PCC041221packetCITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE AGENDA 04/12/2021 5:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from the October 19, 2020 Meeting Minutes 10192020.pdf NEW BUSINESS Update on Parks and Open Space Plan 2017 - 2021 Parks and Conservation Plan Update.pdf Manchester Park Ribbon Cutting Event Hope Park Playground Project Update.pdf Parking at Marshland Camps Preserve Propsed Parking at Marshland Camps Preserve.pdf Lake Access Hours of Operation Lake Access Hours of Operation.pdf Update on Capital Projects for 2021 - 2022 Update on Capital Projects for 2021 & 2022.pdf DIRECTOR'S REPORT Recreation Manager's Report Rec Memo April 2021.pdf Conservation Coordinator's Report Conservation Memo April 2021.pdf COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT 1 NOTICE IT IS POSSIBLE THAT MEMBERS OF AND POSSIBLY A QUORUM OF MEMBERS OF OTHER GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING TO GATHER INFORMATION; NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL BODY AT THE ABOVE-STATED MEETING OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ABOVE IN THIS NOTICE. ALSO, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEEDS OF DISABLED INDIVIDUALS THROUGH APPROPRIATE AIDS AND SERVICES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REQUEST THIS SERVICE, CONTACT MUSKEGO CITY HALL, (262) 679-4100. 2 Unapproved CITY OF MUSKEGO PARKS AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MINUTES October 19, 2020 5:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Ms. Boyer called the meeting to order at 5:01 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Ald. John Terrence, Terri Boyer, Matthew Bughman, Barbara Erdmann, Bill Miller and Barbara Schroeder Also Present: Adam Trzebiatowski, Planning Manager; Adam Young, Recreation Specialist; Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager; Scott Kroeger, Director of Public Works and Development; Tom Zagar, Conservation Coordinator Absent: Toby Whipple STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE This meeting was noticed in accordance with open meeting laws on October 16, 2020. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Bughman made a motion to Approve the Minutes of June 2, 2020. Mr. Miller seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Possible Sale of a Portion of Woods Road Conservation Land (Tax Key # 2227.989.012) Planning Manager Trzebiatowski presented the memo and maps of the property. He said the owner needs this portion of land in order to split her lot into two. The City has no plans for this small sliver of conservation land. Manager Trzebiatowski stated the owner should be solely responsible for the survey costs in order to move forward. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the Sale of a Portion of Woods Road Conservation Land. Ald. Terrence seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Discuss Conservation Preservation on the Golla Property (Tax Key # 2222.986) Mr. Zagar presented the memo and maps to the Committee. Planner Trzebiatowski explained the three options, listed in the memo, available to the Committee. Mr. Mark Golla spoke on behalf of the family stating they were here for ideas about what the City may be interested in doing with the land. He said the family had not made a decision on whether or not to sell part of this parcel. Mr. Miller stated this is an awesome piece of conservation land that he strongly suggested the City obtain if possible. Mr. Golla mentioned his only concern was drainage and 3 wetlands that increase with every passing year. He does not want that to be a problem in the future for his existing property or his son’s if they sell a portion to the City. Ald. Terrence made a motion to move forward with the three options (in order) presented in the memo. Ms. Schroeder seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Gregg Klann Memorial Proposal Mr. Young talked about the Muskego Pickleball program and about Mr. Klann’s life and dedication to pickleball and many other Muskego volunteer programs. The Recreation Department would like to name a pickleball court at Lion’s Park in his honor, along with a memorial bench and possibly a plaque. Ald. Terrence made a motion to approve the Gregg Klann Memorial Proposal as presented. Mr. Bughman seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Beer Garden 2021: Component Brewery Director Kroeger gave an overview of the 2020 Beer Gardens. He stated from a City standpoint this is a turn-key event. In previous years an RFP has been requested. For calendar year 2021, the City would prefer to hire Component Brewery outright for 3-4 weekends. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve hiring Component Brewery for the 2021 Beer Gardens. Ald. Terrence seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Muskego Icetronauts Snowmobile Club Request for Trail Markings Director Kroeger stated this is an annual request from the snowmobile club for the same areas. Mr. Bughman made a motion to approve the Muskego Icetronauts Snowmobile Club Request for Trail Markings. Ms. Boyer seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Update on Capital Budget Approval 2021 Director Kroeger thanked the Committee members who attended the Parks tour earlier this year. He presented his 2021 budget memo and talked about Ally Pacocha’s fundraising for Manchester Park. STATUS OF PROJECTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recreation Manager’s Report Manager Dunn presented her report. Conservation Coordinator’s Report Mr. Zagar presented his report. COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT 4 Mr. Miller made a motion to adjourn at 5:51 PM. Ald. Terrence seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Wendy Fredlund Recording Secretary 5   Page 1 of 1    CITY OF MUSKEGO  Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee    To:   Parks and Conservation Committee  From:  Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager   Subject:   Parks & Conservation Plan 2022‐2026  Date:   April 9, 2021    We have begun to work on updating the current 2017‐2021 Parks & Conservation Plan.  City staff from  Engineering, DPW, GIS, Conservation and Recreation will be working together to update the plan based  on the projects that have been completed since the last plan was created and take into consideration  new areas of the city that have come under our direction.    Our time line is as follows:    April – Each department has assigned tasks to update the old information and add new information.      May – The Recreation Department will be creating and sending out community feedback surveys to  several parks/conservation site neighbors to get their input on how the park is used by neighbors and if  any improvements we have recently made have a positive impact.  We will also create a general city  resident online survey that any park user can complete for any of the city’s parks or conservation sites.      June/July – Work will continue through the summer tabulating findings, making site visits to look for  improvement areas to recommend and then putting together a draft of the new plan.      August – A digital draft will be provided to the Committee members via email for each member’s  feedback.     October – Final draft plan will be presented to the Parks & Conservation Committee for approval.      November – The new plan will have its readings in November    December – Given to Muskego Common Council for adoption.    This plan is vital to the operations of parks, conservation and recreation in Muskego.  It is how we plan  for future capital budget items, plan for daily operations, make suggestions for lands to purchase and  so much more.  We hope that the committee members will take some time to provide comments and  suggestions to help up create the plan during the summer months.      Recommendation for Action by Committee:    Will provide City Staff with any feedback on items you would like to see included in this plan. Also,  notify us if you would like to sit in on staff meetings as we get into the more detailed work.  6   Page 1 of 1        CITY OF MUSKEGO   Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee    To:   Parks and Conservation Committee     From:  Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager     Subject:   Hope Playground Project Update    Date:   April 8, 2021    Miss Pacocha was successful in her fundraising efforts and raised just short of $40K for  the project.  A playground structure was picked with her input and a site plan was  designed.  The old playground was removed in mid‐March and the site began its initial  prep work.  The new playground installation will start the week of April 12.  This will be a  few weeks process as the playground is installed, the concrete boarder around the  whole site is poured and then wood chips, plantings, and signage will be completed. The  city has budgeted $40K for this project as well and we were able to receive a donation  from MN/WI Playground to allow this full project to happen.     We would like to host a citywide ribbon cutting event on Thursday, May 20th at 5:00PM  and would like to have as many of the committee members present as possible.  More  information will follow in the weeks ahead as we finalize the nights activities with Miss  Pacocha.      Recommendation for Action by Committee:    Mark your calendars to attend the ribbon cutting event on May 20th and thank Miss  Pacocha for her dedication to this worthwhile project.  7     To: Parks & Conservation Committee  From: Tom Zagar  CC:  Scott Kroeger  RE: Proposed Parking Lot  Date: April 9, 2021  Overview  Staff proposes construction of a small (6 stall) parking lot in the northeast corner of 49‐acre Marshland Camps  Preserve (see area depicted below).  Asphalt millings and a portion of culvert pipe from City stockpiles would be  used for the driveway and lot surface.  Minimal site preparation would be required because much of this area still  has a subgrade of compacted roadbed material from when Holz Drive aligned with Durham Drive a bit further  south.      Request  It is requested that the Parks and Conservation Committee recommend to Common Council approval of the  construction of a small parking lot in the northeastern portion of Marshland Camps Preserve.  8   Page 1 of 1    CITY OF MUSKEGO   Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee    To:   Parks and Conservation Committee      From:  Scott Kroeger, PE, PLS, Public Works and Development Director      Subject:   Lake Access Hours of Operation     Date:   April 12, 2021    It was brought to the City of Muskego’s attention that there are no hours of operation for Lake  Access points in the City of Muskego.  City of Muskego staff is recommending that Lake Access hours  be the same as Parks.  I have provided the recommended language below.    “Hours. Lake Access shall normally be open daily from 5:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. and normally be closed from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., except for activities and events sponsored by the Department or authorized by permission of the Director or designee, and except for the purpose of using the boat launch to launch or remove a watercraft. Any Lake Access may be declared closed to the public by the Director or designee at any time for any interval of time, with temporary or stated intervals as the Director or designee shall find reasonably necessary. It shall be unlawful to go upon an area or part of any Lake Access of the City when it has been declared to be closed to the public by the Director or designee.”    If  this  is  approved  by  the  Committee,  please  remember  this  will  need  to  get  Common  Council  approval through the municipal code revision process.      Recommendation for Action by the Committee:  Approve that Lake Access have the same hours of Operation as Parks.    9   Page 1 of 2    CITY OF MUSKEGO   Staff Report to Parks and Conservation Committee    To:   Parks and Conservation Committee      From:  Scott Kroeger, PE, PLS, Public Works and Development Director      Subject:   Update on Capital Projects for 2021 and 2022     Date:   April 12, 2021    The following is a list of Capital Projects approved for 2021.      Capital Budget Parks ‐ 2021        Alli Pacocha has raised more than her goal amount for Manchester Park.  The City of Muskego was  able to order the new playground set at the end of December 2020.  The plan is to have a ribbon cut  sometime in later May 2021.    All the safety improvements for the baseball fields will be completed in April 2021.  The baseball  fields are usually released around mid‐April with first games scheduled at the end of April.      The  current  plan  is  to  shut  down  Park  Arthur  Fields  1,  2,  and  3 on Monday July 19 to start  construction on these fields.  The plan is for a full reconstruction of the field with turf infields.  We  will  be  obtaining  bids  later  in  the  week  and  taking  recommendations  to  Finance  and  Common  Council at the end of April.    The permanent park bathrooms will be opened at the beginning of May.  The bathrooms got all new  epoxy floors, LED lights, and electric hand dryer replacements.  All park cameras from last year are  up and running and the planning process for the ones in 2021 has started.    PROJECT NAME LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 2021 All Fields Baseball: Park Arthur (Regrading of Field 1, 2, & 3 for proper drainage) $650,000 (Baseball, Rugby, Soccer, Football) Baseball: Park Arthur Field Turf for Field 1, 2, & 3 (alternative) $100,000 Baseball: Horn Field safety improvements $5,500 Baseball: Jensen Field safety improvements $2,500 Baseball: Kurth Field safety improvements $3,500 Baseball: Denoon Field safety improvements $2,500 Baseball: Bluhm Field safety improvements $6,000 Playground Sets Manchester Park (New Playground Set to match funds for Memorial Play Structure) $40,000 Misc. Playground replacement equipment $5,000 Wood chips for all playgrounds $10,000 AMOUNT 10   Page 2 of 2    Draft Capital 2022          This is a draft copy of 2022 Capital Projects.  Please provide suggestions or comments before our  Capital submittal in June.          Recommendation for Action by the Committee:  No action required    PROJECT NAME LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 2022 All Fields Baseball: Horn Field safety improvements $5,500 Baseball: Jensen Field safety improvements $2,500 Baseball: Kurth Field safety improvements $3,500 Baseball: Denoon Field safety improvements $2,500 Baseball: Bluhm Field safety improvements $6,000 Rugby Field: Bluhm Safety Improvements $2,500 Soccer Field: Safety Improvements $2,500 Football Field: Safety Improvements $2,500 Parks - Tennis Court/Pickle Court Outdoor Seating with Shade (Lions Park)$10,000 Outdoor Seating with Shade (Kurth Park)$10,000 Basketball Courts None $0 Dumpster Enclosures Idle Isle (2)$10,000 Park Arthur (2)$10,000 Bluhm (1)$5,000 Playground Sets Misc. Playground replacement equipment $5,000 Wood chips for all playgrounds $10,000 Concrete Apron around playgrounds (Bluhm, Jensen, Lions, Denoon) $45,000 Fencing Park Arthur (Split Rail)$0 Future Trails There is no current plans to work on designs or construction of separate trail plans $0 Park Structures and Lots Kurth Park Building Upgrades (new bathroom stalls) $6,500 Bluhm Park Building Upgrades (new bathroom stalls) $13,000 Horn Park Building Upgrades (new bathroom stalls)$6,500 Idle Isle Park Building Upgrades (new bathroom stalls) $6,500 Veterans Park Building Upgrades (new bathroom stalls) $6,500 Lions Park Building Upgrades (new bathroom stalls $6,500 Arthur Park Building Upgrades (new bathroom stalls) $6,500 Lake Access Points $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $184,500 AMOUNT EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 11 CITY OF MUSKEGO  Staff Report to Parks & Conservation Committee  April 12, 2021    To:     Parks & Conservation Committee  From:    Tammy Dunn, Recreation Manager  Subject:   Recreation Program Miscellaneous Updates  Date:     April 8, 2021    Please find the following items in relation to various recreation programs/activities in the city. Such  items don’t require committee action but can certainly be discussed during the Miscellaneous Business  portion of the meeting.    1. We are finishing up the production of our summer guide which will be published digitally on  April 16th. We are also producing and abridged version of the guide which we will be mailing to  Muskego residences so they know that we will have programs available this summer.   Registration for the summer session is scheduled to start at 8:30AM on April 21. We have a full  summer offering of our typical programs.    2. We will begin the process of hiring some seasonal staff to work the Idle Isle concessions area.  Position will start in early May. The plan is to have the facility open a few hours in the middle of  every weekday and then for 10 hours on the weekends.  We will sell limited pre‐packaged  snacks and drinks, a few frozen treats and are planning on working with some local business to  sell their items as well (Pops, Sweet Kettle Delight, Gingerbread House, etc.)  Those  conversations will take place in the next few weeks. The staff person will also be able to sell  annual boat launch passes, Idle Isle parking passes, rent our kayaks & stand‐up paddle boards  and keep on eye on the park for issues with trash or dangerous behaviors.    3. Spring sports are now getting in to full swing with full use of the ball fields and soccer fields.   Our new software will allow for teams to easily schedule their practices and see who else is  using the fields.  We currently have fields reserved for 6 tournaments at Park Arthur with one  more group still expressing interest in hosting a tournament.    4. Beer garden dates have been set for 2021 with Component Brewing. Dates are June 25‐27, July  16‐18, August 13‐15 and September 10‐12.  There are also several other beer gardens  scheduled for this summer by local non‐profits as a fundraiser for their programs.  Their dates  are still being finalized.    5. We have several exciting outdoor adventure classes going on this spring including an Arbor day  Sunset Candlelight Hike at Badertscher, a Big Muskego Lake Scenic Kayak tour in May, a Fox  Rive Guided Kayak tour in May and we are working with Tom Zagar, Conservation Coordinator  on a Muskego Conservation Land Management Workshop in May as well.  12     To: Parks & Conservation Committee  From: Tom Zagar  CC:  Scott Kroeger  RE: Conservation Updates  Date: April 9, 2021   Prescribed burns were conducted on several lands this spring: Badertscher Preserve, Blattner Preserve,  Bluhm Park, Manchester Hill Park, and Luther Parker Cemetery.  Prairie and oak woodlands are fire‐ adapted plant communities that developed over thousands of years of humans applying fire to the  landscape, so these burns are critical to their ecological health.   A fencing contractor has been hired to install a four‐foot steel fence around Luther Parker Cemetery  replacing the cedar wood fence that has become dilapidated over the past two decades.  The black  galvanized steel fence will have ornate finials and mimic a wrought iron fence style appropriate for the  age of the cemetery (1842).   Ospreys have returned to Big Muskego Lake and should be laying eggs soon.  The Bald Eagles are no  longer nesting on a platform – they have nested and are currently incubating eggs in a large willow tree  on the west shore near Nature Estates subdivision.  Cameras have been placed on osprey platforms and  nesting photographs of these birds will be shared on the City’s website.  13