PWCommittee - MINUTES - 12/23/1965PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - CITY OF MIJSKEGO xmms 0~ MEETIKG HELD DECWBER 23, 1965 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Weaver at 4:Os P.M. Present were Chairman Weaver, Alderman Budish, Alderman Wieselmann, Mayor Gottfried and Supt. Bertrsm. Two requests for permission to install gas lines to the residence of Emil Drizan on Fennimore Dr. and Dean Eige on Larkspur Rd. were read. Su;?t. Bertram questioned the possibility of having the Gas Company complete this work prior to fall freeze up. The question as to a time limit on such installations was brought out. Alderman Budish made a motion to defer action on the requests until Attorney Hippenmeyer can be consulted pertaining to possible time limits. Seconded by Ald. Wieselmann and carried. A communication from the Wisconsin Telephone Co. asking for possible road construction plans for 1966. They are to be notified that there are no definite plans for 1966 as yet. A communication from the Sentry Insurance Co. accompanied by a medallion seal to be added to the safety placque received by the Highway Department for their past year without a single compensable loss. Mayor Gottfried p.resented a proposed resolution for the transfer cf funds from the Crowbar Rd. Acct. #262 to the General Fund. Since the road is not completed as yet the Committee felt that the funds should remain in reserve until that time. Supt. Bertrsm asked if some recommendations for culvert installation for the new building applicants could be prepared for general information. The Committee gave Supt. Bertram the task of preparing same and bringing them back to the Committee for approval. The drainage channel from Big Muskego Lake to Woods Rd. was discussed. Nayor Gottfried advised the Committee that Ruekert and Mielke had new specifications drawn and ready for bidding. A motion was made by Chairman !n!eaver to ask permission of the Common Council to let bids for the channel. Seconded by Ald. Budish and carried. Motion was made to adjourn by Chairman Weaver. Seconded by Ald. Wieselmann. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE je \\\ \ ‘\