Public Works Committeeg - MINUTES - 4/20/19780 PUBLIC WORKS COMhlITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 20, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 8 16 P.M. Also present were Committee hlembers Dumke and Tomczyk and Mayor Gottfried. Mr. Daryl Karklus appeared at the meeting to discuss the possibility of the city plowing a lane onto Little hluskego Lake during ice fishing season in order that traffic can move easier. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that this could encourage additional traffic on the lake and there is a possibility that the city would be liable for any accidents on the lake since they would be encouraging use of the lake by cars. Ald. Van Lanen appeared before the committee-to-discuss the need for a street sign-in Ludwi~g'.s 'Subdivision -identifying the-street as-Bay Lane: The committee noted.rthat.Bay-Larie is Inow:a- direct. route...= between :S T.H. 24 and Woods Road-and -.that~.they, could-notconsiderJ.:~r the street in the:Ludwig's Subdivision as ~Bay .Lane..- .Mayor Gottfried-*+; suggested that the residents .involved be invitedzto the committee,!s~-: next meeting to determ.ine their reaction to a proposal which would re- name the street Bellview Court. Mr. Roger Kastello appeared before the committee to explain the 6' problem he has had with the State Dept. of Transportation. He indicated the State has refused to give him public access to S.T.H. 24; however, he does have-a private access which could serve' the four lots .previously approved'by the Council. The committee reviewed with Mr. .Kastello the several alternatives and the problems involved in attempting to serve a private road. The committee discussed obtaining easements for the -Tess Corners drainage project from the residents on the west side of Tess Corners Drive. Mayor Gottfried and Supt. Bertram will attempt to negotiate the matter with the people involved Mayor Gottfried and.Supt. Bertram advised Ald Pienkos that Mr. Gray has promised to attempt to provide fill to the low area west of Fleetwood Drive in an effort to reduce the amount of standing water The committee once again discussed the plowing of private roads. Mayor Gottfried suggested that perhaps a document with a "hold harmless" clause which would be signed by all persons requesting snowplowing service could solve the problem. He will discuss the matter with City Attorney Buckley. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file 0 The committee reviewed correspondence from Mr. David Ludwig requesting the city deepen and widen a ditch which traverses through his land from the Schaefer property to Woods Road. The committee noted that the city's consulting engineers, Ruekert & Mielke, are preparing a drainage study of the area which would aid the property owners involved to solve the problem Supt. Bertram advised the committee that the problem of low pressure in the city's industrial park water system is probably due to a faulty valve near the Public Works building. He indicated that he a would attempt to remedy the problem, however, the work would have to be done on a Sunday in order that the industries in the park would not '. be adversely affected. Public \Yorks Committee April 20, 1978 Page 2. Supt. Bertram provided-the committee with the following bids for liquid asphalt and bituminous concrete for the 1978 road improvement program INOUS ASPHALT - DELIVERED AND APPLIED Payne 6: Dolan Lang Engineering $13.18 per ton 13.44 per ton 'Wolf Cons;ruction Liquid Asphalt Pea Gravel .495 per gallon 6.25 per ton C & K Liquid Asphalt . Liqtii~d Aspha~lt: ' .475:per gallon Pea Gravel 5.10 'per.ton ‘-1 Charles S. Martin, Inc. Liquid Asphalt z .51 per gallon Pea Gravel 7.50 per ton 'Prime & Seal Liquid Asphalt $ .485 per gallon Pea Gravel $ 5.40 per ton Ald Dumke moved to recommend Council approval of tbe lo~.b%d from Payne & Dolan in the amount of $13 18 per ton and .that the low bid for liquid asphalt from C S: K Liquid Asphalt Co in the amount of 8.475 per gal. and $5.10 for pea gravel be accepted. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, motion carried, Ald. Dumke moved that the low bid received from Brookfield Culvert Company for the installation of culverts in the city for a one year period be accepted. carried. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion There being no further business Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aid. Schaumberg, motion carried. The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, \