PWCommittee - MINUTES - 1/8/1976PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 8, 1976 u he meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Schaumberg. Also present were Alderman Ford, Mayor Gottfried, Supt. Bertram and Aldermen Colburn and Wallner. Ald. Foldy requested that the committee reconsider its action regarding ,* he denial of the request of Mr. Kenneth Larsen for a refund of culvert costs installed in front of his property on Longfellow Lane. Ald. Foldy indicated that there is merit for adjustment since much of the water flowing through the two 52" culverts comes from the Fountainwood drainage ditch leading from New Berlin, Ald. Foldy also indicated that if the PublQ Works Coaunittee did not choose to grant his request he would submit the question to the Council. A great deal of discussion was held regarding the matter; It was noted that in most cases the Inspection Department deals with the builder who may or may not be an agent for a prospective homeowner, that culverts are installed prior to issuance of a building permit and that the city has no policy regarding absorption of part of then costs for excessively large driveway culverts. Mr. Foldy pointed out that initially a 30" culvert had been installed which was later found to be in error and subsequently the two 52" culverts were installed at a cost of $1,300.00. He also indicated that had the builder and homeowner known the cost of the larger culvert he would have had his driveway placed on a aroyan. As a result of the discussion the couunittee felt they could not econsider their original decision. .l$r. Calvin Albers appeared to discuss drainage problems experienced by :. h,s and his neighbors on Island Drive and East Drive. He pointed out the problem occurred because of the construction of homes along the north side of East Drive which resulted in some filling of a previously low area. Supt. Bertram will investigate the.matter and report back to the committee. Mr. Harold DeBack appeared to discuss his claim against the city for crop damage due to excessive waters from the city's industrial park and city garage site. The claim was filed on August 11, 1975. The committee reviewed photographs taken by Building Inspector Lee as well as several topo maps showing drainage patterns for the area. At this point Ald. Wallner indicated that he would be filing a damage claim against the city along with one from Harold Scholbe. It was the decision of the committee to review the matter with City Attorney Buckley. The minutes of the previous Public Works meeting were read and approved. It was the decision of the committee to invite residents of Glenbrook Subdivision to the second meeting in February to discuss with them the Q ssible solutions to the drainage problems in the area as well as the ondition of the curve in Woodland Place. The committee is awaiting appearance of Mr. Bryce Styza to discuss costs of inverts in the Ridges Subdivision. Supt. Bertram provided the conunittee with the following@otes for a pactor: . Municipal Construction Tool Co. (Racine ground packer) $775.00 Boehck Construction Equipment Co. 776.00 \ Wacker Corporation 765.00 \ “\, \ Public Works Committee 1/a/76 - p.2 ‘0 He indicated that Wacker Corporation had a slightly larger machine for $843.75 which he did recommend that the city purchase. The committee noted that a 4% cash discount was available which would bring the cost down to $810.25. Ald. Ford moved to recommend purchase of the Wacker m Vibro Plate for $810.25. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. Supt. Bertram reported that several of the fire hydrants in Durham Meadows and Hale Park Meadows were frozen. He suggested that a policy be established so that the hydrants can be periodically tested. The developer will be advised to either fix or tag the inoperative hydrants. Supt. Bertram expressed concern over the size of a culvert in theFuernsey ' Meadows Subdivision. He will check the original plat and discuss the matter with the developer. The amount of the bond necessary to assure completion of the Shagbark Subdivision was discussed. Ald. Ford moved to establish a cash bond in the amount of $7,500.00. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. In answer to Ala. Ford~'s questions Supt. Bertram reported the following: Work on the Jewel Creek headwall should be started very soon. The question of whether or not a tree on Muskego Drive is in the right-of-way has not been resolved. Pick up of Christmas trees has begun and will be completed in two weeks. Several skating rinks have been provided. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Edwin P. Dumke, Sec'y. je