Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 8/3/1978r~ 0 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES 0~ MEETING HELD AUGUST 3, 1978 8 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 8~00 P.M. Also present were Committee Member Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried and Supt. Bertram. Mayor Gottfried outlined the problems of the Fennimore Ditch to the people present at the meeting whose property lies adjacent to the ditch, He explained the city would need temporary easements to install the concrete invert and to create a 4 to 1 slope. He further explained that once the project was completed the easement would be voided and the areas that had been disturbed would be reseeded. Ald. Pienkos asked if any assessment would be made for the invert repairs and Mayor Gottfried advised that up to the present time the city has never made any assessments although perhaps in the future it might become a necessity. The committee discussed a drainage problem in the area of the William Zickert property as a result of the development of Kristin Downs Sub- division. Ald. Tomczyk advised Mr. Ray Gray of Rite Realty Company he would contact Mr. Zickert for necessary agreements which would permit Rite Realty personnel to enter onto the property in order the problem can be solved Mr. Hamann, a resident of Kristin Downs Subdivision, appeared to discuss the amount of water flowing through the road ditches around his home. He indicated that the depth of the ditches and the amount of water passing through those ditches could create a safety hazard. He also indicated his concern over the constant erosion that could take place. The committee reviewed with Mr. Hamann the approved drainage plan for Kristin Downs Subdivision indicating that 90% of the storm water is designed to enter the Muskego Creek near Pioneer Drive. Mr. Hamann felt that some of the water should have been directed in this route or perhaps storm sewer should have been required. Mr. Ray Gray, represent- ing Rite Realty, indicated that because the lot was near the end of the storm drainage pattern large culverts and ditches were required to handle the storm water flowage. He indicated that they would probably sod the ditches in question to minimize any possibility of erosion. Mr. Gray reminded the committee of a letter submitted by him several months ago explaining his plans for Woodland Meadows. He asked that the committee review his proposals regarding land dedication, retention area, etc. The committee discussed the following bids received for a new highway truck equipped with a snowplow, leveling wing and materials spreader. Wisconsin Truck Center, Inc. (Oshkosh Truck) - $ 65,928.OO Milwaukee Mack Sales, Inc. 63,204.OO It was noted that although the price of the Mack Truck was slightly /owe& than that of the Oshkosh Truck the Oshkosh is a proven piece of equipment built specifically for plowing snow. Supt. Bertram also has recommended the purchase of the Oshkosh Truck. Ald. Schaumberg moved to recommend purchase of the Oshkosh Truck. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, motion carried. (8 The committee discussed Mr. Carl Gratzek's drainage plans for a four lot parcel of property on Prospect Drive. It was agreed a complete drainage ‘\ plan (anti-erosion) should be submitted prior to the issuance of any \\ building permit. 'The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. Public Works Committee City of Muskego August 3, 1978 - P. 2 The committee reviewed Brookfield Culvert Company's request for a a draw of $S,OOO.OO on a contract price of $11,700.00 involving the concrete invert being constructed between S.T.H. 24 and Windsor Road. supt. Bertram indicated that he did not think sufficient work had been done to warrant that kind of payment. Ald. Schaumberg moved to release $5,000.00 as a part payment on the contract. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, motion carried. Correspondence from Joseph J. Kelly requesting reimbursement in the amount of $105.00 for loss of a 3-acre hay crop he claims the city ruined by mowing. Ald. Schaumberg moved to recommend denial of the claim. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The committee discussed the proposed deceleration lane at the entrance to city hall-library and police department off of Racine Avenue. supt. Bertram advised that the Waukesha County Highway Commissioner is now proposing the lane be 8 feet wide instead of the original design which indicated a 12 ft. width. The committee will insist on the 12 ft. width. The committee reviewed correspondence from Rite Realty requesting that First Federal Savings and Loan be authorized to release $6,861.00 as part payment for work completed on the swimming pool in Kristin Downs Subdivision. The committee noted that there is presently $9,148.00 in that account and that there is some work to be completed on the pool. Ald. Tomczyk moved to authorize the First Federal Savings and Loan to release $5,000.00. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The committee reviewed the following correspondence: From John Brunner, North Shore Drive, regarding the culvert in front of his home. From Wimmer-Blatter Developers, directed to Plan Commission Secretary, requesting release of $25,000.00 for grading completed in the Lake Lore Subdivision From Ald. Van Lanen, directed to Sewer Committee, dated 7121178, regarding drainage and flooding problems in Kristin Down and neigh- boring properties. From Ald. Van Lanen, directed to Public Works Committee and Mr. Lee, dated 7/21/78, regarding blocked storm sewer adjacent to the William Zickert property on Pioneer Drive. @ Copy of letter from Attorney M.J. Stich, directed to Attorney George Weber, dated 7117178, regarding drain tile problem on Union Church Drive (Lochbaum property.) Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that the Wisconsin Natural Gas Company has agreed to install approximately 2,572 feet of new gas main in the industrial park. The total cost will be $8,359.00. He indicated that the property owners involved in the project along Apollo Drive will reimburse the city for the cost of installation. * Ald. Schaumberg moved to recommend to the Finance Committee approval of the payment of $8,359.00 to the Wisconsin Natural Gas Company. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, motion carried. \ There being no further business, Ald. Schaumberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at lo:15 P.M. je .\ 1. Public Works Committee