MONDAY, MARCH 16th, 1981
President Dick Arrowood called the meeting of the Parks and
Recreation Board to order at 7 30 P.M.
PRESENT Dick Arrowood, JoAnn Kehl, Richard Manchester,
Tom Raimann, Michael Weed, Karen Wesell, Peter
Theis, Parks Supervisor, and Jackie St. Mary,
Recreation Supervisor,
ABSENT Carl Waxer
The minutes of the February 16th meeting were approved as
Mr. Bob Hollman and Mr. Jim Lamb, representing Muskego Life
Sports,appeared before the Board concerning the $1,200.00 assessment for pool use by the swimming club. They informed
the Board that the club membership was tenuous now because
of the membership fees and the largest cost to the club at
present was the pay to the coaches. They felt that this
added cost for pool use may force the club out of existence.
A11 club members are from the Muskego Norway School District.
Mr. Hollman and Mr. Lamb were informed the pool use fee
would be reconsidered by the Board before any further action.
1. Pete gave an update on the lawn mowing proposal. He has
contacted Kujawa Enterprises for an estimated cost. No figures
have been received as they needed to know how often the park-
land areas were cut. Once this information is received, they will come up with a cost for each of the three categories -
parks, ball fields, and municipal grounds.
Pete anticipates a problem with lawn mowing this year because
of the cutback in the CETA program. Last year, the park crew
had four persons in May and this year will have only two per-
sons. Michael Weed moved to hire two seasonal persons from
April 1 through September 30th in place of two full-time CETA
employees. The motion was seconded by Dick Manchester and
Minutes - Parks & Rec. Board Meeting - March 16th, 1981 - Page 2
2. The signs for the parks have been completed and should
be erected once the ground has thawed.
1. A letter was received from Mike Fitzgerald of the Water
Bugs indicating that they have planned a meeting on Monday,
March 23rd at 8 00 P.M. at Cliffords in Muskego for the
purpose of listening to any concerns the neighbors of Idle
Isle Park and Little Muskego Lake might have with regards to
their performances on Wednesday and Sunday evenings this
2. There is $35,000.00 in the Capital Bud.get for Bluhm
Farm even though all LAWCON funds have been frozen. This
amount of money can be used even if no LAWCON funding is
obtained. Dick Manchester moved to have Schreiber & Associ-
ates start work on the plans and specifications for work on
Bluhm Farm, Phase II and see how much can be done for $35,000
with the contingency that $35,000 be obtained from LAWCON if
money becomes available. Michael Weed seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
3. A review of the bills submitted by Schreiber and Associates
revealed that he has been paid $817.00 ($817+ of the $l,lOO+
requested extra) over contact. Karen Wesell moved to hold
Schreiber & Associates to the original contract of $10,000
and request the excess money paid be returned to the city.
The motion received a second from Tom Raimann. Motion
carried. (Reason: Requested extra monies were to be taken
care of under the original contract. Finance Committee had
sent motion of November 17th back to Parks and Recreation
4. A letter was received from Bob Kreuser indicating that
the schools may need the fill from the skinning and grading
of the ball fields at Bay Lane School. He is to be contacted
before anything is done with the fill.
5. Registration for the programs will still be on a first-come
first-served basis, but the procedure will be changed with the implementation of a new form. Adults will also have to register
in person, not over the telephone. The cost for 5,000 regis-
tration forms would be $185.00, including a set-up fee of $38.00,
the money can be taken from the amount budgeted for office sup- plies.
Minutes - Parks & Rec. Board Meeting - March 16th, 1981 - Page 3
6. Pete and Jackie requested engaging Jim Weitzer, a field work student, for the summer starting the 1st or 2nd week in
June, through July. Mike Week moved, Dick Manchester seconded, to approve the request. Motion carried.
7. As of this date, no manager yet for the Land O'Lakes
8. There are 13 persons registered for the Scuba Diving program.
9. Mrs. Frami has been contacted about cleaning at the
Denoon Senior Center. She will try to clean it once a
week and see how this works out with the site manager.
10. Last Saturday, the Lions Club again offered their help painting the Denoon Senior Center.
11. A request was received from Mrs. Bogdan for use of a ball
diamond from 6:30 P.M. - 8 30 P.M. beginning June 12 through
July 31 for a couples league. Dick Manchester seconded the
motion made by Karen Wesell to approve the request. Motion
carried. They are to use Kurth Park ball diamond.
12. Jackie requested approval to attend the WPRA Workshop
to be held in Oshkosh on May 7th and 8th, 1981. Since this
workshop was budgeted for, the Board had no objection and ap-
proval was granted.
13. Mr. Paul Bergan, swim coach for the University of Texas
and graduate of Muskego High School will do a free swim clinic
on Tuesday, April 14th, from 4 00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. with a
demonstration in the pool. There will be no admission charge.
Alderman Knudsen will ask the Chamber of Commerce if they could
donate some money ($150 00) to take Mr. Bergan and his swimmers
out to dinner.
A letter from the Mayor concerning a delayed bill over
&O.OO from Johnny's Petroleum The department has no record
of unpaid bills amounting to the outstanding balance of $506.88 which Johnny's shows. Michael Weed recommended that the situa-
tion be checked by the city attorney. Alderman Knudsen recom-
mended that the bill be sent to Finance Committee for action
but that it is not to come out of Parks and Recreation's Budget The letter is to be given back to the Mayor with no action,
with a request for more information Karen Wesell moved, Dick
Manchester seconded, to deny the request for payment to Johnny
Motion carried.
Minutes - Parks & Rec. Board Meeting - March 16th, 1981 - Page 4
15. A problem has arisen with regard to employees assigned
to work at the high school pool and the keys assigned them.
The Muskego Life Sports pool use fee was reconsidered by the Board. Dick Manchester moved to reconsider the motion charging
the swim club $1,200. Tom Raimann seconded the motion to
reconsider. Motion carried. Michael Weed moved to amend the
motion to reduce the fee to $100.00 per month or $600.00 per season. The amended motion was seconded by Tom Raiman and
it carried, with Michael Weed, Dick Manchester, JoAnn Kehl
voting "yes", and Tom Raimann and Karen Wesell voting "no".
Lions Park - Alderman Knudsen requested that backstops be
taken down at Lions Park because of a problem with parking
and balls going out of the park during practice games. Neigh-
bors have been complaining and the softball playing at the park is not working out. Dick Manchester moved to donate the park back to the Lions Club, Tom Raimann seconded. The
motion failed. To solve the problem, it was recommended to
possibly contact the men's and women's leagues to request
that they do not use the ball field.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at lo:30 P M. Meeting
adjourned at 10 30 P.M. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday,
April 20, at 7 30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Raimann, Secretary