Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 3/23/1978'PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEG0 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 23, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 8'00 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Dumke, and Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried G . Harold Diekfuss appeared to discuss a drainage problem. He claimed his drainage ditch is deeper than Mr. Schaefers therefore the water does not flow through, but backs up on his property. Ald. Schaumberg moved to authorize Ruekert & Mielke to do a storm drainage study of the water shed using this particular drainage channel. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Spitzner appeared before the committee to discuss the possibility of the city vacating a parcel of land along Woods Road in order that an original easement provided Mr. John Parker at the time his parcel was divided could be returned to them. After reviewing the matter with Building Inspector Lee it appeared that the land in question is not owned by the city, however, Mayor Gottfried will review the matter and advise the committe of his findings at their next meeting. nd Supt. Bertram. . Harold DeBack appeared before the committee to request permission 6 provide the city with a bond rather than to immediately construct the road which would serve a two-parcel division on the former Nieman property. Some of the problems which the committee discussed was who would maintain the driveways which actually would be on a dedicated right-of-way ad wouldthe people who purchasedthe property understand the need for a road when it were constructed years later. It was the committee's decision to further review the matter and discuss it again at their next meeting. Mr. Ray Gray appeared before the committee to discuss the status of his proposed subdivision on the Diekfuss-Wollman-Kurth properties and its relationship to a proposed storm drainage program being planned for the Glenbrook area. Several residents from the Glenbrook Subdivision expressed concern that any development would create additional flooding problems in the area unless the development coincided with the con- struction of the necessary storm drainage facilities. Mayor Gottfried reviewed for those present the storm drainage program for the area and why it is needed. Mr. Gray indicated he would be willing to participate in the construction of the storm drainage system subject to negotiations with the city. The committee reviewed a request from Hoffman-Polzin & Associates requesting the release of $66,815.32 to cover the cost of sanitary Sewer and storm sewers completed to date in the Freedom Acres Addition The committee noted that after the release of these monies &ri'would remain a balance of $138,889.03. Ald. Tomczyk moved to approve the request, seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The committee reviewed a request from the developers of Lake Brittany Estates for the release of $33,879.00 for work completed on the roads, culverts, etc. The committee noted that if the request were approved there would remain $80,621.00 to cover the remaining costs. Schaumberg moved to approve the request. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, eon carried, Ald. Pienkos discussed with Mr. Gray some drainage problems in the Hale Park Meadows Subdivision. them, the first being an area on the west side of the subdivision eacent to Clarendon Court, the other being Lot 3. Ald. He requested that Mr. Gray review both of ublic Works Committee arch 23. 1978 Page 2. Supt. Bertram advised Mr. Gray that there were a few things still to be done in the Gurensey Meadows Subdivision, such as plantings around the lift station and the location of a manhole which has apparently en covered over. He advised Mr. Gray he would give him a checklist 9 a few items that remain to be done. Ald. Tomczyk advised the committee of a request he received from Mr. Roy Pa2ubicki to clean a channel in back of his home which he uses for access to Little Muskego Lake. Mr. Bertram will review the matter and report back to the committee. Ald. Tornczyk also requested that Supt. Bertram look at a section of Oak Court where the road is collapsing. There being no further business Ald. Schaumberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned Respectfully submitted, Ralph R. Tomczyk, Sgc-ly RT/ je