PWCommittee- MINUTES - 5/21/1965PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING MAY 21, 1965 Meeting called to order at 4:03'PM by Chairman Weaver, Aldermen Wieselmann, Budish, Mayor Gottfried Andy Mr. Bertram were present. Bids for Pick-up truck were opened as follows: 1. Holz Motors, Inc. - offering a Chevrolet 3/b ton *~ 4x4 Chevrolet 1965 Model #K253/+ Bid as offered #3,292.85, less Trade in Allowance of $700.00 for 1960 Jeep and Plow, letting total bid at $2,592.85. 2. International D-1200, 4x4 Offered by International Harvester Co. Bid as offered $3.395.00 less trade in allowance of $750.00 letting a delivered price amounting to $2,645.00 3. Hiller Ford, Inc. for Ford Model F250, 4x4 Retail price less tax quoted at $4,2&.17 less trade in for 1960 Jeep & Plow, $1,511.63. Total bid $2,732.54. 4. iHE:rey Chevrolet for Model K2534 Chevrolet, 1965 . Total price as offered $4,424.35 less trade in of $1,869.95 for 1960 Jeep & Plow. Total bid $23554.40 5. Southgate Ford. Model offered was a 1965 Ford 250 3/4 ton 4x4 Styleside Pick-up. Retail bid price was listed at $3,982.00 less trade in of $952.00 for 1960 Jeep letting a net,$3.030.00. 6. Prospect Hill Motors, Inc. Vehicle offered was for Jeep 4 wheel drive truck. Model #J2600 Bid price quoted at $4,029.21 less allowance of $1,009.21 for 1969 Jeep and Plow. Net bid was $3,O2O.OO Information regarding Heavy Trucking on HY 00 was requested by Alderman Budish from Chairman Weaver through Waukesha County Bd. Prices on Guard Walls were presented by Supt/ Bertram to be ref- ferred to Rules, Laws, and Ordinances Committee. Complaints regarding parking in Jewel Crest on Jewel Crest Drive in the vicinity of Gold Drive were mentioned and the possibility of in- stalling No Parking signs to be considered. Meeting to reconvene June 4, 1965 at 4:OO PM to consider bids on pick-up truck. Motion to adjourn by Alderman Budish, seconded by Chairman Weaver. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:lO PM. ‘\ \ \ \