerns to
present to the Board.
Parks Report
Budget Cuts
Pete Theis presented an update on the preliminary budget cuts. The Finance
Committee has recommended the amount budgeted for salaries and wages be cut between
$7,000 and $8,000. The effect of this cut will be presented at the next meeting.
The parks supervisor recommended the Board consider possibly purchasing two small
tractors instead of one. Discussion followed. The majority of the board favored
purchasing one large unit as opposed to two smaller units. Pete was instructed
to prepare specifications for bidding on a unit.
Idle Isle
The warming shelter at Idle Isle has been closed for this season as the cost of
heating is proving to be too expensive for the amount of use.
Once again, there is a problem with vandalism occurring at Idle Isle park.
Minutes, Parks and Recreation Department Board Meeting, November 16, 1981, page 2.
Recreation Report
The Board reviewed the fall/winter/spring brochure and evaluated the program
fees. The Finance Committee had recommend cutting $1,000 on program brochures
by not mailing them out to individual households. The Parks and Recreation
Board felt that through advertising the difference could be made up and programs
could still be mailed.
The Board took no action on the Finance Committee's recommendation to eliminate
the Land 0' Lakes, Varsity and Junior Varsity baseball teams.
Pay Request
The dance instructor's request for a wage increase was presented before the
membership. The Board would give the pay increase of $14.00 per hour if the
program was self-supporting. For the program to be self-supporting, either
a class or two would have to be cancelled or combined, or the class program fee
would be raised. Dick Manchester moved that Mrs. Kozlik should have a raise if
the program is self-sufficient. Tom Raimann seconded the motion. Dick Manchester
moved to defer action on the request until the next meeting. Motion was seconded
by Carl Wauer and it carried.
Bluhm Farm Update
Due to the hospitalization of Gerry Lee, the building inspector, plans and
specifications for a shelter at Bluhm Farm Park were not available. The Board
members like the design of the shelter at the County Park in Muskego and instructed
the recreation supervisor to see if the plans for that shelter could be obtained
from the Waukesha County Park System.
The employees recommended for hiring for the fall recreational programs were
preseat8.3. before the Board. Tom Raimann moved, Richard Manchester seconded,
to approve the personnel for the fall program. Motion carried.
Refund Policy
After discussion of the refund policies of other recreation departments, Richard
Manchester moved with Karen Wesell seconding to give no refunds on programs
sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department. The motion carried with
three ayes and two nos.
Dog Ordinance
Action was taken on the dogs in parks ordinance in the form of a motion made
by Karen Wesell to reconnnend to the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee that there
by no dogs allowed in any park. The motion was seconded by Mitchel Penovich and
it carried receiving three ayes and two nos.
Minutes, Parks and Recreation Department Board Meeting, November 16, 1981, page 3.
Other Programs
Kanen Wesell moved, Richard Manchester sedonded, to approve the basketball program
and the gymnastics program as long as these two programs would breakeven.
Motion carried.
Karen Wesell moved to have Jackie look into a ceramics class and look into buying
kilns. The motion was seconded by Mitchel Penovich and it carried; the motion
receiving three ayes and two nos.
The turkey shoot program held last Saturday proved to be a success with 72
participants and one team scored 23 points out of a possible 24.
Building Requests
Karen Wesell moved to deny the request from Mrs. Narula for Thanksgiving Day,
November 26, as there would not be a custodian to open and close the facility
that day. The motion after being seconded by Richard Manchester carried.
The request from the “Pigeon Club” for use of Horn Recreation Building in
1982 was discussed. The Board would like the club to submit a list of the
membership and the recreation supervisor could not guarantee the 1982 dates
would be available as the department may need the building for programs.
The special use fee for the high school pool was discussed. Carl Wauer moved,
Karen Wesell seconded, to charge the Muskego Marlin Swim Club $4.30/hour to
utilize the pool for swim club use from January 1, 1982, to January 1, 1983.
(Based on use of the 340 hours as requested at $4.30 per hour, this would equal
$1,462.00.) The motion carried 4-l with Tom Raimann voting “no.”
Resignation Letter
On behalf of the Board, Mr. Arrowood thanked Tom Raimann for his years of service
to the Parks and Recreation Board.
Richard Manchester moved, Karen Wesell seconded, to adjourn the meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 21 at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,