PWCommittee - MINUTES - 1/22/1976l PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF 'MUSKFGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 22, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 8~45 P.M. by Chairman Schaumberg. Also present were Aldermen Dunike, Ford, Supt. Bertram and Mayor Gottfried. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. Mr. Bertram indicated that the drainage problem existing between East Drive and Island Drive can be resolved with the development of proper drainage swales along the lot line of those residents living on East Drive. He pointed out there was a 3 ' fall to a storm sewer on Muskego Dr. The conueittee discussed the claim of Harold~ DeBack for damage to his property as a result of construction of the city's industrial park. Ald. Ford moved to deny the claim and that the city take whatever steps are feasible to minimize the affects of storm water drainage on his property. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The minutes of the previous meeting were corrected to indicate the meeting , to be held with the residents of the Glenbrook Subdivision is to be l February 5th rather than the 19th. Mr. Bertram advised the couxnittee that Mr. Robert Gasserx Engineer for Bryce Styza, advised him that a proposal for needed work to be completed in the Ridges Subdivision will be presented within the next 30 days. Mr. Bertram advised the committee that the questions regarding adequate drainage in Guernsey Meadows Subdivision have been satisfactorily answered. Mr. Bertram suggested that schematic drawings of fire hydrants being installed in subdivisions within the city should be required by the Public Works Committee. Mr. Bertram presented a change order recommended by Ruekert & Mielke on the Jewel Crest headwall project in the amount of $657.00. Ald. Schaumberg moved to approve the change. Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. Mr. Bertram advised the committee that the several areas along Bay Lane Drive which were cut into as part of the development of Guernsey Meadows Subdivision would be corrected by the placement of an asphalt 0 mat on Bay Lane at the expense of the developer. The committee discussed with Mr. Bertram the city"s present regulations relating to the installation of utilities on rights-of-way0 It also suggested that a 60-day time limit be placed on all permits. Further action was deferred until sample ordinances could be reviewed by each member of the committee. -w Mr. Bertram suggested that the committee req;uire the developer of all subdivisions in the city to provide 8% x 11 maps of the subdivision. Ald. Ford moved to authorize Mr. Bertram to have 8% x 11 copies made o,f existing developments in the city as he deems it necessary. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. \ c . Public Works Committee _ Cont'd, 1122176 - P. 2 In relatton to the question of a refund on the Larsen culvert, Mr. Bertram advised the committee that he had made the property owner as * ell as the builder aware of the need for a larger culvert and that it was discussed prior to the construction o,f the basement. The committee discussed the request of Eldred Jensen that the city abandon the unused portion of Crest Drtve south of Pearl Drive. Mr. Buckley's opinion regarding the matter dated 'November 18th was reviewed. The committee noted that for a petition to be valid the signatures of all owners of land abutting both sides of the street as well as one-third of the landowners abutting the Erontage on the balance of the street is required. They also noted that as an alternative method the city could adopt a resolution declartng that the public interest requires that a portion of Crest Drive be discontinued. The committee agreed that they would not recommend that the Common Council initiate such action and that it would be up to the landowners to indicate their wishes in the matter by petition. Upon the request of Ald. Schaumberg the committee directed Mr. Bertram * o install 25 m.p.h. signs on Oak Hill Drive. Mr. Bertram advised the committee that Brookfield Culvert will be replacing the damaged culvert in front of the Henry Rahfeldt property in Durham Meadows Subdivision. The committee agreed to continue to work on the resolution of the drainage matter affecting Mr. Manske's property. Ald. Ford reminded the connnittee that the Council had approved of an appraisal of the Lamb property on Gold Drtve and College Avenue. Mayor Gottfried was directed to correspond with Mr. Proelich reminding him of his responsibility to level. the fill he received from the Lembezeder Sewer project. The committee reviewed with Mr. Bertram the status of the drainage problems in the HilILendale Beights Subdivision which eminate from the Lakeview Hills Subdivision. Mr. Bertrsm advised the coannittee that there was still some work to be done by Mr. Narloek and that the necessary grading of a lot owned by David Beierle has not been completed. e Id. Dumke moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at lo:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, a- . Jerome J. Gottfried, Acting