PRB083181minutesMINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD, CITY OF MUSKEGO AUGUST 31, 1981 The meeting was called to order by acting chairman, Richard Manchester, at 7:35. PRESENT: Carl Wauer, Alderman Penovich, Karen Wesell, Jo Ann Kehl, Thomas Raimann, Jackie St. Mary, Recreation Supervisor, and Pete Theis, Parks Supervisor. Representatives of the MAA Board were present to discuss various concerns. The following areas were listed as problem areas. 1. The condition of the ball diamonds at Bay Lane (big stones on the field and home base under water. Lines along foul lines.) 2. Mill Valley Complex - Concern over levelness of 1 and 3 with spots that hold water. 1st base hills, only grass taken off. The hardness of the diamonds and the possibi- lity of children getting hurt trying to slide was mentioned. It was noted that money was not available to solve all problems, and the MAA Board was asked to list their priorities. They were listed as follows by those members present: 1. Mill Valley - needs to have dirt taken off the top and the drainage improved as well as rocks removed. Glass in the parking lot is also a problem. 2. Bay Lane - drainage needs to be improved. Diamonds 2 and 4 have standing water and all fields have rocks. 3. Horn Field - Base pads and plate 4. Jensen - SS area 5. Concerning hard ball play at Mill Valley - their is a need for a double fence. There are gaps in the backstop and fence and a high fence is needed. 6. There is a need for scheduling for practices especially during the day even if fields have been set up. 7. Mixture of infield soil. Other problems discussed were rowdiness and people riding motor bikes around the ball fields. Police patrolling the area was also discussed. a Minutes, Parks 6 Recreation Board, City of Muskego, August 31, 1981-Page 2 l The MAA Board requested that a copy of the Parks & Recreation minutes and Budget be sent to them at budget time. They also requested the use of Lions Park for storage of their equipment. Insurance on storing the equipment will be checked into. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Budget Review of the Capital Parks and Recreation Budget - Two options on a tractor were presented by Pete Theis, Parks Supervisor. The cost of a larger tractor with rear and side mower would be $34,900.00. This includes a flail attachment at a cost of $6,000.00 which requires a larger tractor. The other option is a smaller tractor with only a rear mounted mower at a cost of $15,300.00. The larger tractor would cut mowing time in one half. Pete presented figures on the approximate hours saved and stated the maintenance cost would be reduced with flail mowers. At this point a third option was arrived at by removing the $6,000.00 flail mower from the larger tractor with a cost of $28,900.00. (See attached copy of budget). Pete is to check into leasing equipment. A landscaping 5 year plan for Bluhm Farm was discussed, as was the possi- bility of obtaining a used police vehicle for Department use. The Mayor has stated that this may be a possibility next year, but the vehicles are not in very good condition when the PD is finished with them because of the amount of miles on them. The maintenance cost on the Toro mower deck for 1981 has been $870.00. Parts in 1980 ran $587.00 and $870.00 in 1981. It was estimated that the equipment had one summer left. The Jacobson Mower Deck has 1800 hrs. on it including the carriage. Both would need work even if the tractor is approved. The possibility of using it as a trade-in was brought up since the Toro has a new engine and it should be the one retained. A generatcr has been needed for the past three years. Over $130.00 has been spent on rentals for one. There are approximately 60 picnic tables now in possession of the De- partment, and all require painting. The possibility of obtaining 10 tables at a cost of $1,500.00 was discussed. (Tables to be metal frame type. ) The Department's supply of railroad ties has been used up and more are needed. There is a need for an additional 6 sets of bases for baseball. Three sets for Bluhm Farm and 3 sets for replacements. Minutes, Earks & Recreation Board, City of Muskego, August 31, 1981-Page 3 Lion's Park needs an enclosure around the basketball court. The fencing at Jensen is damaged and needs repair, and Kurth tennis courts require a seal coat. Trash barrels are needed for Bluhm Farm. The last Capital Budget need discussed was $5,000.00 for erosion damage improvements at Idle Isle, and the fact that Mill Valley fencing should also be looked at. Karen Wesell moved to recommend to the Finance Commi- tee to approve the aforementioned Capital Budget items. Jo Ann Kehl seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The Parks Operating Budget was discussed next. Pete requested that a new position of Park attendant be added at Idle Isle because of an increase in use at Idle Isle. The position would be part-time on weekends or 13 hours a week for 15 weeks, and would amount to $615.00. Karen Wesell moved to recommend to the Fianace Committee that the Parks Operating Budget in the amount of $90,743.00 for 1982 be approved. Tom Raimann seconded and the motion carried. The Recreation Budget was presented by Jackie St. Mary and discussion on same begun. However, because of the late hour same was tabled until the next meeting. A request for beer consumption at Idle Isle on September 7, 1981 by a picnic which Consiglio Cirillo will be holding for his employees and family was approved. Mr. Wauer moved to approve same and Ms. Kehl seconded the motion. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn was made and seconded and then carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:55 A.M. Next meeting is scheduled for September 21, 1981 at 7:30 P,.~M. Respectfully submitted, Tom Raimann secretary ff 9115181 1982 CAPITAL BUDGET PARKS 6 RECREATION DEPT. l ITM (1) Option Cl AMOUNT Tractor (45-55 h.p.) $20,000.00 Rear Flail Mower (88") 2.300.00 One Side Flail M-wer (74") 6.000.00 Front Bucket (78") 4,600.OO Rear Rota-Tiller (48") 2,ooo.oo option 82 Tractor (45-55 h.p.) $20,000.00 Rear Flail Mower (88") 2,300.oo Front Bucket (78") 4.600.00 Rear Rota-Tiller (48") 2,ooo.oo option Q3 Tractor (X5-30 h.p.) $10,000.00 Rear Flail Mower (72") 1.500.00 Front Bucket (48") 1.800.00 Rear Rota-Tiller (48") 2,ooo.oo (2) Bluhm Farm (Phase II) (3) Used Police Vehicle (4) Tom Mower Deck (5) Jacobsen Mower Deck (6) Portable Generator (7) Picnic Tables (8) Railroad Ties (9) Bases (10) Fencing at Lions Park (11) Fencing at Jensen Park (12) Color Coating at Kurth Park ir (13) Garbage Barrels $34,900.00 $28,900.00 $15,300.00 $10,000.00 $ 2,500.oo $ 2.200.00 $ 2,530.OO $ 800.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2.200.00 $ 975.00 $ 4,800.OO $ 3,ooo.oo $ 2,ooo.oo $ 1,500.00 1982 CAPITAL BUDGET - PARKS 6 RECREATION DEPT. Page 2 (14) Idle Isle Beach Improvements $ 5,ooo.oo (15) ~Fencing at Mill Valley $10,000.00 (16) Lights at Mill Valley $30,000.00 TOTAL WITH OPTION #I TOTAL WITH OPTION #2 TOTAL WITH OPTION H3 $113,905.00 $107.905.00 $ 94,305.oo September 1, 1981