Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 5/4/1978PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 4, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg. Also present were Committee members Dumke and Tomcsyk, Mayor Gottfried. Supt. Bertram, Ald. Ford. Also present were several citizens including residents of Flintlock Trail as shown on the attached attendaut list. Several residents living on Flintlock.Trail appeared before the committee to discuss possible solutions to a drainage problem that exists on the north side of the street, Supt. Bertram explained that because of the minimum grade and because Of the sump PumPa that are continually distributing water to the ditch it never dries up. He suggested that he warp a portion of the ditch and that a sub-drain be installed to carry off the water from the sump pumps, etc. Mayor Gottfried asked those present whether or not they would be willing to pay for the cost of the sub-drains if the city installed them. It was generally agreed by all that if the city were to become involved in the problem the residents would pay for the cost of the sub-drain. Supt. Bertram agreed to meet on the site with interested parties to advise them of his plan of action. The committee discussed the progress made thus far in obtaining the necessary easements for the Tess Corners drainage project. Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. Supt. Bertram reviewed the status of the proposed parking lot to alleviate a parking problem on Hillendale Drive as a result of baseball activities. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact Waukesha County Highway Commissioner Vince Dumshar regarding the need for an access off of Racine Avenue. Supt. Bertram reviewed for the committee the complaint from Loretta Yanny that a tree had been damaged on her property during sewer construction in 1971. She feels the city is responsible Por the damage. The problem was referred to the Public Sewer Committee. Supt. Bertram discussed with the committee the hiring of two weed harvester operators and a truck driver. Supt. Bertram will review the applicants, the majority of which are youngsters 18 years old and under and recommend to the commissioners his appointment of operators. The question of salary will be discussed by the Commissioners at a special meeting which will be held following the regular meeting on May 9, 1978. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that he intends to take test borings in the roads in the Kristin Downs Subdivision to determine whether or not an adequate amount of asphalt base has beeq provided. Supt. Bertram reported that he had some “No Parking” signs on Hillendale Drive, however, complete signing will have to wait until additional signs are available, The committee acknowledged receipt of the resignation of Public Works employee, Erv Arndt. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that Mr. Arndt had expressed some concern over the amount of vacation actually due him. Mayor Gottfried was directed to discuss the matter with Mrs. Bowyer. The committee reviewed a communication from Steve Pischke regarding the P@Yment of rent to the Kraklows for storage of equipment. He @dicated that since the arrangements were made after the budget was approved sufficient monies were not available to cover the cost for, 1978. After discussing the matter with Supt. Bertram the commi\ttee agreed to suggest to the Finance Committee that the neededlmonies .be taken from the Public Works budget. \ 0 l Publio Works Committee May 4, 1978 Page 2. The committee reviewed a communication from R. C. Blum of the State of Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation, indicating that the Type II Environmental Document submitted by the city had been approved. He further advised the committee that preliminary plans for the reconstruction of Martin Drive can now be prepared and used as an exhibit for a meeting between local officials and affected property owners. Mayor Gottfried was directed to advise the city's consulting engineerings to begin drafting the pre- liminary plan. The committee reviewed once again the need to re-name a section of Bay Lane located in Ludwig's Subdivision. The matter was referred to the Safety Committee with the suggestion that they consider re-naming the portion of Bay Lane involved to Bellview after a meeting is held with,the affected property owners. There being no further business Aid. Schaumberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at lo:16 P.M. RT/je 0 l _._.. _-~-.--- ,._~ . ,__.-- --~----- .-