Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 4/6/1978PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 6, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 7 42 P M. Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Tomczyk and Supt. ;Bertram; . Also. those persons on the attached sheets were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file l Chairman Schaumberg discussed with the persons present the city's plan for building and installing invert to control the flow of water leading into Tess Corners. He further discussed with Mr. Arnold and Mr. Bolt the possibility of them giving the city a 100 ft. easement. At present neither gentleman felt they would care to do so, however, they felt the city should purchase the easement Ald. Schaumberg advise the city would get appraisals on the properties involved. The committee is waiting for Mr. Ray Gray to respond to Ald. Pienkos's request to review the Hale Park Meadows Subdivision. supt. *Bertram advised the committee thatone of his men would be soon be resigning and he would be needing a replacement. The committee authorized Supt Bertram to review applications for employment on file and to make his recommendation at a future meeting. Supt. Bertram also advised the committee that he would like to hire persons for weed cutting. He also had applications for these jobs on file which would be reviewed. Thelmatter will be discussed at at thenztreeting. The committee again discussed the problems brought about by the plowing of private roads and the city's liability of any damage incurred. This matter will also be discussed at the next meeting. Supt Bertram reminded the committee that the garden plats will soon have to be plowed and tilled. He also advised the city does not have a disc or plow. The committee authorized Supt Bertram to check on prices of this equipment Also, to see if a farmer would be available to do the work Supt Bertram told the committee of the survey Ruekert & Mielke are taking regarding the infiltration of the city's sewer system. He advised the survey indicated the flow had peaked during the last two weeks of March causes being 60% leaking laterals and illegal hook-ups, 20% leaking manholes and 20% sewer runoffs and leaking sewer joints. Communication read from Elmer Tinti requesting $14,000 00 from the bond for road extension at Sunnyhill Drive leaving $6,000 00 in the construction account. Ald Schaumberg moved to release the necessary funds. Seconded by Ald Dumke, motion carried. Ald Pienkos advised the committee of a drainage problem of one of his constituents on Longellow Lane Ald. Pienkos was advised by the committee that the property involved is personal property and the perso owning it has a option of posting "keep off" signs or to call the poli ,e to remove or cite the persons trespassing. The committee will further question the city attorney regarding liability 'a Ald Tomczyk requested Supt Bertram to check on the drainage problem on Gold Drive and that a "No Thru Street" '> sign be placed on Ridge Rd to alleviate excess traffic. There being no further business Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn. Seconde Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9 37 P M. '\ \ HT/je -\ \