PCC101821packetCITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE AGENDA 10/18/2021 5:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from the April 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes 04122021.pdf Approval of Minutes from the July 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes 07122021.pdf NEW BUSINESS Ryan Drive Trail Discussion Ryan Drive Trail Discussion.pdf Ryan Drive Conceptual Trail.pdf Muskego Icetronauts Snowmobile Club Request for Trail Markings Icetronauts Annual Request 2021-2022.pdf Parks and Conservation Plan Update Parks and Conservation Plan Update.pdf Athletic Field Use Policy Update Athletic Field Usage Policies and Procedures.pdf Facility Request and Policies Form REVISED 2022.pdf Beer Garden Update Memo to Parks 10-14-21 Beer Garden 2022.pdf Idle Isle Staffing Idle Isle Staffing Memo.pdf Recommendation to Not Purchase Land East of Park Arthur Recommendation to the Committee to not purchase land east of Park Arthur.pdf 1 Update on Park Projects 2021/Update on Park Capital Projects 2022-2026 Updates on Park Projects 2021 - Capital Projects for 2022-2026.pdf Proposed Parks Capital 2022-2026.pdf DIRECTOR'S REPORT Recreation Manager's Report Rec staff memo October 2021.pdf Conservation Coordinator's Report Conservation Report 10182021.pdf COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, CONTACT MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4100. 2 Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MINUTES April 12, 2021 5:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Chairman Whipple called the meeting to order at 5:04 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Toby Whipple, Terri Boyer, Matthew Bughman, Barbara Erdmann, Bill Miller and Barbara Schroeder Also Present: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager; Scott Kroeger, Director of Public Works and Development; Tom Zagar, Conservation Coordinator; Aaron Blazer Absent: Ald. John Terrence STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE This meeting was noticed in accordance with open meeting laws on April 9, 2021. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms. Boyer made a motion to Approve the Minutes of October 19, 2020. Mr. Miller seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Update on Parks and Open Space Plan 2017 – 2021 Manager Dunn presented her memo with timeline stating it takes approximately nine months from prep work through Common Council approval to complete the new Parks and Open Space Plan. She will include the Committee members in as many aspects of the planning as possible. Manchester Park Ribbon Cutting Event Manager Dunn recapped Miss Pacocha’s accomplishments and invited the Committee to the ribbon cutting planned for May 20th at 5:00 PM. Parking at Marshland Camps Preserve Mr. Zagar explained this 49 acres is a conservancy area leftover from the development of Big Muskego Lake Estates. The City is requesting to create six parking stalls for use by those who want to hike through the conservancy. The small parking lot would be done with recycled materials from our annual road program and the work completed by our own DPW staff. The project cost will be very minimal. 3 Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the Parking at Marshland Camps Preserve Mr. Bughman seconded. Ms. Erdmann resides in Big Muskego Lake Estates and voiced her concern over the detention pond and liability issues for the HOA. Mr. Aaron Blazer, who is on the HOA Board, spoke at length regarding his concerns about an easement and liability. Director Kroeger stated the conservation land belongs to the City and the public is allowed to access the land. The easement is directly around the pond only. Trespassing signage is in place because no one is allowed to go near the pond except the HOA for Big Muskego Lake Estates. The easement is for the HOA to pass through the conservation land to reach the pond for maintenance. Mr. Zagar explained the City has small parking lots in our other conservancy areas without issues. He also stated that Bluhm Park and Moorland Skate Park both have detention ponds from neighboring subdivisions on public land, again without issues. Mr. Miller changed his motion to defer the Parking at Marshland Camps Preserve until the City Attorney could give more clarification on the easement language. Motion was approved unanimously. Lake Access Hours of Operation Director Kroeger gave background on how this subject started with a complaint to the Public Works Committee. After researching our codes, we have determined the best course of action was to treat all Lake Access points the same as our Parks. By providing clear and defined hours and future signage, the Police Dept. will be able to enforce these hours or possibly write tickets as needed. All Lake Access points are adjacent to homes and we have had complaints over the years regarding late night partying, camping, bonfires, snowmobiles, and even large tents being erected. Upon approval, this will go to Common Council and lastly the municipal code will be revised. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the Lake Access Hours of Operation. Ms. Boyer seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Update on Capital Projects 2021 – 2022 Director Kroeger presented his 2021 report and gave an in depth explanation about the reconstruction of Park Arthur Fields 1, 2, and 3. Ms. Dunn and the Committee continued to discuss and ask questions about the baseball diamonds and game day prep. She also stated Muskego teams always have priority and that some games are now played at the high school. Director Kroeger continued onto his Capital plans for 2022. He asked the Committee to provide feedback for future park upgrades. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Manager’s Report Manager Dunn presented her report. Conservation Coordinator’s Report Mr. Zagar presented his report. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT 4 Mr. Miller made a motion to adjourn at 6:05 PM. Ms. Boyer seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Wendy Fredlund Recording Secretary 5 Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MINUTES July 12, 2021 5:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Chairman Whipple called the meeting to order at 5:22 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Ald. Tom Kapusta, Toby Whipple, Barbara Erdmann and Barbara Schroeder Also Present: Scott Kroeger, Director of Public Works and Development; Tom Zagar, Conservation Coordinator Absent: Terri Boyer, Matthew Bughman and Bill Miller; Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE This meeting was noticed in accordance with open meeting laws on July 2, 2021. OLD BUSINESS Parking at Marshland Camps Preserve Director Kroeger stated he requested Atty Jeff Warhcol to review the documents based on discussion from the last meeting. The Atty stated there is no reason legally that we cannot put in a small parking lot. Director Kroeger reminded the Committee that the City will reuse old asphalt millings and an existing culvert pipe to create the six space parking lot. Ald. Kapusta made a motion to approve the Parking at Marshland Camps Preserve. Ms. Schroeder seconded. Ms. Erdmann is still concerned about someone drowning in the pond and that the Big Muskego Lake Estates HOA will be responsible. She also asked about the path that will be cut through the Preserve for walking. Director Kroeger stated the City does not currently have plans for a path. Most people just wander on their own. Motion approved 3 to 1. Erdmann opposed. NEW BUSINESS James Reid - Eagle Scout Project (Gaga Ball Pit) Mr. Reid presented a slide show and video about himself, Boy Scout background and finally about the Gaga Ball Pit that he would like to build at the Old Town Hall in order to complete his Eagle Scout Project. He is choosing to use composite wood in black and red. He plans to fundraise this upcoming winter for approximately $2900. The exact location needs to be discussed with Tammy Dunn. 6 Ms. Schroeder made a motion to approve the Gaga Ball Pit with location to be determined. Ald. Kapusta seconded. Motion approved unanimously. Mallard Pointe - Sanitary Sewer Connection point through Marshland Camps Preserve Director Kroeger stated they recently changed the name to Mallard Ridge. The plan is to build 45 new single family homes. The City determined the best way to bring in the sewer connection was as a gravity sewer line underground through the Marshland Camps Preserve. It will then be reseeded by contractor, under Tom Zagar’s direction. After the plants grow back, no one will know it is even there. This was the best alternative to erecting and maintaining another costly lift station. Ald. Kapusta made a motion to approve the Sanitary Sewer Connection point through Marshland Camps Preserve. Ms. Erdmann seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Update on Park Capital Projects 2022 – 2026 Director Kroger gave an overview of the next five years highlighting some of the bigger items on the attached spreadsheet. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Manager’s Report Conservation Coordinator’s Report Mr. Zagar presented his report. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT Ald. Kapusta made a motion to adjourn at 5:57 PM. Ms. Schroeder seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Wendy Fredlund Recording Secretary 7   Page 1 of 1    CITY OF MUSKEGO   Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee    To:   Parks and Conservation Committee      From:  Scott Kroeger, PE, PLS, Public Works and Development Director      Subject:   Ryan Drive Trail Discussion     Date:   October 18, 2021    A resident has requested to discuss a possible trail along Ryan Drive. I have attached a quick concept plan showing a trail along Ryan Drive (refer to attached drawing). Please remember this is very conceptual. Over the last couple of years, the focus of the Common Council has been on road improvements rather than additional trails which is why we have not constructed a new trail since 2019. Trails tend to be controversial subjects with strong support for and strong support against. For example, a new trail was put on Baylane Drive during the road reconstruction but a new trail was not put on Hillendale Drive during the road reconstruction. Furthermore, trails can be very expensive due to topography, storm water, and potential right of way purchases. If the committee wants to move forward with a trail, the request should go to Public Works and Safety Committee. The Public Works and Safety committee can decide for this project to be placed on a Capital Project for 2023. At that time, City staff would provide a cost for an RFP and potential construction cost for the Ryan Drive Trail. Common Council would vote on this Capital Project. Recommendation for Action by the Committee:  The committee needs to decide on whether or not they would like to send this request to the Public Works and Safety Committee.   8 9                       October 5, 2021          Dear Parks and Conservation Board:    As we do annually, the Muskego Icetronauts Snowmobile Club respectfully requests approval to  mark our Snowmobile Trail thru Denoon Park as we have in the past.  The trail runs North &  South from Kelsey Drive to the neighboring property to the South.      The use of the Park allows us parking as well as a drop off site where people can access our trail  system.  It further allows the trail to connect to the Racine County snowmobile trail system.      Furthermore, the Muskego Icetronauts Snowmobile Club is also again seeking approval for  access to Little Muskego Lake via Park Access 17.      Thank you for your consideration.      Regards,     Scott Lago  Muskego Icetronauts Snowmobile Club      MUSKEGO ICETRONAUTS SNOWMOBILE CLUB P.O. Box 225 Muskego, WI 53150 10   Page 1 of 2    CITY OF MUSKEGO   Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee    To:   Parks and Conservation Committee      From:  Scott Kroeger, PE, PLS, Public Works and Development Director      Subject:   Parks and Conservation Plan Update     Date:   October 18, 2021    The City of Muskego continues to work on the Parks and Conservation Plan Update.  Currently, the City of  Muskego has mailed out park and conservation surveys to the residents.  Additionally, the language below has  been provided on website and social media.  We ask each of you to share this information to as many people as  you can.  The goal is to gather as much information as possible.       “The city is updating their 5‐year Parks and Conservation Plan and are relying on community members input on  city parks and conservation lands.  The intent of the plan is to provide direction for Muskego’s park, recreation,  and conservation efforts over the next five (5) years that will lead users of all age groups, and users of all  different  preferences,  to  actively  enjoy  the  city’s  recreational  system.    This  plan  is  created  based  on  recommendations for parks, recreation, and conservation based on the community needs and desires from city  staff and public input.      The City has sent a survey to residents who live within 1000 feet of a city park. We are also asking for general  public input in order to determine how the parks are used from day to day by all users as well as determine  what current amenities you may see as deficient and what amenities you might see as a need in the future in  the parks you visit.     In the coming months the survey results collected will help guide the future recommendations of that plan. We  ask that the completed survey be taken no later than October 31. You can take the surveys for all the parks, or  only those you frequently visit.  Each link will take you to a survey site that asks questions specific to each park  area.    Thank you for your help in collecting this much needed feedback on Muskego Parks and Conservation lands!     Eastern Parks (Bluhm Farm Park, Kurth Park, Schmidt Park, Sand Hill Park)  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PCR‐Eastern   City Hall Parks (Horn Park, Lions Park, Old Settlement Centre, Veterans Memorial Park)  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PCR‐CityHall   Denoon Park  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PCR‐Denoon   Northern Parks (Idle Isle Park, Jensen & Lee Hubka Park, Park Arthur)  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PCR‐North   Central Parks (Freedom Square, Manchester Hill Park, Moorland Park)  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PCR‐Central  11   Page 2 of 2     General Parks/Conservation Questions  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PCR‐General”        Recommendation for Action by the Committee:  There is no action required by the Committee   12 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks and Recreation Board To: Parks and Conservation Committee From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Subject: Athletic Field Usage Policies and Procedures Date: October 13, 2021 This policy that was updated in 2017 to re-structure fees, add field maintenance costs and make general changes to the policy that had not been updated in 20 years. With the turfing of the fields at Park Arthur, the change in game day field prep being put back on the leagues, and the increase of use from outside teams, this policy again needed to be modified. Attached is the updated policy with the suggested field use categories, modified usage fees for turf and non-turfed fields games and/or practices, inclusion of all tournament requests/costs into this policy and general policy changes. Requested action – Committee approval on new policy. Once approved new policy will move on to Finance Committee for approval of fees. 13 CITY OF MUSKEGO ~ RECREATION DEPARTMENT ATHLETIC FACILITY REQUEST & POLICY Person in Charge: _____ Address: _____ (Street) (City/State/Zip Code) Home Phone: Cell Phone: Email: _____ Percentage Muskego residents in program: __ PLEASE CHECK REQUESTED FACILITIES BASEBALL/SOFTBALL FIELD(S) LOCATION: (*90'-base pegs available): Traditional Ballfield – Dirt infield/Grass outfield NO LIGHTS Traditional Hardball field with raised mound/grass infield Non-traditional Ballfield – LIGHTS Turfed infield/grass outfield Bluhm Farm I Kurth Park Horn Park* Park Arthur #1 Bluhm Farm II Jensen Park Park Arthur #4 (Lights)* Park Arthur #2 Bluhm Farm III Denoon Park* Park Arthur #3 Bluhm Farm IV SOCCER FIELD(S) LOCATION: Denoon (UPPER-roadside) Kurth Park (MIDDLE) Manchester Hill Denoon (MIDDLE-school) Kurth Park (NORTH-tennis) Moorland (EAST-skateboard side) Kurth Park (SOUTH-Woods Rd) Moorland (WEST-playground side) FOOTBALL/RUGBY FIELD LOCATION: Bluhm Park Date(s) of Requested Use: ___ Rain date (if needed): Time: From__________ to __________ **Park hours: no use before 8AM and completely off fields by 10PM Maintenance requested ____ Equipment needs __________ **City does not provide bases for ballfields except for Park Arthur 1-2-3. Soccer goals are property of Muskego Kickers. Rugby end goals property of Muskego Rugby I agree to abide by the rules, regulations, and policies as set forth by the Parks and Conservation Committee. In consideration of the foregoing, I, for myself, my heirs, assigns, beneficiaries and personal representatives, waiver and release any and all rights and claims for damages I or my child may have against the City of Muskego and all agents and persons acting for and on behalf of all entities as a result of my participation in any activit y sponsored by these groups. I have read through the Insurance Requirements section and understand that I may not start use of City of Muskego facilities until t he appropriate paperwork has been submitted. Applicant's Signature Date ____Approved ____Disapproved Authorized Signatory, Parks and Recreation Department Current Insurance Forms on file: □Yes □No Application Received: Refunds Approved: Field Usage Fee: $ Maintenance Fee: $ __ Security Deposit: $ Lights: $ AMOUNT COLLECTED: $ Date: CK Cash By Note all reasons for withholding any refund or deposit : 14 CITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS & RECREATION ATHLETIC FIELD USAGE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Please be sure to read all sections, as this document is revised annually. Every league/coach is accountable and responsible to abide by these policies/procedures. Category Levels for Field Usage • Category I—Recreation Department. Adult/Youth Programs (e.g., instructional classes, adult men’s & women’s leagues) offered and administered by the Recreation Department . • Category II—Muskego-based Youth Leagues. Those organizations that retain no less than a 100% residency rate and are league based within Muskego city limits (e.g., Muskego Athletic Association, Muskego Warriors Football, Muskego Kickers Soccer). To be qualified for this category, each team participating in a game/scrimmage must be made up of 100% Muskego residents. • Category III – Muskego/Norway School District Athletic and School Programs. Those activities/teams that function under the jurisdiction of the MNSD and use city fields and facilities for their practices, games and special events. • Category IV—Non-Muskego-based Traveling Leagues, Adult/Youth. Those organizations that retain less than a 75% residency rate and organization may or may not be based within Muskego city limits (e.g. Leagues: Muskego Warriors baseball/football, Muskego Storm (boys/girls), Muskego Rebels, Muskego Raiders, Kickers Traveling Teams, Boys and Girls Rugby, etc.) as well as Milwaukee/Waukesha area traveling teams. This category includes teams who are 75% Muskego resident competing against teams of non-residents. Insurance Requirements are mandatory for all Category II, IV organizations Organization shall, at its expense, obtain and carry comprehensive general liability insurance with combined single limits of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for one person and at least Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence, and at least One Million Dollar s ($1,000,000.00) for damage to rented premises (or such higher amounts as the City shall from time to time deem reasonable). Such policy shall cover the Organization and the City and its agents, employees, and officials. A Certificate of Insurance shall be furnished to the City upon execution of this Agreement, along with Endorsements to the policy for the following: 1. Thirty (30) day notice of cancellation. 2. Waiver of subrogation. 3. Naming the City as an additional insured. 4. Stating that the Organization’s insurance is primary. Each such policy shall provide that no act or default of any person ot her than the City or its agents shall render the policy void as to the City or effect the City’s right to recover thereon. 15 Fees and Charges a. Current Charges in Relation to Category Category I—Program fee charged directly to participants/teams Category II—Exempt from field usage charge for most parks for standard park use. Field fees to be assessed for use of Park Arthur turfed fields #1-2-3. Category III—Field usage fee & maintenance may be assessed based on exclusive use. Category IV—Field usage fee to be assessed. Light fees and maintenance fees to be assessed. Fees are different for traditional fields vs. turf field. b. Field Usage Fees 1. Field usage fees allow for “exclusive use” of the reserved athletic field. 2. PRACTICES - Team practice requests must follow the established guidelines of the Recreation Department utilizing the online software and can be no longer than 1.5 hours in length. a. Field usage fees are not charged for practices held on the fields at: Bluhm, Denoon, Horn, Jensen, Kurth, Lions, Manchester, Moorland, Park Arthur #4, Schmidt and Veterans Park. b. Field usage fees ARE charged for practices at the turfed fields of Park Arthur fields #1, #2, #3. Practices 1.5 hours length - Resident ($100/field/date) Non-resident ($150/field/date) 3. Field usage fees do not include bases, nets, or other equipment needs. However, Park Arthur fields #1, #2, #3 bases are provided and set at requested distances by City Turf Manager. 4. GAMES - Daily Usage for Category Level II, III IV: a. Category II - A meeting will be held at the beginning of the school year with the district staff to discuss field use and outline field use and anticipated maintenance/restoration needs. If maintenance is needed, cost sharing will be applied for those maintenance items. b. Field usage fees for up to 3 hours on the fields at: Bluhm, Denoon, Horn, Jensen, Kurth, Lions, Manchester, Moorland, Park Arthur #4, Schmidt and Veterans Park. i. Youth/Adult Organization- Resident($15.00/field/date) Non-resident ($30.00/field/date) c. Field usage fees for games at the turfed fields of Park Arthur fields #1, #2, #3. i. Games 2 hours 1. Resident ($100/field/date) Non-resident ($200/field/date) 5. Daily Tournament/League Usage (MORE than 4 hours of field use, typically double header games and all-day tournaments) regardless of Category Level. a. Field usage fees for the fields at: Bluhm, Denoon, Horn, Jensen, Kurth, Lions, Manchester, Moorland, Park Arthur #4, Schmidt and Veterans Park. i. Youth/Adult Organization- Resident($50.00/field/date) Non-resident ($100.00/field/date) b. Field usage fees for the turfed fields of Park Arthur fields #1, #2, #3. 16 i. Residents $250/field/date ii. Non-residents $500/field/date 6. Security Deposits: a. Season Deposit - $750 deposit for any organization using the turfed fields at Park Arthur #1, #2, #3. Deposit will be used to repair any damage to field, turf cleaning/sanitizing, man-hours for upkeep, base replacement, etc. Deposit to be returned after the season-end inspection of the fields if not needed to pay for repairs. b. Tournament Deposits -Resident ($250/tournament) or Non-resident ($500/tournament), regardless of priority level in addition to any other usage fees applied for the tournament event. i. All security deposits to be refunded partially or totally upon inspection of the grounds after the tournament/event. Misrepresentation of stated purpose can also result in total forfeiture of security deposit. c. Maintenance Fees For the fields at: Bluhm, Denoon, Horn, Jensen, Kurth, Lions, Manchester, Moorland, Park Arthur #4, Schmidt and Veterans Park, each organization utilizing these fields must provide to the City an insured business, the Organization has secured, that will provide field game prep/maintenance for approval by the City. Maintenance specifications will be provided to each insured field crew and must be followed for all prep of City fields. City will take drone photos of each field the first week of each month and report back to the user groups utilizing those fields of any damages and repairs that must be performed at the expense of the leagues using those fields. Fields cannot be maintained/prepped by parents of the organization and must only be done by trained and insured individuals. The City will provide all maintenance and field prep for the turfed fields at Park Arthur #1, #2, #3. Soccer/Open Fields that require a special set -up or special mowing prior to the event will be assessed a maintenance fee of $100.00. Requests for special set -up/maintenance must be made at least 2 weeks in advance of event. d. Lights and Shed/Storage Usage 1. All keys are the property of the City of Muskego and will not be duplicated. 2. A key deposit of $25.00/key will be required should you request the use of the complex storage facilities. Key deposits will be retained should the key be lost. Also, you will be held responsible for any other expenses resulting from the loss of the key as the Department of Public Works and the Recreation Department feels necessary, such as lock changes, etc. a. For baseball/soccer/football leagues, there will be only one key per facility issued to each league. If it becomes necessary for the department to have additional keys made to fulfill a request for additional keys, the individual/league/organization wi ll 17 be assessed this additional incurred expense to the department. The key(s) must be turned into the department at the end of the season and are the property of the City of Muskego. Failure to return the key(s) will result in loss of the key deposit and could result in additional charges if it is felt by the department that the facility needs to be rekeyed because of the lack of return of the key(s). Loss of future use could be penalized, also. 3. Any individual/league/organization will assume responsibility for the securing of the shed/storage facility. Theft, vandalism, etc. which occurs due to the lack of properly securing the facility at the completion of the event will be the responsibility of said individual/league/organization. Restitution, as determined by the Department of Public Works and the Recreation Department, will be the responsibility of the individual/league/organization. e. Baseball/Softball/Kickball Tournaments 1. Tournaments using City of Muskego fields may be scheduled beginning May 1 for fields at: Bluhm, Denoon, Horn, Jensen, Kurth, Lions, Manchester, Moorland, Park Arthur #4, Schmidt and Veterans Park. Tournaments using the turfed fields at Park Arthur #1, #2, #3 may be able to start in April, weather dependent. 2. For any tournament requests, in addition to an application form, the purpose of the requested athletic field usage must be declared in writing including all financial, concession, and other related arrangements; i.e., insurance, toilet facilities, garbage, etc. in operating the event (Proper athletic field usage will be determined by the Recreation Department—to apply appropriate fees.). This information must be provided no less than 30 days before the tournament. 3. Tournaments will incur a $100/tournament fee for dumpster use, if selling concessions at the tournament. 4. If tournament takes place outside of normal months parks bathrooms are open (May 1 - September 30) an additional charge of $100/day will be added for special cleaning of the restrooms. Will only be assessed for field use in the months of April and October and all parks except Park Arthur, where restrooms are open year round. 5. Open air shelters at Bluhm and Park Arthur can be used for concession sales at a cost of $150/day per shelter. Should you wish to also rent the kitchen/concession area of Park Arthur there is an additional cost of $100/day for this use. i. If using the concession area of Park Arthur shelter, you must have a concession manager who will ensure the electrical map for the concession area is being followed. Only approved AMP items may be plugged into each designated outlet. If fuses are blown due to not following this electrical map, there will be an electrical re-set fee of $25 each time the fuse is reset during your event. 18 General Rules and Regulations • User must be a City of Muskego civic organization, team, school or individual. Non-resident organizations must be approved prior to use and will pay non-resident fees. All usage must be subject to approval by the Recreation Department and/or Parks and Conservation Committee as needed. • Daily events must conclude by 10:00 P.M. unless an extension is granted by the Recreation Department. • The user/applicant is responsible for the general clean up (dugouts, athletic field areas) and also parking and crowd control on the grounds as determined by the field maintenance division. City staff is not responsible for this clean up. If City staff are required to clean the area the following day for a game or tournament, the individual/league/organization will be charged a $100.00 maintenance fee and could determine future use of the facilities. • All distributed keys are the property of the City of Muskego. No duplication of keys is permitted. Anyone caught duplicating keys will lose their field privileges and pay the cost to re- key facilities. Field/facility security is important to us all. • Parking on the grass at any park facility is strictly prohibited unless the Parks and Conservation Committee gives special approval. It is the organizations responsibility to make sure all guests of your events know that parking on grass is not allowed. Costs for use of Park Arthur fields #1, #2, #3 Field Cost Sample for planning purposes only. Full costs will be determined at the time of submission of application and can include security deposits, shelter rentals, dumpster use and staffing if necessary. 2022 FINALIZED FIELD COSTS GAME ONLY USE COST per field RESIDENT 100% Muskego Teams PER FIELD / PER DATE $100/date NON-RESIDENT 75% Muskego Teams PER FIELD / PER DATE $100/date Non-resident League Teams PER GAME / PER DATE i.e. double headers cost $400 $200/game TOURNAMENT ONLY USE (per day) Cost per date/per field Resident Team Sponsored Tournaments $250.00 Non-Resident Team Tournaments $500.00 1.5 hour PRACTICE ONLY USE ON PARK ARTHUR #1, #2, #3 Cost per date/per field PRACTICES Resident Team $100.00 PRACTICES Non-Resident Team $150.00 19 Mill Valley Complex Lights Usage Adopted by the Parks and Recreation Board February 20, 1984 Fees and Charges Adopted by the Parks and Recreation Board January 21, 1985 Adopted by the Parks and Recreation Board March 14, 1988 Policy Revision Approved and Adopted by the Parks and Recreation Board May 11, 1992 *Revised by Director Craig Anderson 11/17/06, 10/20/08, 10/2/09, 8/10/10, 1/26/12, 10/2/12, 10/23/14 *Revised by Recreation Manager Tammy Dunn 11/11/15, 12/1/16 Policy Revision Approved and Adopted by the Parks and Conservation Committee 4/18 20   Page 1 of 1    CITY OF MUSKEGO   Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee     To:   Parks and Conservation Committee      From:  Scott Kroeger, PE, PLS, Public Works and Development Director      Subject:   Beer Garden at Veterans Memorial Park 2021     Date:   October 14, 2021    The 2021 Beer Garden Services partnership with Component Brewing Company to host the City’s Beer  Garden events was a successful venture for the third consecutive season. Component Brewing Company  selected a total of four summer weekends along with a winter beer garden event.  Outside of the winter  beer garden date, each summer weekend consisted of a Friday and Saturday evening, along with a  Sunday afternoon.  The daily fee for each date of service provided was an agreed upon $400.00 fee, with  a total amount of $5,200.00 collected for beer garden events.    Attendance was noticeably lower than past years. There were many factors that came into play for this  decline.  First and foremost, beer gardens have become very pop ular throughout our region which create  competition. Summer of 2021, families were very busy traveling and participating in other various  activities and events which drove competition.  Familiarity of the beer garden, location, and vendor may  also have been a factor.      To continue to build on this community event, the Recreation Department is considering sending out a  Request for Proposal to make available to vendors the potential opportunity to submit a formal plan to  join  in  this  private/public  venture.    Another  option  would  be  for a local non‐profit to have the  opportunity to host beer garden style events at our park’s locations.      Continuing the evolution of this event, the Request for Proposal will make available to submit additional  and/or alternative event dates (impending City approval) to tailor to potential schedule conflicts for  interested vendors.  The proposal will also provide the opportunity to allow a weather cancellation  make‐up, in the event the region receives seasonal weather.    The vendor fees will again be a daily flat rate.  Consideration to previous events were taken to come up  with a fair and competitive fee.              Recommendation for Action by the Committee:  Approve the recommendation to host the community beer garden’s at Veterans Memorial Park for 2022.  21 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Memo to Parks and Conservation Committee To: Parks and Conservation Committee From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Subject: Idle Isle Staffing Date: October 14, 2021 Due to the tremendous increase in use at Idle Ilse Park over the past 2 summers, plus the inclusion of the 3-picnic pad rental spots, the kayak/paddleboard launch area, concessions, and equipment rental, we are finding a need to have more staff present at the park during popular hours. Our 2022 recreation budget includes a staff position titled Idle Isle Ranger. This position would cover the park 7 days a week with 8 hour shifts during the week and 10 hour shifts on Sat/Sun. Position would start May 1 and run through September 30. Duties would include working with Police Department Water Patrol, help with rentals & concessions, monitor launch to make sure all launch users are paying appropriate fees, supervise park patrons, do general park clean-up, replenish consumables in the washrooms, make sure people are not parking in unapproved locations, indicating when lots are full, dealing with issues with the automated parking pay stations, and a host of other duties we are still determining. A job description is still being created for this position and this part-time seasonal position will be posted in late winter. We envision having a crew of up to 3 people to take on this role so that we don’t have staffing shortages due to sickness or vacation. This position is included in the recreation program budget area and will be pa id for by the pay station fees collected at the park. It is likely we may need to increase parking fees at the park to offset this cost. If we feel that is necessary after the job description and salary is figured out, we will come back to this committee in March with a request to increase the daily parking fees of vehicles visiting the park. The current cost is $1/vehicle Monday through 5PM on Friday, and $4/vehicle 5PM Friday through Sunday. Our recommendation will be to increase to $2/vehicle Monday thru Thursday and $5/vehicle Friday thru Sunday. We will also continue to offer concessions at the Idle Isle Snack Shack in the summer of 2022 due to the success we had this summer once we were able to find staffing and get equipment. The Snack Shack did not open until July and even though staffing was somewhat of an issue and products were hard to come by, we still turned a small profit for our first year and only being open 2 months. Our plan for 2022 is to open again in May and run weekends only in May and September and then do 7 days a week June-July-August. Recommendation for Action by Committee: For information purposes only 22   Page 1 of 2    CITY OF MUSKEGO   Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee    To:   Parks and Conservation Committee      From:  Scott Kroeger, PE, PLS, Public Works and Development Director      Subject:   Recommendation to Committee to not purchase land east of Park Arthur     Date:   October 18, 2021    Per the current City of Muskego’s Comp Plan, the following language was placed in the plan.  Below is the  section that reference Park Arthur (3c).  Future Recreation Note (Shown as Note #3a ‐ #3c on 2020 Future Land Use Map)  The future recreation notes apply to few areas in the City where Muskego wishes to promote increased park amenities. The recreation aspiration may be in the form of where the community would like to site a future park or simply where future additional lands for existing parks may be preferred for future park enhancements. The future recreation desires and intentions are detailed herein below (Note: The number reflected below is referenced on the map): 3a. A large portion of undeveloped land exists northeast of Kurth Park. If this land should become available for sale or via a proposed development, the Park Board shall look into acquisition of a portion of these lands for the future expansion of Kurth Park, which would tie the park to a community of residents to north of Tess Corners Drive resulting in a park corridor. 3b. As per the adopted Parks and Conservation Plan, a future Community Park is required to fit the needs of the community and the area residents within the southeast portion of Muskego. The City would like to find approximately 20+ acres for the development of a community park within the area noted on the map. Land dedications at the time of residential development or outright purchases may take place. A location for such a park could be found either north of Boxhorn Drive or along Thode Drive (As shown as Number 3b in the two areas on the Future Land Use Map). 3c. Park Arthur is found along College Avenue in the northwest portion of the City and is slated to be a full-scale community park within the next ten years. If lands to the east of this park should become available for sale or via a proposed development, the Park Board shall look into acquisition of a portion of these lands for the future expansion of Park Arthur. Additional lands could provide additional recreational services to the community including increased trail amenities.     Currently, the land to the east of Park Arthur has an approved preliminary plat by Common Council for  a single family residential.  This land east of Park Arthur is quite valuable for development which is why  23   Page 2 of 2    development is moving quickly.  The developer is at the point of submitting construction plans for the  City of Muskego review.  The City of Muskego does not have the funds to purchase the land directly  east of Park Arthur.  Furthermore, the City of Muskego still has the west side of Park Arthur to develop.   The west side of Park Arthur has the potential to provide additional recreational services to the City of  Muskego.        Recommendation for Action by the Committee:  City Staff recommends to the committee to not consider purchasing lands east of Park Arthur for future expansion. A motion is required.   24   Page 1 of 1    CITY OF MUSKEGO   Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee    To:   Parks and Conservation Committee      From:  Scott Kroeger, PE, PLS, Public Works and Development Director      Subject:   Update on Park Projects 2021/Update on Capital Projects for 2022‐2026     Date:   October 18, 2021    Parks 2021 Update   The new Manchester Park Playground has been completed   Park Arthur Field 1, 2, and 3    Little Muskego Lake Access #9 (Funded by MMSD GI)    Here is the link for drone video of Park Arthur Field 1, 2, and 3.  Here is video of Little Muskego Lake  Access #9.    https://youtu.be/KhrOWRs6KYk    Attached you will see the City of Muskego’s staff proposed 5‐year Capital Projects for parks (2022‐ 2026).  Please review this document and please provide any recommendations.  The updated Parks  and Open Space plan will help guide City of Muskego staff for future Capital projects.        Recommendation for Action by the Committee:  No action required    25 26 CITY OF MUSKEGO Staff Report to Parks & Conservation Committee October 18, 2021 To: Parks & Conservation Committee From: Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager Subject: Recreation Program Miscellaneous Updates Date: October 14, 2021 Please find the following items in relation to various recreation programs/activities in the city. Such items don’t require committee action but can certainly be discussed during the Miscellaneous Business portion of the meeting. • What a summer we have had! Here are some important highlights. A. Last year, 2020 we had a record year with 72 park shelter rentals. This was way up for all years prior. In 2021, we are just over 175 separate picnic/shelter rentals! We still have 2 more rentals in the month of October and anticipate at least 1 or 2 more if the weather continues to hold as people still don’t want to have larger groups in their homes due to covid. B. We have brought in just over $35,000 in revenue at the Idle Isle pay stations to date. This is down from last year, but, we sold over 600 annual launch passes! We normally sell about 400 of those, and so we had to order a second batch to finish out the rest of this year. Th e vast majority of those were to residents. We only sold 99 non-resident passes so far. We will sell a few more with the start of duck hunting. So, some of the missing pay station money is made up in the pass sales. C. We had high numbers in enrollment in several of our sports camps both this summer and now this fall. Numerous additional classes were added to take care of those on the wait list. We started to see our playground program numbers return back to normal. And we offered our preschool 3K/4K program over the summer and had good turn out in those programs. • We are starting work on the Winter/Spring program guide, which we will do both with the smaller abridged copy being mailed to all residents and our full large guide online digitally. We hope to have the guide out around November 17 with registration starting on November 29. We anticipate a typical line-up of our programs for the upcoming session. • Our recreation software, that we started with November 2020, has proven to be a successful choice. It is very easy for the public to use for rec programs and has worked very well for ballfield use and shelter rentals. Since January 1, we have taken in with the software $344,942 in revenue with $243,581 done solely online. Only $57,845 was cash/check which are transactions done in person. With our small staff, it is beneficial to have a solid software that is user friendly for the public to use. • In August we held our inaugural Gregg Klann Memorial Pickleball Tournament. 88 registrations, with 72 players total enrolled within the tournament. During the event, we revealed the memorial bench, and were able to donate a total of $750 along with several non-perishable food items to the Muskego Food Pantry in Gregg’s and his family’s honor. 27 Memo To: Parks and Conservation Committee From: Tom Zagar CC: Scott Kroeger, Tammy Dunn, Adam Trzebiatowski, Ryan Beilfuss Date: October 13, 2021 Re: Conservation Coordinator Update Highlights of recent conservation, lakes, and forestry projects:  Staff is working with a contractor to plant 50 park trees, 8 library trees and replace 23 street trees on Janesville Road utilizing MMSD Green Infrastructure funding.  The new fence has now been installed around Luther Parker Cemetery.  A kiosk is being installed at the South Denoon Road launch site on Lake Denoon. The kiosk will contain boating regulations, a lake map, and other information for lake users who access at that site.  Invasive species management comprises the bulk of the conservation workload. Follow-up spraying of invasive shrub re-sprouts was done at Engel Conservation Area and Denoon Park in areas where brush had recently been cleared. Wild parsnip was managed at Badertscher Preserve and Denoon Park. Stands of invasive giant reed grass (Phragmites australis) have been greatly reduced and almost eliminated at Park Arthur, Marshland Camps Preserve, Badertscher Preserve, and Engel Conservation Area. Many other invasive plants are managed as we discover them growing throughout our conservation sites. Although controlling invasive plants often feels overwhelming we have definitely seen a positive trajectory toward healthier plant communities in the sites we manage.  A UWSP student, Autumn Melnarik, is doing a volunteer internship with us this fall. Her assistance has been very valuable in conducting our management projects – in particular collection of native plant seed to that will be used to restore conservation lands. Community Development Department 28