PWCommittee - MINUTES - 8/19/1965PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE CITY OF MUSEEGO MIRCTES OF MEETIHG HELD AUGCST 19, 1965’ The meeting was aalled to order by Alderman Budish at 4:06 P. H. PRESERT: Alderman Budish. Alderman Wieselmann, Mayor Gottfrled, Hiwag Supt. Bertram, Mr. Ruekert, Engineer, and Mr. Don DsBack. Chairman Weaver arrived a few minutes after the meeting began. Mr. DeBack appeared before the Committee concerning the M&bane Road project. The question before the Committee was the substantiation of the additional oharge for work completed on this project. The work on Gettleman Driveway was questioned as to time involved and machine work. The fencing on Magarickcs property was also questioned. Motion was made by Alderman Wieselmann to lower the amount of the sum of money paid fop construction of Magarickts fence by $140.00. Alderman Budish seconded the motion and it carried. The reasoning was the Committee would be willing to pay the difference in cost of materials but not any more. Motion was made by Alderman Budisb to pay the sum of $2,600 to Don DeBack to pay the revised bill submitted by him for the additional work required on McSbane Road. Alderman Wleselmann seconded the motion and it carried. The roads in Jewel Crest were discussed. Motion was made by Alderman Budish to recommend to the City Council to approve grading, shaping, ditohing&&arifyirgtbe roads in Jewel Crest when needed by Wolf Construction Co. and for a coat not to exceed $940. Alderman Wiesel- msnn seconded the motion and it carried. Plans for widening the drainage obannel running from Woods Rd. to Big Muskego Lake were reviewed by the Committee. Mr. Ruekert pointed out the present course and depth of the present ditch. Motion was made by Chairman Weaver to ask the City Counoil for approval to allow the Public Works Committee to advertise for bids on the proposed widening of the drainage channel running from the Woods Road to Big Muskego Lake. Alderman Budisb seconded the motion and it carried. The specifications for new reads were viewed. They are to be examined further by the Committee. Alderman Budisb made a motion to recommend to the Finance Committee to transfer $2000.00 to the Publla Works Equipment Fund for equipment maintenance. Chairman Weaver seconded the motion and it carried. Motion was made by Chairman Weaver to rebuild the engine on the Oshkosb Truck. Alderman Budisb seconded the motion and It carried. Alderman Wieselmann made the motion to adjourn, Chairman Weaver seconded and the meeting adjourned at 6:05’P. M. wpectfullg submitted, Donald E. Wieselmsnn, Seo*y Public Works Committee