pfcm072116 Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION MINUTES July 21, 2016 6:00 PM Muskego Police Department, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Kuwitzky at 6:00PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with Commissioners Kuwitzky, Mooney and Sprecher present. Commissioner Whittow arrived at 6:10PM. Chief Moser and Captain Constantineau were present. Commissioner Glazier was absent. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting was posted on July 18, 2016. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS John A. Mooney made a motion to approve APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS, Lynn Sprecher seconded. APPROVAL OF MINUTES John A. Mooney made a motion to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES, Lynn Sprecher seconded. Motion Passed 3 in favor. Commissioner Mooney made a motion to approve all three sets of minutes. Commissioner Sprecher seconded. Motion passed 3 in favor. Approval of minutes from 04/21/16. Approval of minutes from 05/18/16. Approval of minutes from 05/19/16. PUBLIC APPEARANCE REPORT FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Moser advised that since the retirements of Jim Kaebisch and Jim Murphy two promotions have occurred. Steven Johannik has been promoted to Lieutenant and Nicholas Fons has been promoted to Sergeant. The hiring process is continuing. The top candidate did not pass the background check. F. Timothy Sullivan will be starting on 08/15/16. The second candidate is meeting with the Chief on Monday, 07/25/16 and the other two backgrounds are almost complete. After a brief discussion the commission had no objections to the promotions and hiring of Sullivan. Chief Moser advised that the truck weight enforcement is still going well, with the citations totaling in excess of $200,000.00. Commissioner Kuwitzky advised that Sgt. Lynkiewicz is doing a great job with the program. The department's next in-service will be taking place at the beginning of August and will focus on an active shooting situation. Chief invited the commissioners to come and take part as volunteers if they wanted. National Night Out is scheduled for August 4, 2016, everyone was invited to attend. K9 program is continuing to do well and be utilized. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Police Assessment Program - Captain Constantineau. Captain Constantineau presented the commission with another process that the department would like to utilize during the hiring process. It is an assessment program that other departments use. Members of our department responded and observed Menomonee Falls Police Department's program. MFPD has been using the assessment process for approximately 20 years. The scenarios help the department to see how the applicants respond to situations and can assess their abilities in a variety of areas. Lt. Andrew Kraus will be in charge of the process and a mock assessment is being planned for 08/09/16, from 3- 6PM. After a brief discussion the commission would like to see how the mock assessment goes and have more time to see how other departments work it into their process. Commissioner Whittow made a motion to defer the item to the next agenda. Commissioner Sprecher seconded, motion passed 4 in favor. Steve Whittow made a motion to defer Police Assessment Program - Captain Constantineau., Lynn Sprecher seconded. Motion passed 4 in favor. Commission Nominations/Elections. Commissioner Mooney nominated Commissioner Kuwitzky to President. Commissioner Whittow seconded, all in favor. Commissioner Whittow nominated Commissioner Mooney to Vice-President. Commissioner Sprecher seconded, all in favor. CLOSED SESSION DATE OF NEXT MEETING October 20, 2016. ADJOURNMENT John A. Mooney made a motion to adjourn, Lynn Sprecher seconded. Motion Passed 4 in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:45PM.