Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 9/7/1978l 0 l PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 8 00 P M, Also present were Committee Members Dumke and' Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried, Supt Bertram and Building Inspector Lee. Mr Harold Diekfuss appeared to discuss with the committee his concern over 'the storm water drainage which traverses through several farms including his own He indicated that although the problem has always somewhat existed, development in the area would intensify it The committee reviewed with Subt Bertram, Building Inspector Lee and Mr Diekfuss, a drainage study prepared by Ruekert & Mielke for the area, showing the inadequacies of the existing culverts. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact all parties involved to determine whether or not they would be inter- ested in a cooperative effort to solve the problem Mr Raymond Musolf, S76 W14724 Velva Drive, appeared before the committee to discuss several problems relating to the restoration of an easement which he provided the City during the construction of sewers in the Bay Lawn Subdivision Since the matter was more properly a problem for the Public Sewer Committee, Ald Dumke moved to refer this matter to them Seconded by Ald Schaumberg, motion carried However, Supt Bertram indicated that as soon as the crops have been removed from the land on the east side of the easement, he would attempt to cut back the east bank He further advised Mr Musolf that sometime this fall the contractor will return to re-seed and spray the area for weeds. Mr. Carl Gratzek discussed with the committee the drainage plan he had prepared for an area he is developing in the Hillendale Heights Subdivision The committee noted that the four lots involved are located between Prospect Drive and Sunnyhill, and that the area involved has two large drainage ditches which must be protected before any building occurred. Ald. Dumke moved to refer the proposed drainage plan to Ruekert & Mielke. Seconded by Ald Tomczyk, motion carried. The committee considered a request of Mr Jeffrey Olson, S68 W17909 East Drive, that the City vacate a small parcel of land adjacent to his lot and that of Mr R Rohde In considering the matter, it was pointed out by Building Inspector Lee that the small parcel which is 30' wide by about 70' long is a remnant of land that was left over from division of land that occurred many years ago He speculated that at one time it might have belonged to the former Parks property However, the assessor can find no proof of ownership, and it is assumed that the City now OWLIS the property Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that the Plan Commission has reco'mmended that the land be quit claimed if possible to the abutting property owners Ald Tomczyk moved to recommend to the Common Council adoption of Resolution #189- 78, Transfer of Any and All Interest in Land, Oak Ridge Unrecorded Subdivision Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried A request from Rite Realty was reviewed for the release of $7,000 of monies being held at the First Federal Savings and Loan for Landscaping in Kristin Down Subdivision The committee noted that if the release were approved a balance of $8,000 would re- main Ald Schaumberg moved to grant the request Seconded by Ald Tomczyk Motion carried. The committee considered a request from Roger Kastello for the release of $11,400 of the cash bond presently being held by the City for sewer and street construction in Janesville Court. Building Inspector Lee indicated that some work remains to be done, including the planting of street trees He further indi- cated that the total cash bond held was for $12,000 A communica- tion from the clerk's office indicated that Mr Kastello owed the Public Works Committee City of Muskego September 7, 1978 - Page 2 City $810.60 for engineering services and sewer inspeck:? fees, and that additional charges will be incurred by him. Dumke moved to authorize the Clerk to release $7,000 from'the cash bond she is presently holding. Seconded by.Ald. Schaumberg, e motion carried. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file Supt Bertram reviewed with the committee the City's plans to correct the drainage problems in the Glenbrook Subdivision. Supt. Bertram was directed to begin negotiations with the persons involved. ., l Supt Bertram and Building Inspector Lee discussed with the committee the problems they are having as a result of the construction of a home on Kingston Drive (Kettner Property). Both expressed concern over the problems which could result in the event a satisfactory way is not found to drain storm water from the subdivision. The committee directed Building Inspector Lee to put a stop order on the construction of the home and further that City Attorney Buckley be contacted to determine what action can be taken to prevent the Kettner's from further disturbing the normal drainage. Supt. Bertram presented the committee with plans for the re- construction of the Fountainwood Ditch from Sherwood Circle to it intersection with the Tess Corners Creek It was the decision of the committee to invite all property owners involved in the proposed project to the next meeting There being no further business, Ald. Tomczyk moved for adjourn- ment. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Public Works Comniittee jm