MONDAY, MAY 18, 1981
The meeting was called to order by Dick Manchester at 7:30.
PRESENT: Dick Manchester, Tom Raimann, Carl Wauer, JoAnn Kehl,
Mitch4 Penovich (Council Representative), Jackie St. Mary,
Peter Theis - Mr. Arrowood arrived at this time.
The Minutes were approved as mailed.
Mr. Gordon Messmer of a snowmobile club in Big Bend requested the use
of Idle Isle for a picnic for his group on July 18th. Tom Raimann
moved to deny the request. The motion was seconded by Ms. Kehl and
discussion followed. The denial motion carried.
Jim Lamm representing the Muskego Life Sports was present with a
request that the Board reconsider the $8.00 per hour charge which
they had set for the group's pool use this summer. He requested
that the same hourly rate as the winter session be used. Mr. Man-
chester moved to reconsider fees for the summer program and Tom Raimann
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Tom Raimann then moved to provide
pool use to the group for the summer at no charge but the motion failed
for lack of a second.
Tom Toone, representing an adult amateur soccer team, requested the
use of Kurth Park as a home field for his team. The team plays in
the Fall and Spring and has five home games each season on Sunday
afternoons. His group is trying to promote soccer in the area and
is planning to provide coaching for the Muskego Recreation youth teams.
Mr. Manchester moved to allow the use of Kurth for the next Fall and
Spring season, and contingent upon no problems in the neighborhood
developing, future use would be allowed. Mr. Wauer seconded the motion
and the motion carried.
Rahshal Kowal was present to discuss the matter of her rehiring for
the summer of 1981 as an Idle Isle attendant. After discussion Tom
Raimann moved to approve hiring her and Mr. Manchester seconded the
motion. The motion carried.
A request by Pete to reconsider the hiring of Jerry Cahak for a summer
position was discussed. Mr. Wauer moved to rehire Mr. Cahak for the
.same position he had last year and Mr. Manchester seconded the motion
which carried.
In a move back to the swimming discussion, Mr. Manchester moved to
charge the normal open swim rate of $.50 per swimmer for the summer
hours which the swim club will have for their use. Mr. Wauer seconded
and the motion carried. Mr. Lamm was informed of this information.
Minutes of Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, 5/18/1981 - Page 2
PARKS: Basically things are going well in all parks with the exception
of a problem at Idle Isle. The well at that faaility has been
causing some concern. It is drying out.
Bluhm Farm - A request for a shelter/restroom building and
other improvements h&s been submitted to LAWCON for funding.
Phones have now been installed at Kurth and Lions Parks.
Baseball - The Parkland Conference says that it will not
allow Muskego to play in the conference if the High School
is not running the program. Milwaukee County is no longer
in charge of the program so Muskego will have to supply
WIAA umpires.
Dance Recital - The recital was held on May 15th and 16th
at the Muskego High Little Theatre and went well.
Summer Personal - Recommendations for hiring were presented
to the Board. Mr. Manchester moved to approve the list of
those reconnnended and Mr. Penovich seconded the motion. Motion
A lease with Dick Schaumberg for a piece of property near Bay
Lane School was discussed. Mr. Raimann moved to recommend
to the Common Council to approve the lease. Mr. Manchester
seconded the motion and it carried.
The Water Bugs Ski Club - Discussion on a 40' pier to be
constructed near the jib crane. This project would need
approval from the Board in order for the pier to be used.
HOWeVer, it was learned that the pier has already been built
by the group ahead of receiving such approval. Therefore,
a possible problem with the swimming area exists. Pete is
to check on the state statute regarding the distance necessary
from a swimming area and water skiing and boat operation.
Further information is being requested on the Bluhm Farm
drainage problem by Mr. David Schreiber. At present, he
needs information on available funds to solve the problem.
Bills which are being held from Mr. Schreiber for services
rendered are to be held until he returns the overcharge check
from Phase 1.
The Land O'Lakes team has enough players from the city of Muskego
for the coming season.
Minutes of Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, 5/18/81 - Page 3
A request from the LMLA to hold their annual Muskego Fun Fest at Idle
Isle on July 17, 18, and 19th has been received in the form of a letter
from the association. Mr. Manchester moved to deny the request and
Tom Raimann seconded the motion. Discussion followed regarding the
access and space problems at the facility. The motion failed. Mr.
Wauer then moved to meet with the LMLA committee and discuss concerns
before any decisions are made. Ms. Kehl seconded the motion and it
carried. Wednesday, June 3rd with the alternate date of the 4th,
was set as a tentative meeting date with the LMLA Committee. Time
would be 8:00 P.M.
Motion to adjourn was made and seconded and meeting adjourned at
11;OO P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Raimann, Secretary
TM/ff/ b/8/81