PWCommittee - MINUTES - 3/18/1976PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO 0 MINUTES OF MEETING HF,LD MARCH 18, 1976 The.meeting was called to order at 8~35 P.M, by Chairman Schaumberg. Also present were committee~member Ford, Mayor Gottfried and Aldermen Foldy, Colbum and Wallner and Supt, Bertram. .a Mrs. Rabay, Lentini Drive, appeared with~Mr, Richard Randles to discuss the flooding of her basement which has been experienced since the instal- ' lation of sewers. Mr, Andrew Lindner,T.representing the contractors that connected Mrs. Rabay's plumbing to the city's sewer system, also appeared to discuss the~problem. Because the number of tiles running through and adjacent to Mrs, RabayBs property it was the feeling of the committee that a broken tile could be the cause of the problem. Mr. Lindner agreed to return to the site to determine whether or not they had failed to reconnect a tile which crossed her property. The committee agreed that in the event the problem was not caused by the installation of sewer connections by Mr. Lindner the city would reimburse h%m on the basis of time and material. Supt. Bertram was also directed to cooperate with Mr, Lindner in finding the broken tile. Owners of land on the corner of Hardtke and Martin Drives appeared to request that the water course traversing through their property and carry- 0 ing water from the north side,of Martin Drive be moved to the west of Hardtke Drive. They presented photographs to help explain their problems. The committee directed Frank Ruekert, Jr. to study the area and report back to the cormnittee with a recommendation. .Mr. Clarence Pluer, S69 W18005 Muskego Drive, appeared to discuss with the committee a drainage problem that he and several neighbors are experiencing. Supt. Bertram suggested the problem could be alleviated by creating a road- side ditch on the north side of Muskego Drive. Mr. Pluer also expressed his concem,over the grade of Muskego Drive ,which had been raised at the time sewers were installed in front of his property. Supt. Bertram agreed that lowering the road would be desirable and could also solve the drainage problem previously discussed, He urged the committee to view the area. Ald. Ford moved to direct Supt. Bertram to provide the committee with an estimate of the cost of the project. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed. Supt. Bertram discussed with the eommfttee the possibility of using a slotted drain along Lake Drive in front of the Meinecke property. He estimated the cost to be $12.00 to $13.00 for a 12" tile. He requested that the committee also view th-is area. 0 The committee reviewed the request of Tri-Town Homes for permission to construct a driveway which would serve a residence to be built adjacent to Hale Park Add #I. It was noted by the coannittee that the plat of survey indicated a restriction for driveways onto Tess Comers Drive, They also noted that no division of land had been apparently approved by the Plan Commission as of this date. Ald. Ford moved to deny the request because all lots on Sherwood Circle were designed to have a house facing that 10 street. Seconded by Aid, Schaumberg, motion carried. “\ Public Works Committee March 18, 1976 - 'P. 2 0 Mr. Frank Ruekert, Jr., appeared to discuss with the comittee the scope of his work as he begins the development of the city's drainage plan. He explained to the committee the alternatives available indicating that a master storm drainage plan could cost between $7,500.00 to $lO,OOO.OO while a detailed plan of each section of the city would cost in excess l of $100,000.00. It was the decision of the committee that Ruekert & Mielke would initially provide a master storm drainage plan for the city and when that is completed they would begin the development of a detailed plan which would encompass several sections each year. It was also agreed that as the detailed plan developed particular attention would be given to problem areas with major emphasis being placed on the.need for retention or detention ponds, Mr. Ruekert reviewed with the committee the problems and costs which would be encountered in the event storm water from the west side of Glenbrook Subdivision were rerouted along the west and south boundaries of the subdivision. He explained that if a 5% grade were maintained a 12' ditch in some areas would be required and that if a 2% grade were provided with concrete inverts a 3' to 5" ditch would be.needed. He estimated the cost of that ditch at $90,000.00. The committee took the matter under advisement. The connnittee reviewed the following drainage problems which Ald. Colburn presented for consideration in 1976: l n 1) The Martin Drive area which flows through the north end of Parkland Subdivision. 2) The Kingston triangle surrounded by Cook Dr;,,Kingston and Lincoln Drive. Ald. Colbum's request for a street light on the comer of Lake and Michi Drives was referred to the 'Public Safety Committee. The committee reviewed the following requests from Ald. Foldy for c,~- sideration in 1976: 1) Complete inverts in the north 500' of the Fountainwood drainage channel. 2) Invert the Fennimore drainage channel from Bristlecone to beyond Woods Road. 3) Invert the Schmidt Park drainage channel. 4) Reconstruction of the drainage ditch south of Somerset Dr. in cooperation with the City of Pranklin. 0 5) Negotiate with the City of New Berlin to divert storm water away from the Fountainwood drainage channel or an alternate arrangement for the construction of a detention area to control the flow of runoff storm water. Ald. Foldy also expressed the need for the city to cooperate with Rite Realty for the improvements of several problems in the Hale Park Meadows Subdivision. 0 Aid, Ford presented to the committee drainage problems he felt needed to be corrected in 1976: \ 1) Muskego Drive near the Bruekner and Pluer property. 2) Completion of the Silver Drive drainage ditch. \ \ Public Works Committee March.18, 1976 - P.3 Ald. Schaumberg presented the following drainage problems he would like considered in 1976: 1) Glenbrook Subdivision 2) Oak Hill Subdivision. 3) Freedom Acres near the Ed Klumb property The committee reviewed the bids for asphalt and sealcoat for the 1976 road improvement program. Ald. Schaumberg moved to recormnend to the Common Council that the low bid of Payne and Dolan in the amount of all.98 per ton and $.57 for prime or tacoat be accepted and that the low bid for liquid asphalts from Prime & Seal, Inc. in the amount of $.459 per gallon and $5,20 for pea gravel be accepted. Seconded by Aid. Schaumbe,rg, motion carried. Supt. Bertrsm discussed with the committee several drainage problems which he would like the committee to look at. The committee agreed to arrange a night to view several problem areas in the city. The committee authorized Supt. Bertram to participate in the Youth Employment Program for Waukesha County. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that Mr. Fred Merkt who has been employed by the city for 16 years will retire sometime in April. Several applications for employment were reviewed. Supt. Bertram will determine how much land he would need for cul de sacs and storm drainage on the former Lassa Property. It was agreed that once this has been determined the question of the sale of the remaining property would be considered. Ald. Schaumberg moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 12~00 midnight. Respectfully submitted, Jerome .I. Gottfried, Acting Secretary je