Public Works Committee- MINUTES - 11/22/1978PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 22, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Dumke. Also present ' were Committee Member.Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried, Supt. Bertram and Ald. Wallner The committee reviewed a conununication requesting release of balance Of funds for the swimming pool in Kristin Downs Subdivision in the amount of $4,148.00. The committee also reviewed a communication from Building Inspector Lee which indicated that everything had been completed, however, he would make another final inspection. Ald. Dumke moved to authorize release of funds subject to Mr. Lee's final inspection. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The committee reviewed a communication from Elmer Tinti requesting release of a $6,000 00 cash bond which had been deposited with the city to assure completion of the extension of Sunnyhill Drive according to, city standards. Supt. Bertram-advised: the committee that the on17 thing left: to complete is a small amount of asphalting which Payne & Dolan has advised him, in writing, they will complete early in 1979. Ald. Dumke moved to grant the request. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. As a result of a meeting with several residents of Kristin Downs Subdiv- ision on November 9th during which they requested a return of their ditch bond of $200 00 per residence, the committee agreed to review the matter at their next official meeting. In considering the matter the committee noted that many homeowners in the subdivision had completed their land- scaping and that the completion of the landscaping of the ditches was for the most part the responsibility of the builder. Supt. Bertram indicated that in many areas he was satisfied with the work which had been done by the developer's contractors, however, his main concern was Kristin Drive. He also reminded the committee that each homeowner would have to request, in writing, the release of his bond in order that the Public Works Department could approve its release. Ald. Tomczyk moved to authorize the release of ditch bonds to those residents who have completed their landscaping and after approval by Supt. Bertram Seconded by Ald Dumke. Motion carried. A communication from the Foster Group requesting release of funds for ( work completed in Lake Brittany Estates was reviewed by the committee. After discussing the matter with Supt. Bertram,Ald Tomczyk moved to authorize the following releases: Sanitary sewers $12,023.50 Remaining balance $976 50 Storm Sewer 6,145.30 11 ,I 854 70 Water Main 10,175.oo ,I 11 525.00 Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The committee also noted that the other accounts (curb, roa:d base fine grading, road pavement, land- scaping, miscellaneous, rough: grading and culverts,)totaled $49,921.00 and that $52,277 00 would remain in the Lake Brittany Estates Bond after the above monies are released. The committee reviewed a request from the developers of Freedom Acres to release $48,582.14 . The cornaittee noted that after the release of the requested funds a balance of $90,506.88 would remain in the escrow account Ald. Dumke moved to approve the request. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that Mrs. Yanny would like assurance from the committee that the northwest side of her property would be terraced properly. Following discussion the committee agreed to authorize Supt. Bertram to assure Mrs. Yanny that the terracing of the northwest side of her property would be completed as she requested. The cosmittee have escrowed $637,958. acknowled ed a communication from Marine BankAf~~ic~;~g they 5 0 for Marlan Meadows development. $87,Y58i50 has been released, thus leaving a balance in the esc;ow.account as of November 14, 1978, in the amount of $550,000.00. to accept that amount for Marlan Meadows Subdivision. Ald. Tomczyk moved Dumke. Motion carried. Seconded by Ald. Public Works Committee November 22, 1978 Page 2. The committee discussed at length the request of Mr. John Nate, S68 W13522 Bristlecone Lane, for the release of his $200.00 ditch bond. The committee noted that they had previously denied the request because it was past the time limit required in Chapter 8.02(3) of the Municipal Code. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that they might want to consider the unusual circumstances and problems that Mr. Nate had experienced since he moved into his new home which kept him so busy that he did not have time to complete his landscaping. Due to the unusual circumstances, Ald. Tomczyk moved to approve the release of one-half of the ditch bond ($100.00) Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that Mr~. Silas Anderson, S70 W13152 Woods Road, who is the owner of lands involved in the construction of the Fennimore Ditch indicated that he thought the backslopes would be entirely concreted. The committee noted that in all inverted ditches the concrete base was no more than fours feet wide. Supt. Bertram reported to the committee he had hired Mr. Charles Morin to fill a vacancy created by Ken Thode's departure. He also advised the committee that another vacancy will occur very shortly. Ald Tomczyk suggested applicants should be interviewed for filling the vacancy starting November 29th. Supt. Bertram advised the committee he would like to promote Ra Ackerman to fill Ken Thode's position of Foreman and John Loughney to fill Roy Ackerman's position as Assistant Foreman 4 .-,- Id Tomczyk moved for approval. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Positrons to be effective pay period December 5, 1978,) The committee acknowledgedreceipt of a communication from R. C. Blum regarding the Martin Drive Study. Same placed on file. The committee acknowledged receipt of applications for employment for highway department employees. There being no further business, by Ald. Dumke. Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn Seconded Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M Respectfully submitted, Sec'y. RT/je