PCM19970121CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES January 21, 1997 0 Minutes of the Plan Commission Meeting held on January 21, 1997 ln the Muskego Room, City Hall, W182 58200 Racine Avenue. Mayor De Angelis called the meeting to order at 7:11 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor De Angelis, Alderman Salentine, Commissioners' Smith, Vitt, Schaumberg and Hulbert, Director Sadowski and Assistant Planner Trejo. ABSENT: Commissioner Gummer Secretary reported that the meeting was properly noticed in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. MINUTES : Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve the minutes from January 7, 1997. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion to approve the minutes was passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: e RESOLUTION #P.c. 209-96 -- Approval of Conceptual Development Plan By Bray Associates Architects for the Muskego-Norway School District Middle School Located in the SE 1/4 of Section 32. This resolution was brought back to the floor. Discussion regarding this resolution was combined with Mayor and Director Sadowski that sanitary sewer and wetland New Business: Resolution #P.C. 13-97. It was reported by the issues have not been resolved and will most likely not be resolved in the near future. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 209-96 was Defeated 5-1 with Commissioner Hulbert voting yes. Final Plat of Lakewood Meadows Addition No. 2 Subdivision RESOLUTION #P.c. 192-96 -- Approval of Reapplication of located in the SE 1/4 of Section 5. This resolution was brought back to the floor. Director Sadowski informed the Commission that there are quite a few unresolved issues; such as soil samples have not been received, offsets are still a concern, along with the detention area. This item will be on the Public Works Committee Agenda for Monday, January 27, 1997 for resolution on the above concerns. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to defer. Alderman Salentine seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 192-96 was Deferred unanimously. 0 two lot land division for the property of Elaine Beckner by Grace Ciesielski of Raven Realty at the property located at 568 RESOLUTION #P.C. 214-96 -- Approval of a sketch creating a 01-21 PCMIN; PAGE 2 W12502 Woods Road in the SE 1/4 of Section 1. (Tax Key No. 2164.999). This resolution was brought back to the floor. Director Sadowski advised that the petitioner has been notified to submit a letter for deferral. To date we have not received notice from petitioner. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to deny. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 214-96 was Defeated unanimously. 0 two lot land division for Dave Leikam at the DroDertv located at RESOLUTION #P.C. 216-96 -- Approval of a sketch creating a W200 58609 Woods Road in the SW 1/4 of Section 17. iTax Key No. 2227.989). This resolution was brought back to the floor. Director Sadowski has not received new information. The petitioner was sent a letter directing them to take appropriate action to schedule this item on the Sewer Utility Agenda. To motion to deny. Commissioner Smith seconded. Upon a roll date, nothing has been received. Commissioner Hulbert made a call vote, Resolution #P.C. 216-96 was Defeated unanimously. CONSENT BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 10-97 -- Approval to Amend a Conditional Use Grant for Mini-Warehouse for Muskego Storage by Greg S. 0 Key No. 2177.932 and 2177.933.002). Commissioner Schaumberg Franke at the property located at 566 W19526 Tans Drive. (Tax made a motion to approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Director Sadowski stated that several issues need clarification -- masonry on front of buildings facing north (nearest Racine Avenue); additional landscaping east of detention pond and along the north retaining wall; and exterior lighting. Staff is waiting for recommendation from fire department review. Mr. Greg Franke addressed the Commission that he agreed with the masonry required and additional landscaping. However he asked that detention area remain natural. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to amend resolution to state, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the western - most new building have masonry on its west facing and that all new buildings have masonry on their north facings with masonry wrapping around to the east and west facings up to the second garage doors. Add sodium vapor cutoffs to each building. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, the amendment was passed unanimously. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to twice amend the resolution to state, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That additional landscaping consisting of four(4) to five(5) 2 1/2" diameter deciduous trees be placed on the western edge of the paved area with the resulting displaced shrubs being located along the north retaining wall. Alderman Salentine seconded. Upon a voice vote, the amendment was passed unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Twice Amended Resolution #P.C. 10-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 11-97 -- Approval of a Conditional Use Grant for a Two Family Residence (Mother-in-law Unit) for 01-21 PCMIN; PAGE 3 Michael Kubiszewski for the property located at 581 W17385 Joel Drive. (Lot 171 of the Meadow Green West Subdivision, Tax Key No. 2221.193). Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to approve. Commissioner Schaumberg seconded. Discussion ensued that there had been no opposition during the public hearing. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 11-97 was Adopted unanimously. 0 Grant for a Two Family Residence (Mother-in-law Unit) for Wolter Bros. Builders, Agent for Robert and Nancy Czerwinski, for the property located at S78 W15460 Foxtail Circle. (Lot 29, Foxboro North Subdivision, Tax Key No. 2203.104). Commissioner Vitt made a motion to approve. Alderman Salentine seconded. Discussion ensued regarding the overwhelming Hearing with the concern for the future of the neighborhood. response of opposition from the neighbors during the Public Commission. made a motion to The petitioners did not come forward to speak with the seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 12-97 was Defeated unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 12-97 -- Approval of a Conditional Use RESOLUTION #P.C. 13-97 -- Recommendation of Approval to Rezone Forty (40) Acres in the SW and SE 1/4 of Section 32, Tax Key No. 2287.999 from RS-2 Suburban Residential to RS-2/0IP Suburban Residential with an Institutional and Public Service Overlay for the Muskego-Norway Public Schools. Discussion regarding this resolution was combined with Old Business: approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Director Sadowski Resolution #P.C. 209-96. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to showed overheads of the placement of schools and the future growth in the surrounding areas. Discussion ensued whether this location is appropriate. Director Sadowski stated it was difficult to give a recommendation either for or against this petition citing lack of information from the petitioner. Council, Plan Commission and School Board to discuss the five Suggestions were made to conduct closed sessions with Common would need to be obtained before this could be arranged. Dr. sites considered by the District; advice from Legal Council Richard Drury, Superintendent of Schools, advised Commission that they were considering long range projections (40-50 years) in establishing the location of the new school. Mr. Jeff Olson, School Board President, commented that the Board's growth is the highest. That they will be balancing the feelings were to build a school site where the population districts out and this location met their criteria. At this time Mr. Doug Goriesky, Jahnke E, Jahnke, along with Terry Higgins, Architect for Bray & Associates, spoke to the Commission. Mr. Goriesky stated that this is not an unusual site and that the structural part of the building will remain on solid ground. Mr. Goriesky stated that they have done topography studies but not field delineation. Mr. Higgins suggested moving the soccer field to a different location where that portions of parking and play fields appear to be affecting there would be no encroachment of any wetlands. He also noted wetlands. Mayor De Angelis informed the Commission that Liesa Nesta, DNR, requested that the City not approve the rezoning members of the audience asked to be heard considering that this until the wetlands have been delineated. At this time, 01-21 PCMIN; PAGE 4 is such an important issue to be voted on. Attorney George Rice, opposed to the location, stated State Statues that confirm his opposition; advised Commission that he has spoken with Dave Abel, Army Corp of Eng, and Liesa Nesta, DNR, with information that neither party has been contacted by the School Board. Attorney Rice felt that the School Board needs to look at other sites and complete research before proceeding. Mr. Brian Kramer, Muskego Dam Drive, also stated his opposition to this site. He stated his concern with the Sand Hill Cranes in this area, and the impact to the wetlands. Mr. Greg Boehm asked what happens if Norway is dropped from school district -- Czarapata asked that this item be deferred until issues are response was no separation is planned at this time. Ms. Betty resolved regarding the cranes, and wetlands. At this time citing lack of resolution to sanitary sewer availability, the unknown factor of the wetlands effects on the extension of North Shore Drive and placement of the school and related Board wished to have a "yes" or "no" so they may plan facilities, and the statement by Dr. Drury that the School Commissioner Vitt objected. Upon a roll call vote the call for appropriately, Alderman Salentine called for the question, question was carried 5-1 with Commissioner Vitt voting no. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 13-97 was Defeated unanimously. Submitted by Metropolitan Engineering for Wayne Salentine and RESOLUTION #P.C. 14-97 -- Approval of Preliminary Plat Reno Berg for Lands in Park Estates (Pasadena Drive Extension) Being a part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 18, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to approve. Alderman Salentine seconded. Director Sadowski informed the Commission of concerns of approval of preliminary plat before property is rezoned. Additional concerns are soil boring tests; pedestrian paths needs to be shown on preliminary plat; who will maintain outlot 1; drainage easements need to be shown; 15 foot radius on corner lots at Janesville intersection; as well as other issues identified in engineer's comments and Commission Supplement. Director Sadowski commented that the 30 foot landscape buffer would not be included with square footage of lots. At this time Mr. Wayne Salentine and Mr. Reno Berg Agents for Park Estates addressed the Commission. Mr. Salentine stated that both he and Mr. Berg met with Director Sadowski and felt that the technical issues will be addressed. Regarding the bike path which will be between lots 19 and 20 concern as to ownership was addressed. Consensus by the Commission was that this would be a public bike path. Mr. Salentine informed the Commission that regarding the easement to Outlot 1 -- they have met with Mr. Krabbenhoft and this issue has been resolved. Another concern by Mr. Salentine was the landscape bendbuffer and asked for consideration of including the berm with easement. Mayor De Angelis stated this may be possible due to the OPD. Mr. Salentine expressed proceeding with rezoning. Also requested that soil boring interest to go to Common Council to receive approval before tests be handled at final plat. At this time Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to defer until legal council can advise 0 01-21 PCMIN; PAGE 5 commission on proper handling of requests with respect to ~ zoninq and soil tests. Commissioner Smith seconded. UDon a 4 voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 14-97 was Deferred unanimokly. - RESOLUTION #P.C. 15-97 -- Approval of Conceptual Review for Warehouse Facilitv by Smith-ODA Architects Inc. for the property located it Saturn, Mercury and Enterprise Drives of the Muskego Industrial Park in the SW 1/4 of Section 16 (Tax Key No. 2223.994.003). Commissioner Schaumberg made a motion to approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Director Sadowski informed the Commission staff is awaiting Fire Department review for building access. Parking seems to be adequate, the landscaping is well within park recommendations. If petitioner proceeds signage and lighting packages will need to be submitted, along with grading and drainage elevations. Mr. Commission that the owner wants to proceed with this project in Steven Smith, architect for petitioner (Tom Marina) advised the good faith and plans on cooperating with all requests. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 15-97 was Adopted unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: Cell Tower Criteria -- a General Guidelines for PCS Siting chart had been given to the Commission. Mayor De Angelis asked the Commission to review and give their comments at next meeting. 0 Commission to review the handout and notify the Planning Business Park Zoning District -- Mayor De Angelis asked Department of their input or bring their comments to the next meeting. Commission that all garages had been completed before he had an Muskego Regency - Garages -- Director Sadowski informed the opportunity to relay the Commission's comments. After brief discussion, the Commission remains with their original feelings that the doors should be changed. The top panel should be removed to show uniformity throughout the garages. ADJOURNMENT : Commissioner Vitt made a motion to adjourn at 10:45 P.M. Alderman Salentine seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary