PWCommittee - MINUTES - 8/5/1976PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 5, 1976 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg at 8:lO P.M. Also present were Committee Member Dumke, Mayor Gottfried, Supt. Bertram, Aldermen Constantineau and Pienkos. Mr. Richard C. Mall, 108 Cecilia Ct., Waukesha, Wisconsin, appeared at the meeting to discuss with the committee a problem relating to an error by his builder in setting the grade for his home to be located in Guernsey Meadows Subdivision. Mayor Gottfried explained that Building Inspector Lee-has placed a stop order on the construction pending resolution of the problem. He pointed out that the finish grade of the basement and garage was approximately 12" of that which was approved when the development came before the Public Works Committee. He advised the committee that the builder would be willing to remove the foundation around the garage and lower them as close to the proper grade as practical. The committee noted that although the error was the builder's responsibility the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Moll, would suffer great hardship if the city required the builder to remove the entire basement and thus lower the grade. It was the committee's decision to approve the proposal agreed to by Belinski Builders with the understanding that the final grading and the landscaping of the lot will be done in such a way as to remove any possible surface water drainage problems to the residents to the northwest of the lot. The committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and changed a word in the third last paragraph of page 2 from "buy" to "provide". Same placed on file. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that he has not had a chance to look at the bog near Caesar's dam on Big Muskego Lake, however, he has contacted the DNR who advised him that they could not give him any help. He will report back to the committee at the next meeting. The committee acknowledged the receipt of a bond from the Wisconsin Marine Bank in the amount of $33,000.00 to cover the cost of sewers and road on the Ada Butcher industrial park. Supt. Bertram reported that he had contacted Mr. Froelich regarding the grading and seeding of fill which had been placed on his property. Mr. Froelich promised to grade and seed as soon as possible and to complete the work after the blocked culvert across Lembezeder Drive has been repaired by Tomasini Contractors. The committee reviewed a letter from Mayor Eberle of the City of New Berlin to the owners of the 'I up the area immediately. 24" Outdoor Theater advising them to clean Supt. Bertram suggested that Ald. Pienkos contact those people living on Hale Park Circle and have them remove the large boulders which were placed around the cul-de-sac. He pointed out that during the winter the cul-de-sac will be used for storage of snow. The mmdttee discussed the need for storm sewer on Groveway Lane. It was agreed that in order to protect water mains which have been exposed at least a portion of the storm sewer should be installed immediately. In the event money is available the committee authorized the Public Works Department to do the entire project. 6 e a a 0 (I) 0 Supt. Bertram ad,vised the committee that he had received a request from Mr. Yahn on Fennimore Ct. for a storm sewer between the lot lines. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that the developers feel that it is not their responsibility. Supt. Bertram was directed to contact the indiv- iduals involved and suggested that they regrade the lot to reduce the slopes as much as possible and to instali sod in the ditch line. Supt. Bertram requested permission to place one length of pipe along Cornell Drive adjacent to the George Guhr property in order to protect the area from excessive erosion resulting from the storm waters coming from Durham meadows. It was suggested that Mr. Guhr be contacted and advised that if he purchased the additional needed culvert pipe the city would install them. Supt. Bertram discussed with the committee problems he has had with the Telephone Company's cable project. He advised the conunittee that as a result of poor inspection and not sufficient depth the cable is constantly in danger of being cut. It was agreed that in all future requests for approval a 30" minimum depth will be required. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that he has received notice that some monies might be available to the City of Muskego from the Federz Off-Systems Highway Act. He indicated that the money would be allotted through the County and that they have been advised of our interest in receiving some of that money. The committee reviewed a communication from Building Inspector Lee’s office regarding specifications on cold water m:eters. Ald. Schaumberg moved to accept the recommended specifications from the city's engineers. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The committee reviewed a letter from Ruekert & Mielke regarding the request of Gyuro Construction Co. for additional monies for work being done in the city's industrial park which advised them that they did not have a valid claim. The committee discussed the need to establish the position and salary for Assistant Foreman in the Highway Department. Ald. Schaumberg moved to recommend to the Common Council the establishment of the necessary position at a salary of $6.16 per hour and confirmed Supt. Bertram's appointment of Mr. Roy Ackerman to that position. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The committee reviewed a.request from Rite Realty for the release of $29,917.50 for work done in Guernsey Meadows Subdivision. Ald. Dumke moved to release $4,870.00 (balance of sewer contract). Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg requested that Supt. Bertram review a problem caused by traffic over private property between Durham Dr. and Velva Drive. supt. Bertram to report back at the next meeting. Ald. Dumke requested that some consideration be given to partial re- surfacing of Loomis Drive (old Hwy 36). Supt. will review the matter and report back to the committee. Supt. Bertram brought before the committee the problem created by the construction of the entrances to Muskego Beer Depot and the Union "76" Service Station. He pointed out that the entrances are so close to Highway 24 that proper access to Highway 24 is not possible. The committe was directed to contact the individuals involved to advise them that if and when changes in the parking lot are contemplated they will be requeste to move the driveways further north. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ED/je ' Edwin P. Dumke, Sec'y. '\