February 16, 1981
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
PRESENT: Richard Arrowood, Richard Manchester, Carl Wauer, Tom Raimann,
and Jackie St. Mary, Recreation Supervisor.
ABSENT: Michael Weed, JoAnn Kehl, Karen Wesell
The minutes of the Janu_ary 19 meeting were approved as mailed.
Mr. Jack Anderson, representing the Muskego Yacht Club, was present to request
the use of Idle Isle on May 16 and 17 for a regatta. This would be before
official opening of the park use for the season. Mr. Manchester moved to
approved the request and Mr. Wauer seconded the motion. The motion carried
and the facility will be open for the event.
A final payment request by Struck & Irwin has been received. Its payment in the amount of $1,375 has been approved by Dave Schreiber & Associates since
the fencing is now completed. Mr. Manchester moved to recommend the Finance
Committee approve the request and Tom Raimann seconded the motion. It was
Correspondence from Dave Schreiber regarding a cost breakdown for the Finance
Committee of a request for additonal payment to him was discussed. The payment
in question had been approved by the Park Board. However, action on the matter
was tabled until the next meeting in order to facilitate further study of the
Discussion of the bill submitted by Mr. Earl Cook for $200 for 187 hours of work
followed. The Board agreed that $200 was a minimal payment and will urge the
Finance Connnittee to approve payment of the bill. Mr. Cook had asked the
Board to determine the fee. He did not donate his time.
A bill from Dave Schreiber was introduced but payment of same will be held up
until the contract is clarified and the balance of the account is straightened
Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, February 16, 1981, page 2.
l Parks (Continued)
A request by St. Leonard's for use of folding tables was discussed. At present
there are not many tables available for their use. When they had previously
used our tables, they were not returned on time. Carl Wauer moved to approve
the request and Tom Raimann seconded the motion. At this point, Mr. Manchester
moved and Tom Raimann seconded to amend the original motion to include the
provision that the tables be returned to Horn by Noon on Monday, March 9. The
motion as amended then carried.
The Wolf Construction Company had gone to the Finance Committee to request
further payment on their balance. Same was approved and now there is only
$500 being retained. Three thousand dollars (or a minimum of $2,000) had been
recommended as a retainer by Mr. Schreiber. The Board wishes to go on record
that there is deep concern about the Finance Committee's disregard of the
recommendations made by the Parks & Recreation Board and their professional
consultant firm. It is the Board's opinion that contractors be sent to the
Parks Board first, and not be allowed to move directly up to the Finance Com-
mittee for action. A letter dated January 7, 1981, from Marcia Lea of David
Schreiber & Associates concerning the remaining incomplete work, and also, the
past minutes of the Parks & Recreation Board meeting should be reviewed by
the Finance Committee.
The Comprehensive Plans have been received and have been distributed.
After review, $1,375.22 in state sales taxes were incorrectly paid by the City
between 1978 and 1980 for program revenue. Only open programs are taxable and
not instructional programs. Up to the present, taxes were paid on both areas;
therefore, a refund request was made.
Regarding the scuba lessons to be offered through the department, it appears
the insurance liability will be acceptable.
The questions of liability regarding a lifeguard at Idle Isle Park was discussed.
The possibility of closing swimming except on weekends during the hotter part
of summer was mentioned.
The Marlin Swim Club membership and fees were reported. They are a club of
50 members who are Muskego residents. Their fees are as follows: $28 for the
1st person in a family, $24 for the 2nd member of the family, and $18 for the
3rd member of the family per session. Carl Wauer moved to charge the swim club
$10 per hour for pool use. The motion failed for lack of a second. The swim
club uses the pool for approximately 25% of the time assessed the Parks and
Recreation Department. They are there between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday, for a total of 260 hours and little over 6 months. It was
decided that a flat fee of $1,200 annually would be their portion of the charges
the department is billed for pool usage for the two sessions. Motion regarding
same was made, seconded and carried, with Manchester and Wauer voting yes and
Raimann no. The effect of the foregoing is that $600 will be charged for the
second period of use from October through December for 1981.
Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, February 16, 1981, page 3.
0 Recreation (Continued)
A Baseball Sub-committee report was given. Jackie St. Mary, Recreation
Supervisor, presented a presentation on team uniforms. Old uniform samples were viewed and prices for new uniforms were quoted. For a total of $692.25
16 uniforms, which would include pants and jerseys (in anylon double knit
fabric), lettering, numbers, and caps ($43.26 each) could be purchased.
Tom Raimann moved to approve buying 16 new uniforms for varsity excluding
caps. The motion was seconded by Carl Wauer and carried. Tom Raimann further
moved to require that all members of the Junior Varsity and Varsity teams
buy their own caps from the City. The City is to buy 32 caps at $3.50 each.
Carl Wauer seconded the motion and the motion carried.
The entry fees for the baseball program was to be taken from 57200/3213 (Other
Supplies and Expenses;) any additional money for entry fees will come from
57200/2400 (Contracted Services) because the Board will be contracting with
Milwaukee County for the use of their ball field.
No new pertinent information on the Land O'Lakes league was available.
Discussion on the hiring of coaches for the Junior Varsity and Senior Varsity
teams was next on the agenda. Tom Raimann moved that Jeff Martyka be hired
as the Junior Varsity coach and Gary Kalkoph for Varsity coach. Mr. Carl Wauer seconded the motion and it carried.
The next topic of discussion was baseball field scheduling. The Icetronauts agreed to play on the high school field at 7:15 p.m. on Mondays. The Women's
League will take Mill Valley II, .Jensen,Kurth, and the High School. The only
problem left to consider is field set up. Interest has been expressed in a
3w men's softball program. They would be set up to use Mill Valley II and III
on Sunday evenings from 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Mr. Manchester moved and Mr. Wauer
seconded a motion to approve the schedule. The motion carried.
The possibility of posting a sign at Bluhm Farm to prevent play taking place
on the field was discussed. The sign should state the reason for not playing
on the field.
The Developmentally Disabled Program--Waukesha County Association of Retarded
Citizens is running a program but is trying to expand their services. They
need help for access to schools. There would be no extra cost to the City and Jackie will look into this matter further.
The status of the fence at Mill Valley was mentioned. However, no capital
budget funding has been approved.
Jackie St. Mary brought up the possibility of a part-time custodian for the Senior Center. The nutrition site people have requested that the center be
Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, February 16, 1981, page 4.
mopped once a week. The county presently does not require their people to
be custodians, but they do sweep and wash out the sinks. The Board directed
Jackie to check into the possibility of sending Mrs. Frami, the Jensen
custodian, out to the center twice a week. She is also to check with Pete
about placing the mopping job twice a week on his schedule, possibly on Wednes-
day, and on Friday when the garbage is picked up. Perhaps the seniors can be
asked to set the chairs on the tables on those days when the building is
scheduled to be mopped up.
It was also noted that the Lions Club very considerately painted the walls
of the Senior Center as one of their projects. Jackie was asked to send a
note of thanks to the organization.
Receipt of a letter from the MAA was noted. Same confirmed that they will not
be needing $1,700 this year, but may need the funding next year.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Raimann, Secretary
ff/2-18-81 a sjd/3-4-81