PWCommittee - MINUTES - 4/8/1976PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF'MUSKEGO l MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 8, 1976 The,meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Schaumberg. Also present were Aldermen Dumke, Colburn and Wallner, Supt. Bertram, Building Inspector Lee and Mayor Gottfried. Ald. Ford arrived at 9:15 P.M. Mr. Elmer Tinti appeared at the meeting with Mr. Radiqualan and Mr. Popeve to discuss their request to face their home towards Tess Comers Drive rather than Sherwood Circle. It was noted by the connnittee that the proper certified survey map has been approved by the Plan Commission and the Council. It was also noted that a restriction that no driveways were to enter Tess Comers Drive at the time the original land division was approved by the Plan Commission. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact City Attorney Buckley to determine whether that restriction would apply to the new division and to bring the matter to the Plan.Commission to determine whether or not they want to keep that restriction. It was also agreed that residents in the immediate area would be contacted in order that their views could be heard. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. 0 Mr. Alvin Guhr and Mr. Wayne Salentine appeared to discuss with the committee several minor drainage problems along Kelsey Drive. The committee agreed that this would be one of the areas they would inspect on their upcoming tour of the city with Supt. Bertram. The committee agreed to contact Mr. Salentine and Mr. Guhr when the date for the tour has been set. Mr. Clarence'FroeliCh appeared regarding damage to tiles draining his property by the Tomasini Construction Company during the installation of sewers on Lembezeder Drive. Supt. Bertram advised the connnittee that by cleaning a prevtoi3ylylblocked drainage channel much of the water had been drained and that he will contact Mr. Tomasini regarding the repair of any broken tiles. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that he is still waiting for Mr, Lindner to contact him regarding the Rabay problem on Lentini Drive. He also advised the committee that he has not heard from Frank Ruekert, Jr. regarding the drainage study of the Martin and Hardtke area and that the road problem in the vicinity of the Pluer and Brueckner properties should be viewed by the committee before any decision is made. Supt. Bertram further advised the committee that the use of a slotted drain in front of the Meinecke property on Lake Drive was not practical. 0 The committee discussed with Supt. Bertram the need to relocate the drainage ditch running through Lot 22 and the Stahnke property in the Hillview Subdivision. Supt. Bertram was directed to get the necessary easements so that a storm drainage tile could be installed along the lot line. The committee discussed with Supt. Bertram the land needed for right-of- way and drainage purposes on the former Lassa lot. It was pointed out a that 50' on eadh side of the right-of-way of Lochcrest Drive extended would beneeded #and that a-20' storm drainage easement on the south side of the lot from Lochcrest to the lake would be needed. Supt. Bertram was directed to develop a plat of the area showing lands needed for right-of-way and drainage purposes. ‘\ \ ‘,\ \ Public Works Committee April 8, 19?6 Page 2. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact abutting property owners of the land west of Shore Lane to determine whether or not they are still interested in purchasing a portionof the property. Ald. Dumke discussed with the committee drainage problems in the area of the Unger, Dougherty and Gardner properties on Boxhorn Drive. This problem will also be viewed by the connxittee. Supt. Bertrsm presented to the coxnnittee the plans drawn by the engineers for the developer of the Ridges Subdivision identifying the areas-where concrete inverts would be placed. The committee approved of the plans as presented but on the advice of Mr. Bertram added 400 ft. of invert along the ditch of a portion of Lots 7 and 8, The engineer will also be advised that the concrete invert must be bedded with 4" crushed gravel. The cormnittee reviewed with Supt. Bertram the present weed cutting charges and costs which have been in existence for several years. Ald. Ford moved to establish a fee of $25.00 per hour or per lot, whichever is greater. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. Supt. Bertram advised the committee that he had recetived. the road marking paint, however, the company has advised him that the charge would be more than originally quoted. Supt. Bertram was directed to advise the supplier that the city considered the $2.58 per gal. quote as the agreed price and that we would pay no more. ALd. Schaumberg moved to recoannend to the Common Council that they be authorized to advertise for bids for a 1% ton dump truck and a van for the sewer utility. Seconded by Aid. Ford, motion carried. Supt. Bertram presented a request by Mr. Sabatino to cut down a knoll in the vicinity of Diamond Dr., Gold Dr. and School Dr. The conxnittee agreed that although sewers will be installed near the area it would not be practical to lower the knoll in that area. Supt. Bertram also advised the connnittee that Mr. Sabatino requested to use fill from the sewer project in that area. Building Inspector Lee was directed to contact Mr. Sabatino and advise him that because of the city's concern over the problems of erosion and sedimentation that a plan for landscaping and the prevention of sedimentation and erosion should be submitted to the Public Works Committee. The committee agreed to view a problem on Groveway Lane in front of the Sinkovich property which involves a community well, The committee also agreed to view a drainage problem in the vicinity of Redman Drive and Forest Drive and to determine whether or not storm sewers are required. Supt. Bertram recommended that Mr. Jeff Kloskowski be hired as the replace- ment for Fred Merkt who has retired. Ue advised the committee that Jeff Kloskowski has been working for the Park and Recreation Department and is familiar with the city. The committee agreed that filling the vacant position with someone who already works for the city was desirable. Ald. Ford moved to hire Jeff Kloskowski to work for the Public Works Department. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Supt. Bertram was reminded that ',the city does have a go-day probationary period. “\ ‘\ ‘\ 1,~ \ Public Works Committee l April 8, 1976 Page 3. Mr. Carl Gratszak appeared at the meeting regarding a home he is building on the comer of Pearl Dr. and Gold Drive. Mr. Lee advised the connnittee that fill from the ~excavation has been placed on the l city right-of-way, Crest Drive. Mr. Gratszak agreed to remove the fill and to work with the Building Inspector to assure proper sloping at the rear lot line which is adjacent to Crest Drive. The committee discussed the status of Mr. John Krahling who is presently working under the CETA Program, Mayor Gottfried was advised to review his present salary as it relates to the salaries of others in the Public Works Department and Utility for discussion at the next meeting of the committee, Mr. Lee brought to the committee a request that they permit extensive filling of a lot on the southeast side of Ridge Road in order that a home can be built on it. The committee considered the problems with erosion and sedimentation and its affect on the adjacent Hillendale Heights Subdivision. It was the decision of the committee not to permit 0 any filling, however, they would be willing to review any plans that would assure protection of the snnrrounding area from erosion. The committee discussed with Mr. Lee and Supt. Bertram the street trees which were placed in the Shagbark Subdivision. It was agreed that the bond should be held until it can be determined whether or not the trees will live. It was agreed that some standards for street trees should be developed both for the protection of the city and homeowner. Mr. Lee and Supt. Bertram will develop recommendations and present them to the Plan Commission for consideration. Supt. Bertram asked the committee to consider the placement of 60' of storm sewer along the George Guhr property which is one of the main outlet streams for the Durham Meadows Subdivision. The committee will view the problem on their tour. Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Jerome J. Gottfried, Acting Set' y .