PWCommittee - MINUTES - 7/2/19650 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING CALLED AT 4100 PM - JULY 2, 1965 PRESENT - ALDERNEN WEAVER, BUDISEI AND SUPT. BERTRAX. OLD BUSINESS - l Do TO THE ABSENCE OF ALD. WIESELKANN. THE COHMITTEE DID NOT TAKE ACTION ON TRUCK BIDS, HOWEVER ALD. WEAVER STATED HE WOULD BE ON VACATION AT THE TINE OF OUR NEXT PUBLIC WORKS KEETING AND TEAT HE WOULD GO ON RECORD AT THIS TIME AS VOT- ING FOR CHEVY FRON HOLZ MOTORS FOR HIS FIRST CHOICE AND INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FOR SECOND CHOICE. A LETTER WAS SENT TO CARL Koss ON KELSEY DR. CONCERNING WATER PROBLEN. IT WAS DECIDED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS CbHM. THAT NO ACTION WOULD BE TAKEN UNTIL MR. ROSS'S PROPERTY IS PROPERLY BACK-FILLED. ALD. BUDISH ITOVED THAT MR. PEPPERS BE HIRED AS AN ADDITIONAL FULL TIXE EmpL0y~E FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, HIGHWAY DEPART- @ NENT. MOTION SECONDED BY ALD. WEAVER. MOTION CARRIED. MR. BERTRAX WILL CONTA,CT MR. PEPPERS AND ADVISE HIH OF START- ING TIME AND DATE. STARTING DATE WAS SET AS OF JULY 12,1965. MR. BERTRAN REPORTED THAT MCSHANE ROAD WAS COMPLETED AND OILED. ALSO HE WOULD AGAIN CONTACT THE TELEPHONE Co. TO DETERMINE WHY POLES HAVE NOT BEEN NOVED AS YET. THIS HATTER WILL ALSO BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. NEW BUSINESS A RESOLUTION WAS RECEIVED FROH THE STATE HIGHWAY COKKISSION CONCERNING FEDERAL AIDS IN HIGHWAY DEVELOPKENT. CONHITTEE AGREED TO PRESENT RESOL.UTION TO COUNCIL. A COHKUNICATION WAS READ BY ALD. WEAVER CONCERNING PRIVATE DRIVES. IT WAS DECIDED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS COKKITTEE TO HAVE THIS LETTER READ TO THE COUNCIL AT THE REGULAR KEETING ON JULY 13, 1965. MEETING ADJOURNED 5:45 PM RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING 0 City of Muskego Meeting called to order by Ald. Bu,dish at 3:5's PM on July 16, 1961;. Present were Ald. Budish and Wieselmann, Mayor Gottfried and Supt. Bertram. Chairman Weaver was absent. a Bids for the road sealing program were opened. First bid was from Sherwin Asphalt Spraying Corp. 0.24 per gal for Peneprime 0.1620 per gal for MC3 0.1620 per gal for MC5 0.1520 per gal for SC0 Second bid was from Wolf Construction Co., Inc. Slurrying 0.1550 per square yd. RT-2 Tar 0.,2500 per gal MC-3 0.1600 per gal MC-5 0.1600 per gal SC0 0.1500 peer gal Emulsion 0.1600 per gal Cover material as required (including rolling and sweeping) Pea Gravel 3.50 per ton Chips 3.75 per ton Motion made by Ald. Budish to award bid to Wolf Construction Co., Inc. for sealcoating roads as needed in City of Muskego. Seconded by Ald. Wieselmann. Motion carried. Discussion on truck bids took place. There wasn't any meeting of the minds as to which vehicle to purchase so matter was tabled to the next meeting when the entire committee would be present. Communication from the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin con- cerning a certified plat showing the miles of street in the City of Muskego to be placed on file and acted upon at a later date. Communication from the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin re- garding a commerical driveway on the George A Small property to be placed on file. Communication regarding the relocation of Crowbar Rd. by State Sand & Gravel, from the Plan Commission was read. Ald. Budish moved and seconded by Ald. Wieselmann that the Public Works Com- mittee recommend to the Council its approval of the plan. The city engineers Ruekert & Mielke are to be contacted and that l the Public Works Committee is advising changes in the road construc- tion specifications as to shaping of shoulders and gravel used in the road base. It was mentioned that McShane road as an example didn't have any shoulder protection to avoid breakage of blacktop and in general because of shoulder construction had the appearance of an uncompleted job. a The Culvert Ordinance was discussed and was referred to a later meeting. Su~pt . Bertrsm is to meet with the City Engineers to draw up spec- ifications for roads to be repaired in Jewel Crest Subdivision. Moved to adjourn by Ald. Budish and seconded by Ald. Wieselmann. Carried. Mee\ting adjourned at 5:3f; PM. \ i 'Respectfully-scbmitted, '\ ‘\, DEW:jas '1 - - DONALD E. WIESELMANN, Sec'y Public Works Committee