Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 6/22/1978I . REPORT OF TOUR TAKEN BY TRE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ON JUNE 22, 1978 l Present were Chairman Schaumberg, Committee Members Dumke and Tomcsyk, supt. Bertram, Mayor Gottfried and Ald. Van Lanen. The purpose of the tour was to familiarize the committee members with several road and drainage problems which have been brought before the committee as well as to look at other problems which, although not within the jurisdiction of the Public Works Committee, might be of Yi@ interest to-the aldermen. The committee left city hall at approximately 4:lO P.M. and at the request of Ald. Van Lanen, stopped to view the parking area of the One Down Disco in spite of the fact that it was not within their jUriS- diction. The committee proceeded to Martin Drive in the vicinity of the Lloyd Tess property. Mr. Tess had complained about flooding. The committee noted that a culvert under Martin Drive directed the water away from Mr. Tess's house to lands on the north side of Martin Drive where field tile drained the water to a ditch near Martin Drive and Highway 24. The possibility of a deeper road ditch was discounted because of the terrain. The committee once again reviewed the drainage ditch located on the west side of Parkland Subdivision which provides drainage from an area north and west of Martin Drive. The committee discussed the matter with Mrs. Borgman and explained to her the the position of the committee. The committee noted that moving the ditch to the west would create additional problems to Meadowdale Subdivision and would disturb the growth of trees and underbrush which has taken place along the ditch. supt. Bertram had the committee view a complaint from Mr. Witkowski on Lannon Drive. The committee discussed the matter with several residents from the area and noted that although the city does have an easement in the back of the Witkowski property there seems to be very little drainage problem and that the easement was being well maintained by residents living in the area. The committee viewed a problem brought to their attention by Mrs. Kettner who plans to build a home on Kingston Drive next to the Krase property. Mrs. Kettner had indicated that it was their intent to fill in the lot which would require relocation of the storm sewer. supt. Bertram indicated that because of the terrain the Storm sewer served a relatively large area in that vicinity and that removing the storm sewer would create several problems. The committee noted that it might be possible for Mrs. Kettner to raise the catch basin which would them permit her to do some filling, however, it was their opinion that the storm sewer would have to remain where it is. The committee adjourned for dinner and resumed their tour at 6:45 P.M. The next stop was in Hale Park West Subdivision. The committee walked along the major drainage ditch which serves the entire Fountainwood Subdivision and Supt. Bertram advised the committee that unless some major work were done problems with the Fountainwood Ditch could be expected. It was his recommendation that the ditch be widened and inverted to a point where it connects with the Tess Corners drainage channel. The committee once again viewed Outlot 3 in Hale Park Meadows Sub- division with members of the committee walking the area to determine whether or not water is standing on the lot. Supt. Bertram once again advised the committee of his plans to attempt to resolve much of the problem. The committee also reviewed with Supt. Bertram a drainage problem on Fennimore. supt. Bertram explained that after the last major rain he viewed the area and found very little water standing. He also advised the committee that he had taken grades of the area and determined that in his mind drainage was adequate. e l Public Works Tour June 22, 1978 Page 2. The committee then traveled to Union Church Drive and spent considerable amount of time discussing the status of a drainage problem with Mrs. Wanasek. supt. Bertram explained once again why a tile had been cut and his efforts to re-connect the tile were being stymied because of the landowners refusal to let him enter upon his lands. In the committee's discussion with Mrs. Wanasek it was once again pointed out ,o f the flooding that is taking place in the Towns of Raymond, Norway and Franklin. At the request of Ald. Dumke, the committee proceeded on to view a drainage problem on Boxhorn Drive in the vicinity of the David Gardner residence. The committee noted that the drainage ditch on each side of Boxhorn Drive was fairly deep already and to drain a portion of Mr. Gardner's property would be almost impossible, however, they did note that the residents could help themselves by putting a swale along their property lines which would drain the water to Big Muskego Lake. Since the committee was in the vicinity and at Aid. Tomczyk's suggestion the committee stopped at Boxhorn's to view the operation of the Gun Club. The committee also drove around the area stopping at several driveways to determine the extent of the noise from that operation. The final stop of the tour was in the Lake Denoon area to view the water problem of South Denoon Road. Because darkness had set in the committee could not determine the extent of the problem, however, supt. Bertram gave the committee an update on what had transpired to date in our efforts to resolve it. The committee arrived back at city hall at lo:20 P.M. and because of the late hour decided not to hold a regular committee meeting. Respectfully submitted, Public Works Committee RT/je