PWCommittee - MINUTES - 7/7/1976l - PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 7, 1976 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 8:30 P.M. Also present were committee members Dumke and Ford, Supt. Bertram, Mayor Gottfried, Building Inspector Lee and Aldermen Pienkos and Constantineau. The committee discussed the conditions of the drainage ditches in the Fountainwood area and although the contractor has done some work on the ditch it has not been completed to the satisfaction of the city. The committee directed Supt. Bertram to contact the contractor once more regarding this matter. The committee discussed the status of the development and the change in topography of the hill on the south side of Ridge Road in the Lakeview Hills Subdivision. The committee noted that the developer, Mr. Frank Narlock, has completed a portion of the required restoration work to the satisfaction of the city, however, the project will continued to be reviewed periodically. In continuing their review of the Public Works tour taken in May the committee discussed drainage problems in Hillendale Heights Subdiv- ision paying particular attention to the drainage ditches along Prospect Drive east of Hickory Lane in front of the former Carroll property and also the John Hansen property. It was the decision of the committee that some anti-erosion action is needed to solve the problem, however, no decision was made on what that action would be. The committee agreed that they would review the matter after it is determined whether or not there will be any capital spending in 1976 depending on the results of the coming referendum. The committee noted that they have not received specific storm water drainage plans from Mr. Frank Fry for lots owned by him in the area of Prospect Drive and Sunnyhill Drive. The committee concurred that no Building Permits will be issued until approved storm water drainage plans are received. The committee directed Supt. Bertram to begin the work on the Muskego Creek adjacent to the Mayer property as soon as he is able to do so. In reviewing the drainage problems in Ward 6 the committee noted that Supt. Bertram plans to install a 6" drain tile on the Mel Fritz property and connect it to a storm sewer leading from Woods Road. Supt. Bertram reported that his work on the drainage problem in the vicinity of Kelsey Drive has been completed and that Mr. Salentine, Mr. Guhr and Mr. Erno have also completed their responsibility. Mr. Trapp, Agent for Mrs. William Kapke, appeared at the meeting to discuss a proposed 3-parcel division of land located on Berger Lane. The committee noted that Berger Lane is a private street, that it dead ends at the Wendt property and that requiring a 60' right-of-way would be a hardship on Mrs. Kapke and was not needed. Ald. Schaumberg moved to accept a 20' dedication from Mrs. William Kaplce which would then provide sufficient width to create a 50' public street when additional divisions are requested and that a $3,662.00 cash payment is acceptable. \ Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried, Public Works Committee, Cont'd. July 7, 1976 Page 2 Mayor Gottfried requested that the committee recommend to the Council that he and City Attorney Buckley be authoried to negotiate with the Beringers and Hetzels for necessary drainage easements. Ald. 0 Dumke moved to make the necessary recommendation. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The committee again reviewed engineering plans for the proposed Lake Lore Subdivision and will await the recommendation from the city's engineers before taking further action. Supt. Bertram was directed to again contact Mr. Roger Johnson re- garding storm water drainage in the Shagbark Subdivision. He was directed to advise Mr. Johnson that the city will insist the work be completed prior to the beginning of the fall rains. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that restoration work in the Hale Park Meadows outlots by Rite Realty is progressing satisfactorily, however, he will continue to review the restoration as it progresses. a Building Inspector Lee advised the committee that the one remaining problem in outlot 113 is still not solved. Supt. Bertram and Building Inspector Lee requested that the committee review the recently approved division of the Mary Androjna property and pointed out to the committee the several problems relating to the road extension. The committee agreed that the owner of the property will have to construct the road and the necessary cul-de-sac and that a solution to the road layout will have to await the dev- elopment of the property to the west. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that the storm sewer project on Groveway Lane would cost the estimated $1,358.28. He pointed out that it would be necessary to complete the project prior to winter because of the need to protect private water mains in the area. Ald. Ford moved to authorize Supt. Bertram to do the necessary work subject to the availability of money. Seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion carried. The committee reviewed the request from Mr. Don DeBack to reduce his road bond for the Ridges Subdivision from $35,000.00 to $2,500.00. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that all of the work has been done to his satisfaction with the exception of the placement of sod along the inverts which he estimated could be done for about $2,000.00. e Ald. Schaumberg moved to release all by $2,500.00 of the road bond, Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The committee authorized the Electric Company to relocate the guy wires on the north side of the city's industrial park in the vicinity of the Alpine Lanes bowling alleys. Ald. Ford reported that there was a slight leak at the bottom of the Jewel Creek headwall and indicated that it could be repaired by the 0 replacement of a few sandbags. Supt. Bertram agreed to provide the sandbags and also to clean the Silver Drive ditch and to replace several signs that have been damaged in the area. Mayor Gottfried reviewed with the committee the proposed development of thexceille property. He pointed out that the developer has requested 38 lots and that if a lower density were required by the city that curb and gutters and storm sewer would have to be deleted. It was the comnit- tees dec‘ision not to change their position requiring curb and gutters and storm\, ewers in the development of the Ceille property adjacent to Freedom Acre\Subdivision. The meeting at 11:lO P.M. Edwin P. Dumke, Sec'y.