PLAN COMMISSION Minutes - 6/5/2018 CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES June 05, 2018 6:00 PM Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Chiaverotti called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Chiaverotti, Ald. Kubacki, Commissioners Graf, Peardon, Buckmaster and Bartlett and Planner Trzebiatowski. Excused: Commissioner Jacques. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was noticed in accordance with the open meeting laws. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Bartlett made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 1, 2018 meeting. Commissioner Peardon seconded. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing for Darlene Kurth requesting a Conditional Use Grant in accordance with the Muskego Zoning Ordinance Reasonable Accommodations for the Disabled for the property located at S70 W13749 Tess Corners Drive (Tax Key 2163.990). Mr. Trzebiatowski explained the request is to build a front deck into the front setback under the “Reasonable Accommodations for the Disabled” provision of the zoning code. A new deck is proposed in front of this existing home to allow safe access to an outdoor deck/porch area. The applicant has medical issues that require the use of crutches and access to the current porch and maneuverability on it is difficult due to its small size. It is noted in the resolution that if this need no longer exists the deck would have to be removed. No questions or comments. Mayor Chiaverotti closed the public hearing at 6:04 PM. CONSENT BUSINESS Ald. Kubacki made a motion to approve consent business engross. Commissioner Buckmaster seconded. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 033-2018 - Approval of signage for Caring Alternatives. Tax Key 2223.999 / W182 S8320 Pioneer Drive. RESOLUTION PC 036-2018 - Approval for the sale of fireworks for TNT Fireworks at the Wal- Mart property. Tax Key 2169.999.003 / W159 S6530 Moorland Road. NEW BUSINESS FOR CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION PC 031-2018 - Recommendation to Council to rezone a portion of a property from A-1-Agricultural District to RCE-Country Estate District and approval of a 4 Lot CSM for the Hrin property located in part of Tax Key 2280.999.014/Parker Drive. Commissioner Bartlett made a motion to Approve Resolution PC 031-2018. Ald. Kubacki seconded. Mr. Trzebiatowski explained the public hearing for this rezoning was held on May 22, 2018. Three residents to the south spoke and they all stated the same concern related to drainage they had coming from this area. Engineering Department is aware of these concerns. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution PC 031-2018 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 032-2018 - Approval of a Preliminary Plat for The Waters of Lake Denoon Subdivision. Tax Key 2283.999 / Crowbar Drive. Commissioner Peardon made a motion to approve. Commissioner Bartlett seconded. Mr. Trzebiatowski explained the proposal is for a conservation subdivision. The yield plan shows they could get 12 lots and two outlots. The conservation plan is proposing 16 lots and two outlots with four of the lots being bonus lots. The plan focuses on preserving at least 50% of the total development as permanent open spaces and clustering of lots. The developer has requested a portion of the land be dedicated to the City for Denoon Park. The Parks and Conservation Committee is recommending approval and will go to Council for approval. This dedicated area would be another outlot on the plat. Mr. Trzebiatowski noted one question that came up was the length of the cul-de-sac. The ordinance allows a cul-de-sac maximum length of 1,320 feet. This propsal has a cul-de-sac lenght of 1,900 feet. Plan Commission has the ability to waive this requirement. Plan Commission memebers stated they did not have an issue with the lenght of the cul-de-sac. Ald. Kubacki noted the yield of a regular subdivision is 12 lots and they are being given four bonus lots, and four bonus lots are given for develoments up to 40 acres. This development is 25 acres and questioned if it should only be given two bonus lots. Ald. Kubacki explained he would like to see lesser density to be closer to the original zoning. Paul Jensen of Jahnke and Jahnke was present and explained the development is proposed to have 57% open space and is only being required to have 50% open space. This property also has alot of wetlands and the lots will not be located in any of the wetlands to protect them. Also, there will prairie plantings in the open space. Upon a roll call vote, Resoltuion PC 032-2018 was approved 5-1 with Ald. Kubacki voting no. RESOLUTION PC 034-2018 - Approval of the scoreboard for Muskego High School. Tax Key 2242.999 / S87 W18509 Woods Road. Commissioner Bartlett made a motion to approve Resolution PC 034-2018. Commissioner Peardon seconded. Mr. Trzebiatowski explained plans are for a new scoreboard for Muskego High School. The scoreboard will be 17' 2" high by 31' 4" wide, an additional 3 -feet text bar on top and and additional 2' Muskego “M”. There isnt a code for socroebaords so this would fall into the structure and sign areas of the code. Mr. Trzebiatowski noted the Committee of the Whole will be discussing chaning the code to possibily allow advertising on the back. The Plan Commission discussed the location of the sign. As proposed the sign is located inside the track. If it were to be moved to the grass area outside the track it may be too close to the lot line for this height. Jeremiah Johnson of the Muskego Norway School Distarict was present and explained if the sign was located inside the track it would be in an asphalt area which would make it hard to landscape. The Commission agreed and will take this requiremnt out of the Resolution. Commissioner Bartlett made a motion to Amend Resolution PC 034-2018 to include: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The scoreboard will be located inside the track on the north end of the field. And removing: That a landscape plan will need to be submitted for the area around the base of each sign according to the General Desing Guide befor the sign permit can be released. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion to Amend Resolution PC 034-2018 passed unanimously. Upon a roll call vote, Amended Resolution PC 034-2018 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 035-2018 - Approval of a Conditional Use Grant for reasonable accomodations for the disabled within the front setback located at S70 W13749 Tess Corners Drive / Tax Key 2163.990. Ald. Kubacki made a motion to approve Resolution PC 035-2018. Commissioner Bartlett seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution PC 035-2018 passed unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 037-2018 - Recommendation to Common Council for the adoption of a new Code of Ordinances titled "Code of the City of Muskego". Ald. Kubacki made a motion to recommend approval to Common Council of Resoltuion PC 037-2018. Commissioner Peardon seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution PC 037-2018 was approved unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 038-2018 - Approval of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan Amendment for 4 Front Engineering Solutions for the property located at W183 S8253 Racine Ave /Tax Key 2222.984.006. Commissioner Bartlett made a motion to approve Resolution PC 038-2018. Commissioner Peardon seconded. Mr. Trzebiatowski explained 4 Front is requesting some amendments to a project that has previous Plan Commission approval. They are coming up on occupancy and it was found a few things are different from what was originally approved. The following is being requested: 1. No slatting on the fence to screen the dumpster. The dumpsters are located in the recessed truck docks and are screened from view. 2. Steel scrap bin and wood recycling bin located outdoors onsite. The bins are minimal in size and fairly screened from view. 3. Continued use of the durable dock door. The dock doors only come in white and can only contain one smaller window. The original plans were approved for doors that match the wall colors and two rows of windows. This change is minor and showcases the product of the company. Upon a roll call vote, Resoltuion PC 038-2018 was approved unanimously. RESOLUTION PC 039-2018 - Approval of a metal accessory structure for the property located at S75 W13471 Courtland Lane / Tax Key 2207.010. Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to approve Resolution PC 039-2018. Commissioner Bartlett seconded. Mr. Trzebiatowski explained the request is for a 14' x 12' gazebo structure with a metal roof. This is a unique from a metal pole building or shed because the Plan Commission hasn't seen alot of these and could become more popular as the materials are becoming more decorative and more durable. Mr. Trzebiatowski added that this may be something that could be changed by code or policy in the future. Upon a roll call vote, Resolution PC 039-2018 was approved unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Buckmaster made a motion to adjourn at 6:53 PM. Commissioner Graf seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Kellie McMullen Recording Secretary