PRB011981minutesMINUIES PAHKS &HXREATIONHCAHD, CIlYOFMUSKM;o JANUARY 19, 1981 The meeting was called to order by Dick Arrowcod at 7:40 P.M. MEMHEHS PHKSENT~ Dick Arrowcod, JoAnn Kehl, Richard Manchester, lbm Haimann, Michael Weed, Karen Wesell, with Jackie St. Mary the Recreation Supervisor, and Peter Theis, the Parks Supervisor, in attendance. E!rn5lm AF?sEwr Carl Wauer The Minutes of the December meeting were approved as mailed. PKHSCNALAPPKAHANCES Mr. Bob Harr of the Muskego Athletic Association was present to inform the Hoard of their little league program for 1981. last year they had 750 participants in their two divisions, bays/7-15 years old, and girls/7-18 years old. If possible, they are hoping to extend the boys program to 16 year old participants. The league has 8 T-ball teams, 8 junior boys teams, 8 senior boys teams, 6 junior girls teams, 6 senior girls teams, and 12 softball teams. Because they expect a large influx of boys into junior hardball, they are requesting one or two more fields this season. Mr. Harr further pointed out the problem experienced last year at Horn. The Monday and Thursday Varsity practicing until 6:00 P.M. conflicted with their starting teams. He requested additional use of Kurth and Jensen diamonds, if possible, on Tuesdays and Fridays to alleviate the Horn Field conflict problem. 'Ihe MAA was generally pleased with the condition of the diamonds last year. Mr. Harr suggested that possibly Bethel Lutheran and the Icetronauts could work out a schedule to use one field. Last year the MAA purchased a pitching machine and they would like one mxning a week or one day a week to use it, further, they may be requesting some Saturdays in May to practice on the machine. The Hoard requested a review of MAA's finances. 'Ihey show a balance in their treasury of $10,000 which is a result of profits from a good fund raising project. With this amount available, they will not be requesting any money for their program this year ($1,700), but may make a request next year. Parks Division Since there are no CET'A funds available in Waukesha County, an employee cannot be hired, therefore, the Parks Division is operating with a skeleton crew of two. With only two on the staff, the Parks crew plows the police department, fire stations, senior citizen center, and parks, getting to the main areas first. Pete reported that the signs for the parks are almost finished. MINUTES - PARKS & REC. BOARD MEEIING, CITY OF MUSKEGC - JANUARY 19, 1981 PAGE 2 The cost for refurbishing the bleachers to be used at Bluhm Farm Park can be 5% reimbursed through LAWON. The possibility of contracting out the mowing of park lands? We will have to wait until spring to get a cost figure. The garage winterization is working out well, we have a sav- ings of about 50% on the fuel bill. Dave Schreiber has been requested to submit an itemized bill on the extra work completed at Bluhm Farm, Phase III. Jackie inquired as to where the money is budgeted if Dave Schreiber prints copies of the Master Plan. She is to check to see if it is in the 1980 Budget. Recreation Division Jackie presented a report on the pool expenses and the revenues received from our programs. Karen Wesell moved, seconded by Michael Weed, to increase the open swim fee from 25c to 5Oc. The motion carried. Action on the Marlin Swim Club was deferred. Jackie was directed to get addtional information on their membership as to residents or non-residents and how many people are involved. The Recreation Division is accepting registrations for Session II of the Fall/Winter/Spring programs. The lifeguard at Idle Isle may not be needed until later in the summer. Idle Isle receives the most use between the hours of 4:OO p.m. and 6 00 p.m With this in mind, the Board requested a legal opinion about whether or not a guard is needed. NEW BUSINESS Scuba Lesson Program Jackie provided information on the projected Scuba Lesson Program. Ervin's Skin Diver Shop will conduct the program at no cost to the City. Jackie was instructed to check on their insurance coverage. Tom Raimann moved to accept the program contingent on Erv's carrying (as per city attorney) adequate insurance coverage. Karen Wesell seconded the motion and it carried. Discussion of the fee for participants in this program followed. Karen Wesell moved to charge $40, seconded by JoAnn Kehl. The motion failed. After discussion, Tom Rai- mann moved to reconsider with JoAnn Kehl seconding and the motion to charge $40 carried. l E~.%PARKS%F.EC. EKLkRDMEFTING, CITY GFMIJ3KRGO - JANUARY19, 1981 PAGE 3 Miscellaneous Karen Wesell requested a ceramics program be initiated by the Parks and Recreation Department. No action was taken. The ice for skating at Idle Isle is rough and the Parks crew have started using the shaver on the rink. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Tom Raimann and seconded by Karen Wesell to adjourn the meeting at 10~05 p.m. Motion carried. The next meeting will be on February 16 at 7 30 p.m. Respectfully submitted Tom Raimann, Secretary sjd/l-28-81