Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 7/20/1978PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO c MINUTES OF MEETING HELD LTULY 20, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 8;15 P.M. Also present were committee member Dumke, Mayor Gottfried and supt. Bertram. Several residents near the Marlan Meadows Subdivision appeared to discuss with the committee the proposed drainage plan. Mr. a Roger Johnson reviewed the plan and how it relates to the recom- mendations established by the City's consulting engineers. Mr. Johnson also answered several questions from those attending. Ald. Dumke moved to approve the proposed drainage plan for Marlan Meadows. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. Mr. Zindler appeared before the committee to discuss a drainage problem in front of his home on Highway 24. Supt. Bertram explained to the committee that the State Highway Department feels the problem was created because of construction of sewers in the area. Mr. Zindler explained that his sump pump was pumping water into the front ditch according to the City ordinance. However, because the ditch was so full of water, he feels he is simply recycling and has already burned out a pump. supt. Bertram sug- gested one possible partial solution would be to permit Mr. Zindler to re-locate his drainage from the basement so it could be pumped out to the rear of his home. However, Mr. Zindler was concerned about the cost of that suggestion. The committee directed Supt. Bertram to contact Mr. McCarthy of the State Highway Department to see what can be worked out. Mr. Wayne Foster appeared before the committee to request that the owners of Lots 55 and 56 in Lake Brittany Estates be permitted to extend storm sewer running along their common lot lines an additional 50'. Ald. Dumke moved to grant the request, subject to the provisions that adequate rip-rap and erosion control devices be installed. Ald. Schaumberg seconded, motion carried. Mr. Foster introduced the representative for Layne Northwest to discuss with the committee the status of the well which will serve Lake Lore, Lake Brittany Estates and Tudor Oaks, and why several pieces of used equipment were installed. He explained that the motor was fully reconditioned and was superior to those that are available at the present time. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee of the concerns expressed by John Mielke. Ald. Schaumberg moved to approve the use of the reconditioned motor subject to the understanding that the developers provide the City with a $1,500 performance or cash bond which would be held for five years. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Mr. Foster indicated that there probably would be some changes made in the water trust provisions of the developer's agreement which in effect would make Tudor Oaks South the manager of the 0 water trust. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that he had received correspondence from City Attorney Buckley indicating that Mr. Beringer would like another $100 for the lot at the end of Lochcrest Blvd. It was the opinion of the committee that the $650.00 authorized by the City was a fair price and, therefore, they did not recommend to the Common Council that $100.00 be added to the offer. Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. A communication was received from Mrs. Wayne Baumgart, W135 56625 Hemming Way, advising the City of a tree that possibly may have been damaged to the extent that it may die. supt. Bertram advised the committee that he had looked at the tree and agreed that the City equipment did take some of the bark off. He did not think it was damaged to the extent that it would kill the tree. However, he did advise Mrs. Baumgart to write to the committee so that there would be a record of her concern. ‘\ Public Works Committee ,July 20, 1978 il) Page 2 A communication from Mr. John Rrunner, North Shore Drive, re- garding the condition of his driveway culvert as a result of sewer construction, was received and placed on file. a A preliminary plan for the Fennimore Ditch was reviewed by Supt. Bertram. He indicated that an additional 10' temporary easement would be needed during construction. The committee agreed to invite all people involved to their next meeting to advise them of their plans. supt. Bertram advised the committee that the north leg of Wentland Drive would be asphalted this year (former Androjna property). supt. Bertram requested permission from the committee to place an asphalt mat on Loomis Drive. Ald. Schaumberg moved to grant the request. Ald. Dumke seconded, motion carried. supt. Bertram reviewed with the committee the status of that section of Gold Drive which was involved in sewer construction. He indicated that the New Berlin engineer has advised him that it will be asphalted this year. 0 supt. Bertram presented the committee with the bids he has received for his new truck. He indicated he will review the bids and make his recommendation at their next meeting. The committee began to review the minutes of the Public Works tour several weeks ago. Ald. Schaumberg moved to recommend to the Common Council that the City's consulting engineers be authorized to begin desi,gning the inverted drainage ditch from the intersection of Sherwood Circle and Saroyan Road to its intersection with Tess Corners Creek. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. There being no further business, Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at lo:oo P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mayor Jerome J. Gottfried Acting Secy. jm