PRB072081minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING MONDAY, JULY 20, 1981 The meeting was called to order by our chairman Richard Arrowood at ?:31 p.m. PRESENT: Richard Arrowood, Mitchel Penovich, Carl Wauer, Karen Wesell; and Jackie St. Mary, the recreation supervisor. ABSENT: JoAnn Kehl, Richard Manchester; and Peter Theis, the parks supervisor. LATE ARRIVAL: Tom Raimann The minutes of the May 18, June 3, and June 15, 1981, meetings were approved as mailed. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Mr. Maynard Schuessler accompanied by Stanley Potrykus appeared before the Board. As he is in the process of building a solar home on Lot 132 in the Lake Meadows subdivision, he would like to have the walkway next to his lot finished at the time he sods and landscapes his lot. He is offering to sod or seed and landscape this walkway (45' X 17'.) He would like the City to donate materials and he would do the labor. Further, he suggested planting poplar trees on both sides of this walkway. Mr. Schuessler was informed that there are no plans for this land, or money set aside for that purpose. Mr. Schuessler also would maintain this land for the City. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Parks Brought to the Board's attention was the dates approved by the Finance Committee for the Waterbug's to use the dock. Their request was for July 15, 18, 19, 22, 26 and 29, August 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 18, 23, 26 and 30, September 2, 6, 7, 13 and 20. Carl Wauer made a motion to okay these dates for the Waterbugs. Motion was seconded by Mitchel Penovich. The motion carried. Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, July 20, 1981, page 2. DEPARTMENT REPORTS (CONTINUED) Parks (Continued) Karen Wesell made a motion to recommend to the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee to revise Ordinance No. 26.02 (1) (C) not to allow dogs in parks. The motion received a second from Mitch4 Penovich. Motion carried. Concerned citizens have notified the department that the street lights are out at Kurth Park. The Wisconsin Electric Company has been called to fix them. For their Muscular Dystrophy Tournament the New Berlin VFW had many teams registered and needed more ball diamonds. They requested use of Mill Valley fields from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 18. Authori- zation was given by Mr. Arrowood and a $40 deposit was received by the city. Of this deposit, $20 would be kept to reimburse the City for setting up the field. The fields were worked by the Parks and Recreation staff members Jerry, 2 hours @ $3.70/hour and Matt, 2 hours @ $6.301 hour = $20.00. Recreation Letter was received from the Muskego Athletic Association requesting the department to reserve Mill Valley ball diamonds for their all-star game on August 8 with August 9 as their raindate. (If the raindate is used, the games must be over by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.) Karen' Mesell moved, seconded by Carl Wauer, to approve the request providing that if the raindate is used, they must be off the fields by 5:00 p.m. Motion carried. Muskego Life Sports has requested use of the high school pool for their swim along on Saturday, September 19, from 8:00 a.m.-5:OO p.m. This date does not conflict with any Parks and Recreation Department program. Tom Raimann moved to approve the request for MLS to use the high school pool on Saturday, September 19. Motion was seconded by Carl Wauer and it carried. Tom Raimann also moved to charge Muskego Life Sports $7.50/hour if no City employees are used. Again, this motion received a second from Carl Wauer. The motion carried. Tudor Oaks Retirement Community needs picnic tables for their festival on September 20. Our department can spare 15-20 tables for their event and they should contact Pete and further their employees will have to move the tables. Karen Wesell moved to approve the request of 15-20 tables providing that they move the tables. Mitchel Penovich seconded the motion and it carried. This year again a request was received from St. Leonard's Congregation for tables and picnic tables for July 25 and 26. As this is prime time for the tables being used in the City's parks, Karen Wesell moved to deny the request for picnic tables. Motion received a second from Mitchel- Penovich. Carl Wauer moved to amend the motion to read that St. Leonard's Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, July 20, 1981, page 3. DEPARTMENT REPORTS (CONTINUED) Recreation (Continued) will be able to have at least 10 long (banquet) tables from Jensen and Horn if they are returned by 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning, July 27, 1981. Tom Raimann seconded the amendment. Motion to amend the motion carried and then the main motion carried. Karen Wesell made a motion to retain $100 deposit for safe return of the tables by 8:00 a.m. on Monday or the deposit would be forfeited. Mitchel Penovich seconded the motion and it carried. The Women's Softball League have requested use of Mill Valley diamonds for their league tournament on July 25 and 26, 1981. Karen Wesell moved, Carl Wauer seconded, to approve their request. Motion carried. The gazebo has been placed in the City Hall park. Because of the power lines in route creating a difficulty, it was not placed at Idle Isle. Jackie reported that the children did well in the soccer tournament. The City was represented in the Hershey Track meet with one relay team and Mike Themar took first at State and may be invited to the national meet in West Virginia. The district meet may be at Muskego next year. The 1982 Budget deadline is to be in the Mayor's office no later than September 14. Jackie and Pete were requested to work up an Operating and Capital Budget to be reviewed at the next meeting. After he gets approval, Jeff Marenda will complete his Eagle Scout project at Denoon Senior Center involving a flower box around the sign and the horseshoe pits. The flower box has been completed. The department's Varsity baseball team is first in the Western Division; however, the playoff game was rained out last Friday. This may be the last year that Muskego will be allowed in the Parkland Conference as all schools must be W.I.A.A. next year. Tom Raimann moved to contact the school board about the situation. The Parks and Recreation Department will not budget for Varsity and Junior Varsity baseball next year because of the new rule that requires the team to be run by the school system. Karen Wesell seconded the motion. The motion carried. The Parks and Recreation Board authorized reimbursements for the following people for the reasons indicated in their individual requests: (1) Eric Niemann, a $5.00 refund requested by his mother on swim lessons as he is too short and can't maintain himself in the water; (~2) Dorothy Fox, a $5.00 refund for her daughter Lox-i's swim lessons as the child is fearful of water at this time; Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, July 20, 1981, page 4. DEPARTMENT REPORTS (CONTINUED) Recreation (Continued) (3) Stephanie and Jessica D-row, a $5.00 refund each on swim lessons as their doctor recommends they not take swimming instruction because of chronic ear infections. The department was notified prior to the start of their session; and (4) Jill Brendelson, a $5.00 refund for adult/tot swim lessons as she has been hospitalized and doctor does not recommend swimming. Carl Wauer moved, seconded by Tom Raimann, to refund all of the above. Motion carried. (1) Carol Buckholtz, a $40.00 refund for scuba diving according to reason on doctor's excuse; and (2) Jack Thomas, a $40.00 refund for scuba diving as the rescheduled program conflicts with his occupation. Tom Raimann moved and Carl Wauer seconded to approve reimbursement to these individuals for scuba diving. Motion carried. Jackie presented an update on the money left for Bluhm Farm Park development. At their regular meeting, the Finance Committee deferred action on request for $300 for a survey of the area. Funds, however, have been released by the federal 8overnment for a shelter. A look at the park area revealed that the grass is still long, weeds are present in the infield, and the sod is dying. Pete is requested to go out there with the landscapel- and evaluate what needs to be done before the landscaper is to be paid. At Jensen Park, the bleachers have been built into a hill and railroad ties placed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Next meeting scheduled for August 17, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, TOM RAIMANN, SECRETARY sjd/7-30-81