PRB060381minutesMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SPECIAL BOARD MEETING JUNE 3, 1981 This special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Department's Board members was to discuss and take action on LMLA's request for use of Idle Isle on July 17, 18 and 19 for their annual Fun-FEST. The meeting was called to order at 8.00 p.m. by Dick Arrowood. MEMBERS PRESENT. Dick Arrowood, Richard Manchester, JoAnn Kehl, Carl Wauer, M&he1 Penovich and Tom Raimann MEMBERS ABSENT: Karen Wesell. GUESTS. Committee from LMLA, a representative from the Police Department, and Mike Fitzgerald. Request was received to allow the Water Bugs to remove the swimming buoys when practicing take-offs from the pier. This request was deferred until the Park Board has a chance to review the site. The Water Bugs need approval from other departments to allow taking off from the pier. If this permission is not obtained, the basic program could be cancelled. Little Muskego Lakes Association presented their request to the Board for use of Idle Isle on July 17, 18 and 19 for their Fun-FEST event. Except for the location of the tents, they requested the same use as 1980 consisting of use of bleachers, parking at Parkland Mall with busing service to the park and parking at park. Concern was expressed about drinking and fights occurring. Suggestion was made to possibly close the beer tent earlier, however, Mr. Bagley said it was no problem last year with the closing time. I During the Fun-FEST event, the LMLA could possibly hire special deputies. The music entertainment at the Fun-FEST would be western and 60's music but no hard rock bands. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board's Special Meeting, June 3, 1981, page 2. The LMLA is to set up with the Police Department a time to discuss use and amount of special deputies or private protection. When asked to always shut off taps at about quarter to 12 (mid- night) and lights be out at 12;OO (midnight), concern was ex- pressed about Idle Isle being too small, however, Mr. Bagley thought not. Another concern of the Park Board was that the washroom be secured from entry by enclosing the toilets and blocking them off with only the sinks accessible. LMLA to barricade off area JoAnn Kehl suggested that bleachers only be brought over with Pete contacted and clean up with Pete there and to his satis- faction. The parking area is to be worked out by LMLA keeping in mind that last year there was a problem with the tents encroaching:\ to the park area. Carl Wauer moved to give permission for the requested dates with the stipulation that the LMLA come to the next regular meeting and organize and coordinate with Pete Theis and the Board all the details such as parking, cleaning, and bleachers. Motion was seconded by JoAnn Kehl. Discussion followed. The motion carried. Discussion continued on the closing time of the beer tent. Suggestion was made for parking signs along Muskego Drive and stop signs be erected during the event. LMLA Committee indi- cated the problems experienced last year were not because of the closing time. The item was further discussed. The beer tent opens at about 10:00 a.m. It was suggested that the police have the power to close it down earlier than scheduled if deemed necessary. Tom Raimann moved to close the beer tent at 11 00 p.m. with- Richard Manchester seconding. The motion carried to close at 11.00 p.m. LMLA brought up the erosion problem at Idle Isle. An explana- tion was given to the Park Board. MI'SCELLANEOUS Jackie St. Mary requested permission to purchase gymnastics bars and a vaulting board for $450. Carl Wauer moved to grant Jackie permission to purchase equipment. JoAnn Kehl seconded. The motion carried. l Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board's Special Meeting, June 3, 1981, page 3. MISCELLANEOUS (CONTINUED) Mike Fitzgerald appeared at the request of the Park Board to discuss the location of the pier at Idle Isle Park. Motion made by Carl Wauer to approve location of the pier was seconded by JoAnn Kehl. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10 00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tom Raimann, Secretary sjd/7-1-81