PRB011281minutesBASEBALL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD, CITY OF MUSKEGO MONDAY, ,JANUARY 12, 1981 The meeting of the Baseball Subcommittee was called to order at 8:00 p.m. to discuss the hiring of baseball coaches, the Land 0' Lakes program, and diamond use and scheduling. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Dick Arrowood. Tom Raimann. Carl Wauer. Karen Wesell; and Jackie St. Mary, the -recreation supervisor. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. BLIJHM FARM . ..The fields at Bluhm Farm have only recently been established. A letter was received from Dave Schreiber in which he indicated that the baseball diamonds should not be played on this summer. HORN FIELD SCHEDULING . ..The problem of scheduling games at Horn Field was discussed. Last year the Varsity games ran over into another team's scheduled use of the field; and many of the games were rescheduled on the nights the M. A. A. Senior Boys play. The committee requested Jackie St. Mary to find out if it is possible to use Milwaukee County park field as home field instead of Horn. It appears to be cheaper to pay Milwaukee County double the entrance fee than using Horn. LAND 0' LAKES . ..A point under discussion was the manager's salary for the Land 0' Lakes team. Comparison study revealed that no other teams pay a manager; and this next season, the Board may not want to pay a manager. Jon Beatka seems interested in the managerial position and Jackie was asked to find out if he is interested at no pay. Further to inquire if he would also attend regular meetings. VARSITY COACH... A recent survey indicates that the salary we pay the Varsity coach is the lowest in the Conference. If last season's Junior Varsity coach is interested in coaching the Varsity team, we will move him up to that position; and only advertise the Junior Varsity position available in the news media. BAY LANE BALL DIAMONDS... The diamonds at the Bay Lane school are in poor shape and should be fixed. The fields could probably be landscaped during the Easter break (April 16-24) when the school is not in session. To help with the project, a front end loader may be provided by a citizen. Minutes, Baseball Subcommittee Meeting of Parks and Recreation Board, January 12, 1981, page 2. 6. PITCHING MACHINE... Last year the M.A.A. purchased a pitching machine and had difficulty scheduling its use. This year they will be requesting one day a week at Mill Valley diamonds for practicing on this machine. The Committee will check with Pete to see if this can be arranged. 7. DIAMOND RESERVATIONS...After discussion, it was concluded to reserve the diamonds same as lastyear unless groups reduce use. A schedule form will be instituted this year and every league will have to file one. The meeting adjourned about 1O:OO p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tom Raimann, Secretary TR:sjd