Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 2/9/19780 l -. -- -~ o- l d PUBLIC WORKS COMMTTTEE - CITY OF hlUSKEG0 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 9, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg. Also present was committee member Ald. Tomczyk, Supt. Bertram, Mayor Gottfried and Ald. Wallner. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The committee once again discussed the proposed construction of de- celeration lanes in the vicinity of city hall on Racine Avenue. The Public Works Committee assured Supt. Bertram of their interest in the project and requested that he obtain the necessary quotes. supt. Bertram-.advised the committee that he had.discussed with Mr. Gray. of Rite Realty, tpe:possi.bility -0-f :the city, plantingL.the required- street.-.- trees .in Gue~~nsey..Meadows-.Add~tiibn'#l.-ache indicated:.that' ,Rite' Realty would pay- the:%ost.:of.the:trees-and, .f~r'-~the'-'work,-i‘nvolved:--*: Mr:.'Bertram -L indicated :he would pre.fer::that' kind,of -arrangement:,: however~;, a temp0rar.y.. easement: across-.each lots woul.d;be .necessary in order--to comple.te the. project. - Ald..,Tomczyk moved--to have-~Supt:yBertram handle the ~project-- in a manner most advantageous to the city. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. Supt. Bertram discussed with the committee the present specifications regarding water hydrants being installed in the city. He advised the committee-that one-of the. permitted.hydrantcompanies .(Traverse.City) is going. out of business-:and thei;efore the -city s,hould. remove them:-.. from our. specifications since replacement .parts willnot be available. Supt Bertram advis~ed.-the committee:that- he will be attendinga class--= required f~or- cer~tification--in order that the city can. spray roads ditch weeds. He suggested that he also be permitted to attend a class on the spraying of aquatic weeds in order that he could be certified for this kind of work. Ald. Schaumberg moved to approve the request. Seconded by Aid. Tomczyk, motion carried. The committee discussed their previous action relating to planting the centers of cul de sacs and particularly the cul de sac on Janes- ville Court. Because of the uniqueness of that particular develop- ment the committee agreed to review their previous decision at their next meeting in order that full landscaping plans can be reviewed. Sewer plans for Janesville Ct. were referred to the Sewer Committee. The committee reviewed the grading plans for Freedom Acres Addition ii'l. supt. Bertram advised the committee of the need to carefully monitor construction of homes in the area of McShane Drive since a 12" tile crosses several lots and drains a large area to the south. Ald. Tomczyk moved to approve the grade plans. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The committee reviewed the specifications of the industrial park well. They noted it has been designed for a 75 to 100 gallon per minute capacity. Mayor Gottfried was directed to determine whether or not this was of sufficient size considering the kinds of businesses being built in the industrial park. An updated report on the Martin Drive Reconstruction Project was received from Ruekert & Mielke and placed on file. The preliminary plans of Marlin Meadows were reviewed. supt. Bertram requested that the committee consider the extension of Elm Drive into the subdivision in order to facilitate the plowing of snow. The Public Works Committee recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to the extension of Elm Drive and subject to further review of the drainage plans. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. ‘.\ \ \ --- . ___- ~. - ^ - .v Public Works Committee ' February 9, 1978 Page 2. A communication from Lincoln Savfngs & Loan was reviewed. The commun- ication advised the city that $238,331.00 has been set aside for con- struction costs involved in the development of Freedom Acres No. 1. The committee noted that the monjes would not be released without city approval. Supt. Bertram discussed with the committee the need to acquire necessary easements for the Glenbrook Subdivision Storm Drainage Pro- ject. Ald. Schaumberg will see that all people involved will be in- vited to the next meeting of the committee. supt. Bertram discussed~with the-committee- his priorities for _ the 1978 capital budgets. He -indicated .tiiSreqUeSt for a -6 ton pickup truck and the $l00,000.00 -for asphalting and sealcoating are his top priorities.~ ~1 -- supt. Bertram advised the committee that while on city business ache had a~slight acclident and was cited for failure to yield right-of-way. He indicated that although the fine was very small he felt a policy should be established as to whether or not the city would pay traffic fines in a situation such as he was involved in. He reminded the committee that many years ago the Town of Muskego did pay the fine of one of YtS employees.for ;a traffic violation -incurred while on city business. The committee agreed to review the matter and,set a policy. There beingrno further business,-Aid; :Tomczyk.moved for adjournment-:. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The meetingadjourned at 9 40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Public Works Committee- RTjje