PRB042081minutesMINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. without a quorum of members present. PRESENT; Dick Arrowood, Tom Raimann, Karen Wesell, and Jackie St. Mary, Recreation Supervisor. ABSENT JoAnn Kehl, Richard Manchester, Carl Wauer PERSONAL APPEARANCES Tim Niegelson representing the Waterbugs would like to know if there is still support from the Board concerning use of Idle Isle as a home site for the club. He would also like to set up an instruction program for water skiing. The Board decided to uphold the decision of July 21, 1980, and the agreement as contained in the minutes of that meeting. (Note late arrival of Richard Manchester at 7~50 P.M. made a quorum present at this point for this meeting.) Richard Manchester moved to approve the request for Wednesdays and Sundays for the Water Bugs to use Idle Isle with the option held by the Park Board to withdraw approval at one week's notice if problems develop. Tom Raimann seconded and the motion carried. The Water Bugs would also like to build a pier to be stronger than the present pier which is in danger of being destroyed by extensive use. They propose to build it at the end of May and will ask for approval of construction plans and location at next meeting of the Board. The ski jump used by the Water Bugs would not be left in front of Idle Isle but towed the same night or the next morning. Joel Beatka and Ed Loeffler representatives for Land O'Lakes would like to be able to bring in out of city players. Also, they requested the Board give permission for a concession stand at Idle Isle as a fund raising scheme to bring money back to the City. Basically the Land O'Lakes team is a young team and so far we have not turned any players residing in Muskego away. The Board considered the request for adding three out-of- town players to the team for this year and will view the success of the fund raising project this year. The Board acknowledged the presence of Jim Lamb of Muskego Life Sports and his request for six hours of pool time, three days per week and two hours per day, for their summer program from June 22nd - September 8th. It was brought to the Board's attention that last year there was no summer program at the high school. AS Minutes of Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, 4/20/81, Page 2 of now, the hours available for their use would be from 4 PM to 6:15 PM. After discussion, the Board requested Jackie St. Mary work out a schedule with the swim club. MINUTES, MARCH 16, 1981 The minutes of the March 16, 1981, meeting need clarification on Page 2 under Recreation, Item No. 2. (There is $35,000.00 in the Capital Budget for Bluhm Farm even though all LAWCON funds have been frozen. This amount of money can be used even if no LAWCON funding is obtained. Dick Manchester moved to have Schreiber & Associates start work on the plans and speci- fications for work on Bluhm Farm, Phase II and see how much can be done for $35,000 with the contingency that $35,000 be obtained from LAWCON if money becomes available. Michael Weed seconded the motion. Motion carried.) It is unclear as to whether the $35,000 in Capital Budget for Bluhm Farm is available. The remainder of the Minutes were approved as mailed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Parks Summer Positions - After review of the employee evaluations on the proposed personnel for the summer positions with the Parks Crew, Richard Manchester moved to approve the hiring of Jim Serchen, Ed Gund, and Craig Chism. The other two positions are to be filled by other applicants interviewed by Pete. The motion was seconded by Tom Raimann. Motion carried. Employee Evaluations on the Idle Isle attendants were reviewed. Tom Raimann moved to approve the hiring of Ann Strauss and Donna Driscoll, seconded by Karen Wesell. Motion carried. Pete is to recommend to the Board another person for the third position. Richard Manchester moved to approve Laura Calkins, Chris Gultch, and John Gultch, Tom Raimann seconded, for employment. Karen Wesell moved,Manchester seconded to amend the motion to have Pete call at least one reference on the three persons named above. Amendment carried and motion carried as amended. Karen Wesell then moved that before applications are submitted to the Board, at least one of the former employers should be called. Tom Raimann seconded. Motion carried. The Board recommended that Pete should look into a later starting time for some of the crew to allow some of them to put out base- ball equipment. Also, the possibility of having Idle Isle atten- dants turn on the lights for Mill Valley and getting someone else to turn the lights out should be explored. Approval was given by the Board for Jim Serchen to start work now as Long as he stays within the budgeted amount in salary. Pete should hire a full-time person now as indicated in the minutes of March 16th (Michael Weed moved to hire two seasonal persons from April 1 through September 30th in place of two full-time CETA employees. The motion was seconded by Dick Minutes of Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, 4/20/81, Page 3 Manchester and carried.) Bay Lane Diamonds #2, #3, and #4 - The Public Works Department is currently skinning the Bay Lane ball diamonds. According to Mr. Kreuser's instructions, the fill is to go to the southwest corner of the complex. It has been revealed that the Public Works Department has been giving the fill away; therefore, the school district will get fill from Public Works Department if it needs it. Public Works is to be instructed to place the fill where the school system wants it or if not possible, to get further instructions from the school system. Consultant Fees - Fees were presented from Fangmann Landscape and Design of Elm Grove and the Bruce Company of Wisconsin of Pewaukee. These firms do mostly landscape services and the information presented on both firms was not impressive. Dis- cussion followed on consultants and Schreiber and Associates. Recreation The Paul Bergen Swim Clinic held on April 14th was a success with an estimated 80-100 persons in attendance. Several changes in the summer program were suggested by Jackie. They are as follows: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Summer Brochure: Jackie requested the services of a new printer for the brochure and the brochure should be out by the week of May 20th. May 28th and 29th would be the dates when the public could register for summer programs. Consideration is being given to changing the children's swim program from 3-week blocks into 2-week blocks. This would be four 2-week sessions and one less week of swimming instruction. This season she would like to add time for a Round Robin Tennis League. Gymnastics program has proved to be a success with the only drawback being no equipment readily available, except at Bay Lane. The problem involved with having the program at Bay Lane is accessibility if the school is not open. The Scuba Diving course seemed to go well. Jackie would like to make pool time available for a summer program. Information has been received on the Walt Disney films available and suggestion was made to possibly offer a family night, charging admission to defray the cost of the film. Also, the films could be used for the playground children's entertainment. Minutes of Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, 4/20/81, Page 4 Jensen Center Requests - The Little Muskego Yacht Club would like to use Jensen as an alternate site if Idle Isle is too cold for a pizza party with beer on the menu. Tom Raimann moved, Karen Wesell seconded, to deny the request. Motion carried. ,Mrs. Conner would like the Board's permission to serve an alcoholic beverage at a "Surprise 35th Anniversary Party" at Jensen. The alcoholic beverage would be a beer and brandy slush. Tom Raimann moved to deny the request. Motion was seconded by Karen Wesell. Motion carried. Ball Diamond Request Policy - The past ball diamond request policy of 3 permits in a ten-day period for a team has been changed to issue 1 permit at a time with the permits being issued between 3 00 P.M. and 5 00 P.M. only. After discussion, the Board suggested possibly allowing leagues to schedule practices according to the season schedule. Jackie is to decide on an equitable policy. Youth Employment Program - Jackie would like to hire a person for a tot lot as last year under the Youth Employment Program. Also, under the same program, she would like to hire locker room attendants for the pool. Karen Wesell moved to approve the request with Richard Manchester seconding. The motion carried. LAWCON - Eligibility has been re-established. for LAWCON until 1986. Field Work Student - Contract for the field work student, Jim Weitzer, has been received. His period of 8 weeks employment may be initiated earlier. Jackie will be attending the Recreation Section Workshop on May 7th and 8th. The annual dance recital for the children's dance program has been scheduled for Friday and Saturday, May 15th and 16th. Jackie has requested that the two weeks vacation time to be used by June 1st be extended as current work schedules and deadlines with programming do not permit vacationing now. Tom Raimann moved to recommend to the Finance Committee that Jackie's two weeks be extended to December 31st. Karen Wesell seconded. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS The Board was informed that the Johnny's Petroleum bill has been paid out of the Parks & Recreation Department budget fuel account. No substantiation of the bill has been presented to the Board, just the word of the Mayor. The Board expressed displeasure with this situation. Minutes of Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, 4/20/81, Page 5 \ l After discussion regarding the summer swim program of Muskego Life Sports, Karen Wesell moved to charge $8.00 per hour for use of the pool for the summer program. Richard Manchester seconded and the motion carried. The $8 per hour fee for 11 weeks would amount to $528.00. Land O'Lakes Baseball Program - After discussion, Tom Raimann moved to drop the program if there is an insufficient number of players from Muskego-Norway to make up a team. Karen Wesell seconded the motion. Motion carried. A motion to adjourn was made at 12:OO A.M, Motion was seconded and the meeting adjourned at that time. Next meeting is sche- duled for Monday, May 18th, 1981, at 7 00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Tom Raimann, Secretary sjd/4/23/81 ff/4/29/81 Minutes of Parks & Recreation Board Meeting, 4/20/81, Page 5 After discussion regarding the summer program, Karen Wesell moved to charge $8.00 per hour for use of ~the pool for the summer pro- gram. Richard Manchester seconded and the motion carried. The $8 per hour fee for 11 weeks would amount to $528.00. Land O'Lakes Baseball Program - After discussion, Tom Raimann moved to drop the program if there is an insufficient number of players from Muskego-Norway to make up a team. Karen Wesell seconded the motion. Motion carried. A motion to adjourn was made at 12 00 A.M. Motion was seconded and the meeting adjourned at that time. Next meeting is sche- duled for Monday, May 18th, 1981, at 7 00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Tom Raimann, Secretary sjd/4/23/%1 ff/4/29/81