PWCommittee - MINUTES - 9/16/1965PUBLIC WORE9 COMMITTEE MEETING - CITY OFMUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 16, 196.5 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Weaver at 4:03 P.M. I&sent were Chairman Weaver, Ald. Budish, Ald. Wieselmann, l , Mayor Gottfried and Superintendent Bertram A communication from Attorney Hippenmeyer in answer to the letter sent on September 10, 196.5, inquiring into the continuance of plowing, grading and maintenance of certain private roads in the City of Muskego was read. A motion was made by Ald. Wieselmann, seconded by Chairman Weaver to send a letter to each property owner on Sobek Lane, Kurtze Lane, Dougherty Lane, Schultz Lane, Bay Lane South of Woods Road, Bay Lane Place, Sandy Beach Rd., Priegels Rd. west of Al Miller property, East Shore Dr., Bosch Dr., Al Caesar Lane, a portion of Mystic Lane, Bass Bay Lane, Tower Dr., Bozhardt Lane, Berger Lane, and Pellman Lane informing these people of the laws that pertain to the City insofar as grading, snow plowing and maintenance of private roads and driveways and of the possibilities of resolving such problem. Carried. The date of Monday, September 27th at 7:30 P.M. was set to have 0 a meeting with the persons involved to inform them and answer any questions that may have arisen. Mayor Gottfried informed the Committee of the opening of bids on the drainage ditch leading to Big Muskego. The date of such was set at October 8th, 196.5 at I+:00 P.M. The State Retirement Fund was discussed. It was felt that some private insurance companies should be contacted to see what types of plans could be had to provide benefits for the employees. Ald. Budish made a motion to contact several companies for information on this matter. Seconded by Alderman Weaver and carried. Communication from the Public Welfare Committee concerning a 100 word summation on the duties, function and responsibilities, etc. of the Public Works Committee to be prepared for the City Newsletter before September 27th. Ald. Budish was designated to carry out this task. Supt. Bertram informed the Conanittee that the Oshkosh Truck had been repaired. The matter of a storm sewer in the vicinity of MacLen Meadows and the need for repair of same was discussed. Individuals concerned are to be contacted so necessary work may be completed. Copies of a proposed Culvert Ordinance were given to Committee members for further study. Motion was made by Ald. Wieselmann to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Budish and the meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1 ?DL Wieselmann, Secfy. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE