PWCommittee - MINUTES - 2/5/1976PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 5, 1976 ' The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schaumberg. Also. present were committee members Dumke and Ford, Mayor Gottfried, Supt. Bertram and Aldermen Foldy and Knudsen. A very friendly and cooperative group of citizens (names attached) from the Glenbrook Subdivision attended the meeting fo acquaint themselves with the city's proposal to solve several drainage problems in the subdivision. Mayor-Gottfried reviewed for those attending the past flooding problems of the subdivision, the problems that could result once development occurred to the northwest and south and how the city would hope to minimize or resolve the problems. Several questions were raised by persons attending relating to the depth of the proposed drainage ditches, ponds and ditches along the roadways. It was suggested that the committee look into the possibility of bring the storm water from the lands west of the subdivision into a drainage ditch proposed on the south side of the subdivision. The hope was expressed that the work could begin on solving the problem this year. The committee also discussed with the audience the condition of the curve on Woodland Place, north of Highway 24. After considerable amount of discussion and several suggestions it was generally agreed by those attend- ing that if the road could be placed back on its original course as indicat- ed on the plat, a slight curve used and the slope reduced it could solve the problem. The committee indicated that they would probably resonstruct the curve this summer. Ald. Foldy presented the committee with signed easements which would be needed to continue the reconstruction of the drainage ditch from Windsor Rd. to Highway 24. The committee agreed to begin discussion of their plans for storm water drainage programs at their next meeting. Supt. Bertram advised the connnittee that he will attempt to get permission to cross private property in order to continue the cleaning of the Muskego Creek south of Highway 24. He indicated Mr. John Kelly was very concerned that without the continued cleaning his house could again be flooded. Ald. Foldy asked the connnittee whether or not Mr. Petrecynski of Skylark Lake could get a refund of his $200.00 ditch bond since the restoration '1; had been completed. Mr. Bertram recoxnnended that the refund not be made until after the spring thaw to enable him to properly examine the work done. One application for employment was received and placed on file. Mr. Kenneth Larsen appeared at the meeting to clarify his position regard- ing Resolution 85-76. Ald. Schaumberg moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Edwin P. Dumke, Secretary :’ 1 “L. II. , ‘( ‘i , ,,,