PCM19970107CITY OF MUSKEG0 PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES January 7, 1997 Minutes of the Plan Commission Meeting held on January 7, 1997 in the Muskego Room, City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue. Mayor De Angelis called the meeting to order at 7:OO P.M. PRESENT: Mayor De Angelis, Alderman Salentine, Commissioners' Gummer, Smith, Vitt, and Hulbert, Director Sadowski and Assistant Planner Carlos Trejo. ABSENT: Commissioner Schaumberg Secretary reported that the meeting was properly noticed in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. MINUTES : Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve the minutes from December 3, 1996. Commissioner Gummer seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion to approve the minutes was passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 145-96 -- Approval of a One (1) Lot Land Division Sketch at the Sonnentag Property for Mr. & Mrs. Huezo at the property located at S106 W16105 Loomis Drive in the SE 1/4 of Section 24 and the SW 1/4 of Section 35. (Tax Key No. Director Sadowski informed the Commission that the petitioner 2296.999). This resolution was brought back to the floor. had called and requested that this item be removed from the agenda until new information is made available by the petitioner. Alderman Salentine made a motion to defer until petitioner informs staff otherwise. Commissioner Gummer Deferred unanimously. seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 145-96 was RESOLUTION #P.C. 192-96 -- Approval of Reapplication of Final Plat of Lakewood Meadows Addition No. 2 Subdivision back to the floor. No new information has been made located in the SE 1/4 of Section 5. This resolution was brought available. Alderman Salentine made a motion to defer. Commissioner Gummer seconded. There was no discussion on motion Deferred unanimously.. to defer. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 192-96 was RESOLUTION #P.C. 214-96 -- Approval of a sketch creating a two lot land division for the property of Elaine Beckner by W12502 Woods Road in the SE 1/4 of Section 1. (Tax Key No. Grace Ciesielski of Raven Realty at the property located at S68 2164.999). This resolution was brought back to the floor. 01-07 PCMIN; PAGE 2 I Director Sadowski stated that petitioner called and asked to withdraw the request. Mr. Sadowski informed the petitioner that staff will need a request in writing. Commissioner 0 There was no discussion on motion to defer. Upon a voice vote, Hulbert made a motion to defer. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Resolution #P.C. 214-96 was Deferred unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 216-96 -- Approval of a sketch creating a two lot land division for Dave Leikam at the property located No. 2227.989). This resolution was brought back to the floor. at W200 S8609 Woods Road in the SW 1/4 of Section 17. (Tax Key Director Sadowski stated that no new information has been received from petitioner. Commissioner Gummer made a motion to defer. Alderman Salentine seconded. There was no discussion on motion to defer. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 216-96 was Deferred unanimously. CONSENT BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 01-97 -- Approval of an Extraterritorial Certified Survey Map for Steve Krzman at the property located in the NW 1/4 of Section 17 and the NE 1/4 of Section 18 of the Town of Norway. This resolution was read by title only. Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve, Commissioner Vitt seconded. Director Sadowski referenced that staff found no matter. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 01-97 was drainage or road concerns. No further discussion on this Adopted unanimously. nonconforming-nonpermitted 16' X 24' accessory structure by RESOLUTION #P.C. 02-97 -- Approval of an existing Donald M. Peil for the property located at W194 S7057 Hillendale Drive. Commissioner Gummer made a motion to approve. Commissioner Smith seconded. Discussion ensued wherein Director Sadowski reminded the Commission that this request had been denied in October of 1996, and that neither meeting. Mr. Peil admitted to Commission that his actions in petitioner nor representative were present at previous building this accessory structure were a mistake. Mr. Peil added that the building offset at the time of construction was of no concern as he thought he had an additional 10 feet to his side yard. This has since been indicated not to be correct by a new survey by the neighbors. Commissioner Smith made a motion to amend the resolution to state, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, offeete are to be in compliance. That petitioner must apply for variance in height for no more than 17 feet. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 02-97 was amended unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 02-97 was Adopted unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION #P.C. 03-97 -- Recommendation of Approval to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Muskego to change zoning Huckstorf property located on the eastern 1/2 of Tax Key No. from EA Exclusive Agriculture to A Agriculture for the Edward 01-07 PCMIN; PAGE 3 Union Church Road). Alderman Salentine made a motion to 2292.995, in the NW 1/4 of Sec 33. (West of Loomis Drive and approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not petitioner is complying with Commission's recommendation of rezoning property prior to approval of certified survey map. Properties to be used for agricultural purposes. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 03-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 04-97 -- Approval of an Amendment to the Year 2010 Arterial Street and Highway System Plan to reduce the proposed right-of-way width of Ryan Road west of Boxhorn Drive. Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to approve. Alderman reviewed the right-of-way and found that it is currently at 66 Salentine seconded. Discussion ensued wherein the engineer's that the fourth WHEREAS reads...that a 66 foot right-of-way ... feet. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to amend the resolution Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 04-97 was amended. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 04-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 05-97 -- Approval of a Certified Survey Map for a two (2) lot land division for Earl D. Meinen at the property located in the NE 1/4 of Section 26. (Tax Key No. Commissioner Smith seconded. Discussion ensued wherein the 2261.998). Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. petitioner will need to obtain from the parcel to the west 4.78 feet for each parcel to be within 10% of the RS-2 District motion to amend the resolution to change the fourth WHEREAS to requirement for square footage. Commissioner Vitt made a read ..Boxhorn Drive to 66 feet..and add BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That each parcel be within 10% of the required square footage of the RS-2 district. Commissioner Smith seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 05-97 was amended. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 05-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 06-97 -- Approval of a Certified Survey Map for a four (4) lot land division for Edward Fenger at the property located in the SE 1/4 of Section 16. (Tax Key No. 2224.994.001 and 2224.994.002). Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Discussion ensued wherein grading and drainage plans should be submitted to Public Works prior to Council approval and soil boring the resolution to state, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a note be should be provided. Commissioner Smith made a motion to amend placed on CSM to state that soil boring tests have not been taken. No building permits will be issued until drainage plans are submitted and that parcel 1 cannot be further divided. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.c. 06-97 was amended. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution #P.C. 06-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 07-97 -- Approval to amend the Building, the property located at W198 510857 Racine Avenue. (Tax Key Site and Operation Plan for Denoon Salon by Jerome Stenstrup at 01-07 PCMIN; PAGE 4 No. 2287.016.002). Alderman Salentine made a motion to wherein Director Sadowski advised the Commission of the changes approve. Commissioner Hulbert seconded. Discussion ensued that will be made to the building. Mr. Sadowski brought be eliminated as well as one (1) living unit. Petitioner will attention to the fact that the underground parking will have to need to submit landscape, lighting and parking plans in the future. Mr. Stenstrup also stated he would discuss with his architect the possibility of extending the canopy around to the north side of the building Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to amend resolution to state, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, a variance of 6.8" be granted for the covered walkway. Commissioner Smith seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 07-97 was amended. Commissioner Vitt made a motion to twice amend the resolution to state, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the building be converted back to two residential units. Commissioner Gummer seconded. Upon a voice vote, Resolution #P.C. 07-97 was twice amended. Upon a roll call vote, Twice Amended Resolution #P.C. 07-97 was Adopted unanimously. Zoning Ordinance of the City of Muskego Chapter 17: Section 6.04 (4) G.5. Trailers. (Public Services Committee). This motion to approve. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Discussion resolution was read by title only. Commissioner Gummer made a ensued regarding the new language will help to alleviate temporary housing with trailer homes. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 08-97 was Adopted unanimously. RESOLUTION #P.C. 08-97 -- Approval of amendment to the amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Muskego, Chapter 17, Section 6.11: Special Regulations: Approval of Building, Site and Operation Plans to include both the Downtown Design Guide and the City of Muskego Design Manual. Alderman Salentine made a motion to approve. Commissioner Vitt seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution #P.C. 09-97 was Adopted unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: RESOLUTION YP.C. 09-97 -- Approval of the Plan Commission to CSM for Richard Knudsen, NW 1/4 Section 8. Director Sadowski informed the Commission that Mr. Knudsen intends to reconfigure CSM to straighten lot line. This will allow the ordinance. The resulting lot width will be within 10% of the lot configuration to be in compliance with the Land Division district's requirement. showed the Commission sketches of gables/dormers being added to the roof of garages and detail to garage doors. Commission felt that the arch detail should be added to all the garage doors to show some unity. Revised Elevations for Muskego Regency. Director Sadowski Goodwill Collection Center - Muskego Furniture Location. Director Sadowski advised the Commission that petitioner called the Planning Department and requested that the Goodwill storage building be placed in line with the Mobile Station facing west. 01-07 PCMIN; PAGE 5 This request is not in compliance with the resolution however there were no objections from commission. 6 ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Hulbert made a motion to adjourn at 9:15 P.M. Commissioner Smith seconded. Upon a voice vote, motion carried. With no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sandra S. Asti Recording Secretary