PRB061581minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1981 President Dick Arrowood called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board to order at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Dick Arrowood, JoAnn Kehl, Richard Manchester, and Tom Raimann. Also present were Jackie St. Mary, the recreation supervisor; Peter Theis, the parks supervisor; and Irttern Jim Weitzer. ABSENT: Mitchel Penovich, Carl Wauer, Karen Wesell. The minutes of both the May 18 and ,$une 3 meetings will be reviewed at the next meeting. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Mr. Jim Lamm, a representative of the Marlins Swim Club, was present and stated that an agreement has been made with the school system for the use of the high school pool. He would like to set up the program for the whole year for 1982 including the mummer. They are not using the pool this summer but would like a flat hourly rate for the coming year. Request is to be presented to a subcommittee. Discussion of the June 3, 1981, special meeting that was held with the LMLA Fun-FEST Committee. Members of that LMLA committee who were to be present at today's board meeting were not in attendance. Mr. Manchester made a motion to leave matters such as details regarding bleachers, cleaning, et cetera, up to Pete to work out with the LMLA. Also, to be worked out is the use of the paint machine plus paint cost, and an hourly rate to be kept trackLofand accordingly charged to the LMLA. The motion was seconded by Karen Wesell. (The cost to be assessed will be $3.50/hour plus the cost of travel time.) The motion carried. Karen Wesell then moved to leave one washroom open and to remove the toilets from that washroom and lock the others. Mr. Manchester seconded the motion, but the motion failed to carry. Karen Wesell then moved to close both washrooms and provide an outdoor wash area (hose and sink.) Mr. Manchester seconded the motion and it carried. At this time, concern was expressed by the Park Board that the LMLA was not present as requested to work out the details for the Fun-FEST. Since the discussion on the Fun-FEST was one sided, many questions could not be answered. Pete is to contact Mr. Bagley concerning the things which were discussed. Mr. Manchester moved that in case of a wet weekend (as determined by Pete,) there is to be parking only on the Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, June 15, 1981, page 2. Pmcso~AL APPEARANCES (CONTINUED) blacktop. Karen Wesell seconded the motion and it carried. Mrs. Wesell then moved to have Pete put up a sign stating "Parking in Designated Areas Only." Seconded by Mr. Manchester, the motion carried. PARKS REPORT The suggestion of offering a reward for information regarding vandalism at Idle Isle Park being posted on a sign was discussed. Pete stated that windows were being broken so he has boarded up the areas on the building. The Board directed him to monitor the vandalism occurring at this facility. The grass at Bluhm Farm Park has only been cut once. The contractor has stated that he will be cutting this week. The Board instructed Pete to tell the contractor that if it is not cut this week, the Parks Department will cut the grass and the amount of time per hour will be deducted from the balance due on his contract. It was noted that the sod and grass seeded areas are coming up well. A request from the Electric Company to take some branches down in the Bluhm Farm Park was brought to the Board's attention. The trimming is to be done at Pete's discretion. It was noted that Tuesday nights were scheduled for Bethel Lutheran Junior League use, not team use, at the high school ball field. The field is to be prepared by Pete as before, but next year the request for field use is to be reviewed more carefully. RECREATION REPORT Program registration on June 11 went smoothly. Approximately $5,000 in revenue was collected in fees for the various programs. Beginning swimming lessons were the fastest program to fill. The drainage problem at Bluhm Farm was discussed and a letter from Marsha Lea of David Schreiber Associates was introduced. There is a balance of between $3,800 and $5,800 left in project funds. Mr. Blotz from the DNR suggested that a change order instead of an amendment be used concerning this matter. Mr. Arrowood will contact Schreiber concerning the problem. Some bills from David Schreiber regarding Bluhm Farm Phase II were discussed. The review of the master plan was done before the Mayor and Jackie prepared the information for LAWCON. There are three outstanding bills involved and a debit for the amount which Schreiber owes the City was discussed. A citizen from the Lake Demon area would like to donate a gazebo to the City. Pete is to look at it and check the feasibility of moving it and to which park. Idle Isle was mentioned as a possible site. A neighbor of the Mill Valley ball diamond complex would like "No Trespassing" signs erected along the south property line. Pete is to take care of doing so. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, June 15, 1981, page 3. RECREATION REPORT (CONTINUED) Jackie requested funds to purchase a "mini-tramp" trampoline for use in the gymnastics classes. Karen Wesell moved to approve the purchase as long as its use is covered under our insurance coverage (Jackie is to check on this.) JoAnn Kehl seconded the motion and it carried. A committee is to be set up to study the Mriskego Life Sports Swimming Club request for the coming year. JoAnn Kehl/Chairperson, Karen Wesell, and Tom Raimann are the members of said committee. The senior citizen trips are filling and possibly will go into the red this year. A reminder was given that the Waukesha Cruise Fleet had Board approval in May of 1980 to use Idle Isle the Sunday after Labor Day this fall. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Next meeting date is Monday, July 20, at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tom Raimann, Secretary sjd/7-2-81