PWCommittee - MINUTES - 11/3/1965PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE -CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVFMBER 3, 196.5 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Weaver at 4:05 P.M. Present were Chairman Weaver, Alderman Wieselmann, Alderman Budish, Mayor Gottfried and Supt. Bertram. The drainage ditch running south from Woods Road and located in the W. Vesbach and R. Kurtz property was discussed. The City Engineers are to be invited to the next meeting of the Committee to discuss the possibility of changes in the specifications of the ditch. The roads in Hillendale Heights Subdivision were discussed. It was mentioned that the roads would have to be accepted by the City of Muskego in order to qualify for State Aids. They are to be primed shortly so they will be acceptable. Motion was made by Alderman Budish to have Attorney Hippenmeyer draw up a Resolution and agreement for the acceptance of the road in Hillendale Heights. Seconded by Alderman Wiesehann and carried. Road specifications and cost of roadway and drainage easements were discussed. To be deferred to the next meeting when the City Engineers will be present to provide the necessary information. An Agreement and Easement between the City of Mu~skego and Gayle Hetzel and Dorothy Hetzel for the purpose of cleaning and maintaining the ditch along Spring Lane was reviewed. The Committee recommended that the City enter into said Agreement. The proposed Culvert Ordinance was discussed, changes that are to be made were noted. The Ordinance will be referred to the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee after which it is to be returned to the Public Works Committee for approval. A motion to adjourn was made by Ald. Budish, seconded by Aid. Wieselmann and carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:42 P.M. Respectfully submitted, !J Donald E. Wieselmann, Secty. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE