PWCommittee - MINUTES - 4/22/1976PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO 0 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 22, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Ald. Dumke. Also present were Aldermen Ford, Wallner, Pienkos and Constantineau and Mayor Gottfried. 4 Mr. Terry Buss, Sherwood Circle, presented a petition signed by several residents of the area objecting to the proposal that one of the lots be permitted to use Tess Corners Drive for ingress and egress. The lot designated as “Parcel B” was formerly a part of the Doucette property. Ald. Ford moved to recommend denial of the request of the Plan Cormnission. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Supt. Bertram reported to the committee that all leaks In the Lembezeder sewer project have been fixed. He also reported that repairs to the cross culvert and tiles in the vicinity of the Froelich and Mrs. Russell Rae properties remains to be done. Supt. Bertram reported that the city had located a tile in front of the Rabay property but it did not appear to be in use to any great extent. He also reported that Mr. Andrew Llndner placed cement around the lateral near the Rabay home to prevent seepage through the 0 lateral bed. Supt. Bertram reported that the necessary easements for the storm sewer from Cameron Court to Hlllview Lane was being processed. The cormnittee discussed the status of the former Lassa lot, Gottfried was directed to contact abutting property owners to Mayor determine whether or not they are interested in purchasing portions of the property which would be offered for sale. Supt. Bertram reported that the developers of the Ridges Subdivision have agreed to install the additional concrete inverts as prescribed by the Public Works Committee at its last meeting, The developer will also be requested to widen the radius of the entrance to his subdivision from Tans Drive and also to clean all ditches, 0 Mr. Allan Sabatino, Gold Dr., appeared at the meeting to discuss with the committee his plans for filling in lands along Jewel Crest adjacent to his property. He advised the committee that as a result of erosion several feet of his land has been washed away and the bed of the creek rerouted, It is his intent to relocate the creek to its original bed, place heavy stones as a dike along his lot line and to place fill from’the Linnie Lac sewer project behind the stone dike. He further indicated that it was his intent to create a 4 to 1 slope and to provide adequate ground cover to prevent erosion. Mr. Sabatino again asked the city to consider the lowering of Gold )‘ Drive in the vicinity of Gold Drive and School Drive or, as an l alternative, to place a “stop” sign on Gold Drive at its intersection with Diamond Drive. Ald. Dumke discussed with the committee the recent ditch work by the city on Groveway Lane in the vicinity of the Sinkovich property and urged the Committee to look at the problem as quickly as possible. _ .-public works Committee April 22, 1976 Page 2. The committee received a request from National Exchangers for a release of part of the street tree bond presently held by the city for Shagbark Subdivision. Ald. Ford moved to release $1,500.00 of the $2,500.00 bond. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. 0 l Ald. Constantineau discussed with the committee the drainage ditch problem at the corner of Lochcrest Blvd and its south leg. It was pointed out to Ald. Constantineau that property is owned by a Mr. Beringer who up to this time has not indicated he would let the city use his property for construction of proper drainage channels, Ald. Ford moved to offer Mr. Beringer $100.00 for the small parcel of land he owns at the corner of Lochcrest Dr. and its south leg. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Several applications for employment were received and placed on file. Ald. Ford requested that the committee permit the Park and Recreation Department to use the city's snow fence as an outfield barrier at the Mill Valley diamonds. Ald. Ford moved to grant the request subject to the understanding that any broken fencing will be replaced. The city received a communication from the city engineers regarding 0 the Jewel Creek headwall and the need for the contractor to negotiate with the Pellages for damages done. Ald. Ford suggested that the committee consider the adoption of a policy whereby sod would be used whenever practical when any major ditches are done by the city's highway department, Supt. Bertram reviewed with the committee the request of the Telephone Company to install underground wiring on Muskego Drive and College Ave. The bids for the installation of culverts were reviewed. Ald. Ford moved to recommend to the Couunon Council the bid from Brookfield Culvert Co. be accepted. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The committee reviewed the specifications for the utility van prepared by Supt. Bertram and approved same. The committee reviewed correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke regarding the results of the study of the drainage problems in the vicinity of Martin and Hardtke Drive. The report indicated that the cost of a storm sewer along Hardtke Drive which would then take water presently traversing through a natural watercourse on the Jeschke e and Stubblefield property. The estimated cost would be $87,000.00 or, an open ditch with concrete invert would be approximately $22,000.00. However, if this method were used additional erosion problems would have to be solved which could be added to the cost. The committee agreed to contact Mr. Ralph Martin, owner of lands on the north side of Martin Drive, urging him to consider leaving a strip of ground cover along the drainageway on his property in order rl) to prevent additional erosion. Ald. Colburn requested that the committee view a problem at the rear of the Mayer property on Valley Dr. which is being eroded because of the city cleaning the Muskego Creek. Supt. Bertram assured the committee that the problems from the use of water hydrants in the Freedom Square condominium project have been solved. Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. The meet&g adjourned at 11:GO PM \ JJG/je ‘\ J. J. Gottfried, Mayor Acting Sec'y.