AUGUST 17, 1981
The meeting was called to order by our chairman Richard Arrowood at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Richard Manchester, JoAnn Kehl, Mitchel Penovich, Karen Wesell,
Carl Wauer, Richard Arrowood; and Jackie St. Mary, the recreation
ABSENT: Tom Raimann
The minutes of the July 20, 1981, meeting was approved as mailed.
Dan Hilt appeared before the Board in response to a letter he received from
Jerry Lee regarding the lake lot adjacent to his home. He petitioned the Board
for approval for change of elevation on this city lot next to his home.
Richard Manchester moved to approve Mr. Hilt's request to fill and seed the
area with the approval of the Parks Supervisor. Motion was seconded by
Mitchel Penovich. The motion carried.
Dave Sorenson, representing the Muskego Jets, requested permission for the
team to practice at Mill Valley on Mondays and Thursdays from 5:00 p.m. to
6:30 p.m. beginning September through the end of October. Carl Wauer moved,
Karen Wesell seconded, to approve the request. Motion carried.
Parks Report
Request was received from the Icetronauts for use of our bleachers on September 12
and 13 and they would be returned on September 14. Carl Wauer moved to approve
the request. Karen Wesell seconded. Karen Wesell moved to amend, Richard Man-
chester seconded, to waive the $100 deposit but require a copy of their insurance
policy. Amendment passed. Motion passed as amended.
Review of the park permit policy was deferred until the next meeting.
Karen Wesell moved, JoAnn Kehl seconded, to extend approval of extra personnel
for Idle Isle for Waterbug Ski Show because no one is scheduled to work after
Labor Day if they (Waterbugs) do indeed have the extra nights as originally
Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, August 17, 1981, page 2.
Parks Report (Continued)
The proposed budget request for 1982 was presented to the Board for review and
discussion. After discussion, the Board recommended increasing the proposed
amounts in the Operating Budget for salaries, contracted services, small tools
and minor equipment, rentals and leases, buildings and grounds maintenance,
and utilities. Changes in the proposed Capital Budget included two options
on a tractor including attachments, addition of a used police vehicle, addition
of a Jacobsen mower deck, and beach improvements at Idle Isle. The request
for washer/degreaser tub was to be included in the Operating Budget. Karen Wesell
moved to approve the Capital Budget as discussed. Mitch& Penovich seconded
and the motion carried.
Carl Wauer moved, Karen Wesell seconded, to raise the price of the soda dispensed
in the machine at Idle Isle to $.45 per can. Motion carried.
After discussion with the Parks Supervisor, the Board decided to send a memo
to Chief Scholz stating that The Park and Recreation Board is asking that you
clear through them all requests that require any labor and time of the Parks
Department's staff.
Karen Wesell entered a motion to approve the 1982 Parks Operating Budget as
changed. JoAnn Kehl seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Recreation Report
The Board reviewed the request from David Schreiber & Associates to make final
payment to the landscape contractor doing the work at Bluhm Farm. Karen Wesell
moved, Richard Manchester seconded, to approve final payment of $2,935.72 to
Jerry Kasian Landscape Contractor. Motion carried. Further, a letter is to be
sent to David Schreiber & Associates' office informing them that we are awaiting
their check in the amount of $817.62. If we do not receive a reply to our
request, we'll seek legal advice on the matter.
Correspondence was received from Brian Zittergruen and Barbara Young requesting
refund of the $5.00 fee for swinnning lessons; and from Theresa Stamm asking a
$9.00 gymnastics fee be refunded. JoAnn Kehl moved, Carl Wauer seconded, to
issue $5.00 refunds to Brian Zittergruen and Barbara Young and a $9.00 refund
to Theresa Stamm. Motion carried.
Several requests were received requesting dispensing of beer at gatherings
and picnics planned tit Idle Isle. The Board took the following action on the
individual requests:
Karen Wesell moved to deny request to Muskego Corvette Club and Ruby Chevrolet
for beer permit and to approve Waukesha Cruise Fleet's request. The motion
died for lack of a second. Richard Manchester moved to deny request of Waukesha
Cruise Fleet. This motion also died for lack of a second.
Carl Wauer moved to grant Waukesha Cruise Fleet permission for beer permit.
Karen Wesell seconded. Motion carried.
Minutes, Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, August 17, 1981, page 3.
Recreation Report (Continued)
Karen Wesell moved to deny request to Muskego Corvette Club. Motion received
a second from Richard Manchester. Motion failed.
Carl Wauer motioned to accept beer permit for Muskego Corvette Club only.
JoAnn Kehl seconded the motion and it carried.
Karen Wesell moved to deny request to Ruby Chevrolet. A second to this motion
was received from Richard Manchester. Motion carried. (It was felt that
groups from outside the City should be discouraged from picnicking in our local
parks as the area is very limited especially during peak time.)
JoAnn Kehl presented her swim rates.
Karen Wesell moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 p.m. Carl Wauer seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
SPECIAL MEETING: AUGUST 31, 1981 at 7:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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