PWCommittee - MINUTES - 9/9/1976y.. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 9, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Schaumberg. Also present were committee members Ford and Dumke, Aldermen Wallner, Pienkos, Constantineau, Mayor Gottfried, Supt. Bertram, representatives of the Little Muskego Lake Advisory Committee and Mr. Ned Pierce and , Mr. Ron Fait of the John A. Strand & Associates, Inc. Mr. Pierce and Mr. Fait reviewed with the committee the procedures which was required in order for the district to receive $995,000.00 for the Little Muskego Lake Demonstration Dredging Project. They also indicated that some time in the future an application will be made for state funding which could amount up to $190,000.00. Mr. Pierce reviewed the time schedule which included identification of needed disposal areas, completion of the environmental assessment and the eventual beginning of the dredging which could be completed by late 1979. Mr. Pierce indicated that because the project is for demonstration purposes additional funding will be requestedtimthe federal government for a post analyzation of the project. Mr. Pierce answered several questions of the aldermen before he left the meeting. Mr. Borgman, Briargate Dr., appeared at the meeting to discuss with the committee the drainage ditch between Meadowdale Subdivision and his lot in Parkland Subdivision. He indicated that the drainage ditch was encroaching on his land and requested that consideration be given to either storm sewering it or removing it. In reviewing the matter the committee noted that at the time the drainage ditch was being constructed the developer was required to move it to the east in order to save trees, etc. on the east end of Meadowdale and further that a slope for easy maintenance could be achieved. The committee will make an on site inspection and discuss the matter at their next meeting. Ald. Pienkos requested that the committee consider the installation of a storm sewer adjacent to the Yahn property on Fennimore Ct. if Mr. Yahn would provide the storm sewer. Ald. Pienkos indicated that although the ditch does not carry a great deal of water the filling of the lots during the construction of the residence has created a deeper ditch than was originally needed. Supt. Bertram indicated that the Electric Company would have to be involved in the project since there are exposed wires in that area. The committee authorized Supt. Bertram to install a storm sewer with the understanding that the materials will be paid for by the homeowners. Supt. Bertram requested that consideration be given to changing the name of Bay Lane Drive to a name less confusing. The matter was referred to the Safety Committee. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that because of the connection of St. Leonards Drive to Kristin Down Subdivision arrangements should be made to remove the cul de sac presently terminating on St. Leonards Drive. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact Rite Realty and remind them that they had agreed to remove the cul de sac. / The committee discussed with Supt. Bertram the storm sewer from Kristin Down which enters Muskego Creek. A review of previous minutes indicated that drainage should be handled either by storm sewer or concrete invert and should enter the stream at an angle which would be less likely to cause erosion. The committee agreed to require storm sewers and Supt. Bertram was advised to remind Rite Realty of their obligation in this matter. \ '1 \ \ Public Works Committee September 9, 1976 0 Page 2 Supt. Bertram advised the committee that the Electric Company would like to have two gates installed on the west side of Bay Lane in order that they have access to their equipment. Mr. Bertram was directed to advise the Electric Company that they are authorized to do the work and of the city's willingness to cooperate in this matter. l The committee discussed with Supt. Bertram the excessive erosion occurring around the cul de sac on Hickory Lane. They noted that the erosion was the cause of improper landscaping. Aid. Ford reviewed with the committee Section 8.2 of the Land Division Ordinance which requires proper anti- erosion procedures in situations such as this. They also felt the Housing Code might apply. Building Inspector Lee will. be contacted to order the necessary landscaping to protect the area from excessive erosion. Supt. Bertram reminded the committee that Mr. Leo Dretzka had not re- ceived the balance of his contract from the Highway 24 sewer project. Ald. Ford moved to recommend to Council release of the final $500.00 cash bond being held. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. Supt. Bertram reviewed the final Lake Lore engineering plans. The committee agreed that manholes should be installed on the drainage ease- ment through Outlot Vl (off of Fairfield Ct.) and also that a manhole 0 be required in a storm sewer located between Lots 26 and 27. Supt. Bertram requested permission to purchase a Partin saw (cut off) for $350.00 to $400.00. Ald. Ford moved to approve the request. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The committee reviewed with Supt. Bertram the proposed budget for 1977. Ald. Schaumberg moved to recommend Finance Committee approval. Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. The committee directed Supt. Bertram to determine whether or not the drainage channel from Woods Road to Bass Bay needs cleaning and to advise the committee whether or not his department could do the work if it is needed. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that the State Highway Commission would be interested in applying for federal funding to aid in the con- struction of a fifth lane on Highway 24 at the east city limits. He indicated that the possible cost to the city would be $8,000.00. Mayor Gottfried was directed to request drawings of the proposed improvements. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that the state plans to decal all traffic signs to aid in their recovery. Ald. Ford reminded the committee that the drainage project on Muskego 0 rive, adjacent to the Brueckner property, was previously approti and urged that it be completed this fall, if possible. Ald. Ford expressed his concern over the failure of the developers of Shagbark to improve the drainage ditch along Martin Drive. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that the developer plans to install a concrete invert in that area. He was directed to contact the developer and advise I@ im that the work must be done this fall. Public Works Committee 0 September 9, 1976 Page 3 l Aid. Ford asked the committee to take the necessary steps to have the excess fill which was placed on the Crest Drive right-of-way in the vicinity of Pearl Dr. and Gold Dr. removed immediately. The matter was referred to Building Inspector Lee for prompt action. supt. Bertram requested that the committee consider contacting the state for the erection of a sign in the Hales Corners area indicating Muskego as being westerly on Highway 24. He also expressed concern of the different names Highway 24 is called between Milwaukee and Muskego. The matter was referred to the Public Safety Committee. Ald. Ford reminded the committee of the failure of the city to enforce its Sediment Control Ordinance, particularly, as it relates to Kristin Down Subdivision, Supt. Bertram advised the committee that the dev- eloper does plan to seed the entire area where grading had taken place. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact Rite Realty to remind them of their obligation in this matter. Ald. Ford moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at lo:15 P.M. 0 Respectfully submitted, Edwin P. Dumke, Sec'y. Public Works Committee je 7 e