PRB052567minutes0 Meetin$ called to order bj7 Dr, G. Riess at 7:30 PM. Dr. Hess introduces new member of the 3oard Mr. Paul DeAngelis. Nembsrs in attendance were Robt. Gumieny, Aid. ;loost, Dr. W&ess, Jean Sanders also present was Mr, Peterson, Summer Recreation Dfirectcr, and Gerald Lee, Bldg, Inspector. Hr. Peterson reported the folJ.owing: Directors have breen hired for the t'nree playground fadilitiea ~3 Ron bJojock, Tess Corners (Asst, Pat Harm and Jim Yahr) - Art Faucebt, Horn Field(Asst. Candice Ehrrfch, Gary Easel) John Fopenfus, Jensen Benter (Asst. Chris 'I'urzinski and Dave Refling). Movlos will be shown June 21tb, July 12th and duly 20th. The Swimming Program will be conducted July 10th .a July .28th at three beaches - Aud-Nar, Muskego Shores Park #l, Hillview Lane from 9-12nOOn Beach Supervisors will be hired to maintain order at the various beaches. !I'he Waukesha Sounty Extension service will offer sessions on plaggrourd Snfiarmation - any of .the summer program employees who desire to go will be paid $3.00 per session or #,%O.OO for a-ttending all sessions. Dr. Riess read a ltr from the Nagor in reference to the Piuskego Playhouse request to use St. 3atids Chnrch. After the letter was read Mr. Myland Arter, Director of the Flaghouse appeared explaining why the Flayh~~se needed this facility - the &eMoon School is being reopened - and the Play- house needs a place to store their equipment and rehersal ball. Mr. Arter said the playhouse would Like any of the three following aeases - 1, an outright grant of the bldg, a lease for a nonimal fee of &l.OO or an in- definet use of the bldg. This 3oard felt the Eldg. could be lease for a $1.00 a year for 10 years, at which time the contract could be renewed. Mr. Arter will have to appear before t’ne Elan Commission for conditional use of this property before any definite action can be taken on this proposal, Mr. Kenneth Gooley, appeared before the board requesting the Park 8: Re- creation Soard to procure land in Ward 1, for playground facilities. The Fountainwood Pool will not be K@Ucpening this season, %here are between 1500 and 2000 children ?n this area and the nead for rwcreational facilities is extremely necessary. Aid. Joo~se moved to appoint a Committee of 3 members to look further into 'the possibility of purchasing land for play- ground facilities in this area, 2nd Mr. Gumieng- MotionPassed. Members ap- pointed to this Committee are P. CeAngelis, Aid, Joost, Dr. Riess. J, Sanders moved this committee have the Boardsx autlnorization to have any lands available appraised, 2nd I?, Deangelis. Motion Passed. Paul DeAngelis will look into the acquiring of tine of the Barracks at Mf3.1 Valley School for storage of Park Gc Recreation equipment. Subject5 of St, Davids Church was again brought to the floor 0 after much discussion. P. DeAngelfs moved the the Park cr oI Recreation Board make avail- able the Bldg. known as St. Davicls Church to the I%x?.kego Playhouse for ‘10 year lease at ?;he fee Bf $l,OO per year, upon approval and conditions set forth by the Plan Commission, 2nd Aid. Joost, Notion Passed. The Board authorized Harry Chic& to purchase need& baseball equipment for the County Easeball program. 0 New O.t'ficer*s for the 2967-1968 year were olec%ed Presidenti Paul DeAngelis 9 Vice Presiden't -. Dr. Riess ~1 Secretary Jean Sanders........ Next Meeting ~12.3 be held June lstb, Jvnsen Center - 7&3O i% Jean Sanders, Secretary