PWCommittee - MINUTES - 10/5/1976PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO 0 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 5, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P:M. by Acting Chairman Dumke. Also present were Ald. Ford and Supt. Bertram. Mr. Tim Kinsey end Mr. Jorgensen of the State Highway Commission presented a proposal for adding a fifth lane to S.T.H. 24 between 124th St. and College Ave. The center lane would then be used as a turning lane by westbound traffic. The committee agreed to review the plans and make a recommendation at its next meeting. The total cost of the project would be $70,000.00. Ninety (90%) would be paid for by the federal government and 10% by the City of Muskego. Work could be completed by spring of 1977. Ald. Ford advised Mr. Kinsey that complaints have been received regarding the lowered speed limit on Highway 24. Mr. Wayne Foster appeared to discuss Lake Lore Estates Subdivision. Mr. Foster requested permission to move the sewer and water lines for said subdivision into the McShane Dr. right-of-way instead of going down the center of the road since the sandy soil conditions under McShane Road would make it difficult to keep from tearing up the entire road surface during construction. Permission was granted. Mr. Foster also indicated that a well for Lake Lore Estates was being planned for a corner of Lot I/2. Ald. Ford questioned the advisability of constructing a pumphouse on a private lot. Mr. Foster also requested permission to defer the interconnection of the Tudor Oaks Development and Lake Lore Estates water systems because the proposed well for Lake Lore should be adequate until the lake property to the east is * developed. The committee informed Mr. Foster that an amendment to the developers agreement would be required and the matter was referred to the city engineer. Supt. Bertram reported that Guyro Construction Co. will give us a proposal for removing the bogs that are blocking Caesar's dam on Big Muskego Lake. Ald. Ford requested that there be ample advanced publicity to the beginning of the Little Muskego Lake fall drawdown. Ald. Ford moved to have Building Inspector Lee impose a stop order on construction in Shagbark Subdivision until concrete inverts are installed in the drainage ditch along Martin Drive. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Ald. Ford requested that Supt. Bertram replace the "dangerous curve" warning sign on Ranch Drive as it is faded and obscured by trees. Ald. Ford requested that Building Inspector Lee advise Mr. Jeschke of Martin Drive of our requirements for establishing cover on newly filled areas. Ald. Ford requested that Building Inspector Lee advise Mr. Carl Gratzek of Roth Builders that fill intended for lots on Silver Drive has been placed on the Ruby Dr. right-of-way and must be removed e immediately and the area restored. . I Public Works Committee October 5, 1976 Page 2. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to contact the Telephone Company to inform them that their restoration work on Martin Drive ditches is not acceptable. Ald. Ford moved to release all monies held for Guernsey Meadows Subdivision except $20,000.00. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Committee action on bids for a new dump truck for the Public Works Department was deferred for clarification of the bids. Ald. Dumke moved to approve the Telephone Company's request to install underground service along Racine Ave. from Pioneer Drive west to Lions Park Drive and along the entire length of Lions Park Drive. Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. The committee agreed that the city would not clean the lower end of Bass Bay Channel. The cormnittee agreed that the city has no more obligations regarding the former city-owned lots (#2 and #3) on Emerson Drive. Ald. Dumke requested the city help in cleaning a canal off Groveway Lane. Supt. Bertram will,investigate the feasibility of doing so. Ald. Ford again requested that sod be placed on the drainage ditch in front of the Ed Rausch property on Muskego Drive to replace that which was damaged during ditch cleaning by the city. Supt. Bertram advised that the small storm sewer along Muskego Drive at the Pluer and Brueckner properties would be completed this fall. Ald. Ford requested that Supt. Bertram check into a dangerous ditch situation at the Keith Flintrop and Dave Davis properties on Muskego Drive where cars frequently become stalled. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved. Applications for employment were reviewed and placed on file. Correspondence was reviewed and placed on file. Ald. Ford moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at lo:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ronald J. Ford, Acting Sec'y.