Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 9/20/2010 CITY OF MUSKEGO approved PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2010 Alderman Noah Fiedler called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Also present were Aldermen Neil Borgman and Kert Harenda, City Engineer David Simpson, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, and Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat Ald. Fiedler led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on September 17, 2010. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 2010 Ald. Borgman moved to approve the minutes of August 16, 2010. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. STAFF REPORTS None STATUS OF PROJECTS Janesville Road Reconstruction (Moorland to Racine) – City Engineer Simpson informed nothing new to report. Signals at Martin will be installed this year. Durham Drive Reconstruction – City Engineer Simpson said it is moving forward. Met with a few homeowners regarding relocations. Waiting for consultant to get us a nominal report to what each parcel is worth. Durham Drive Sanitary Sewer Project – Nothing new City Engineer Simpson stated. Needs to get Public Hearing scheduled. 2010 Road Improvement Plan – City Engineer Simpson advised going well. Scheduled to pave Muskego Dam Road, then surface Woodland Place. Stoneridge Groundwater Remediation – EPA had Public Hearing recently per Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski and stated what their plan was – 9 or 10 more wells. Well #9, Well #13 Upgrade – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski stated the physical work is done. They will reseed now. Take the road out of Well #5 and seed. Everything is about done. Geomorphic Assessment, Southern Inlet to Big Muskego Lake – Per City Engineer Simpson advised gentleman doing majority of study stated because of all the rains should have enough data to do report. Should see something in the next couple of months. 2 McShane Pump Station Upgrade – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski stated under design - changed design slightly. Lake Lore Lift Station Abandonment – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski stated in design, needs to do some homework on it so not to create another Freedom Acres. Then decide to move forward. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Request to Make an Application for a Simplified Rate Increase to the PSC for Water Service - Superintendent Kloskowski stated the water budget working capital has $414,037 in it, but Operations and Maintenance fund is required to have $500,000. We are already behind in that fund. Finance Director Sharon Mueller will explain more at Committee of the Whole meeting. Ald. Fiedler advised to defer until next meeting. Request by Cindy Bennett to Consider Lease Agreement for the North End of Center Drive – City Engineer Simpson said he did not hear from Cindy Bennett (not present) and that she was going to provide us with more information and has not. Ald. Fiedler suggested defer until next meeting and send her a letter. NEW BUSINESS Approval of drainage study proposal for Fountainwood Subdivision -. Approval of drainage study proposal for Cornell Drive – Approval of drainage study proposal for Richdorf and Circle Drives – A Request For Proposals (RFP) was sent to four qualified Engineering firms (GRAEF, RA SmithNational, Ruekert & Mielke, and JSA) requesting that they submit their proposals for three different drainage studies advised City Engineer Simpson. These drainage studies are what staff considered to be the top three overland flooding problem areas in the City. Firms were evaluated based on qualifications, experience, work load, project approach, effort and cost. Given that three of the four firms prices for completing the work are relatively close, the decision must be made based on the firms proposal. Given that the City plans to be completing more studies such as these into the foreseeable future, this is an opportunity to give each of the remaining three firms one project each to demonstrate to the City their dedication and commitment to completing a quality product at the promised price. Ald. Borgman made a motion to award the contracts for Storm Water Proposals for Professional Services to GRAEF for Cornell Drive and Circle Drive Drainage Studies and Ruekert & Mielke the Fountainwood Subdivision Drainage Study. Ald Harenda seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Review water service request for W145 S6550 Tess Corners Drive – City Engineer Simpson advised the City of Muskego received a request from Sanford M. Goodman, CEO of Stella & Chewy’s, located at W145 S6550 Tess Corners Drive to connect to City water. The property is not located within the WCA District; therefore, we would have to complete a WCA 3 District Amendment. This task does take time as it is a legal assessment process. The actual physical extension requirements must be set forth. The extension should be a 12” diameter pipe, however, because the requesting party only needs an 8” pipe, the City should pay the difference. Ald. Borgman made a motion to require a 12” water main extension to approximately the center of the existing building and that the owner pay for an 8” main and the City pick up the additional cost and be placed into the WCA District Amendment.. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. Review preliminary water and sewer budgets for 2011 – Not to talk about tonight per Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski, but to have to look at. Finance Director Sharon Mueller will explain at next meeting of Committee of the Whole. Water budget is pretty much done, sewer budget missing numbers from MMSD they don’t have firmed up yet. Review City Ordinance regarding private well testing – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski advised private wells on properties that are serviced or capable of being serviced by municipal water must be tested for bacteria every 5 years per Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code. 2010 is a test year. Chapter 28 states: “safe according to standards of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Waukesha County Health Department”. We have used the WDNR standards found in NR 811.10 to determine if a well is safe. NR 811.10 states, “Are in compliance with NR 812, or which test unsafe, shall be abandoned”. NR 812 deals with well construction and pump installation standards. While NR 811.10 refers directly to properties that are connected to municipal water and have chosen to also keep their private well, we use those same standards to enforce our Chapter 28 requirements. In short, we require every parcel with a private well that has municipal water available to them to test safe for bacteria every 5 years. In addition, each second cycle, 10 years, we make them have an inspection by a qualified well driller or pump installer to prove they are in compliance with NR 812. Without some type of well testing and inspections there is not a way to determine whether the wells are compliant. There has been some discussion regarding changing Chapter 28 so those that have municipal water available but are not connected would not have to go through any type of well testing or inspections. Those that are connected to municipal water and have kept their wells would still be required to test for bacteria and have their wells inspected. NR 811.10 requires this. Ald. Borgman made a motion that we suspend the need to test private wells when municipal water is available but you are not connected. Ald. Harenda seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Ald. Borgman made a motion that we do not reimburse people for the testing. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss proposed construction of permanent bypass at McShane Lift Station – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski advised the existing force main has capacity for one larger pump, which will add approximately 5 million gallons per day to the pumping capacity, which is currently 10 MGD. Estimated cost is $1.1 Million. A permanent by-pass to the creek would be installed using the existing force main from the McShane station. It would likely require an electric service upgrade. This would add $300,000 to the cost. Ald. Borgman made a motion to provide the funds to add $300,000 to the McShane Lift Station to install permanent by-pass feature. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. Request to purchase two six-inch bypass pumps – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski advised purchasing another 6 inch by-pass pump dedicated to McShane which costs about $30,000 plus hoses and fittings. It would be the fastest interim solution to protect 4 from future back ups. The existing pumps are 25+ years old. This would be the cheapest and most immediate method to increase capacity, but would involve emergency bypassing. Ald. Borgman made a motion to expend $30,000 for each of 2 six-inch bypass pumps to be used for bypass protection. Ald. Harenda seconded. Request approval to upgrade Simandl Lift Station controls – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski advised replacing controls and moving the control panel above ground. The motors controls and motor starter are original equipment located in the station underground. The pumps were replaced several years ago. The motor controls have not been replaced. It may be time to replace them and the motor starters and overloads. A panel would have to be erected outside the station to accommodate the controls. Ald. Borgman made a motion to replace the controls and move the starter panel above ground at the Simandl/Williams Dr. lift station for $50,000. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss policy regarding private property Infiltration & Inflow (I&I) reduction and sanitary sewer backup prevention – City Engineer Simpson and Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski discussed identify homes that are flood prone and require flood proofing, such as improving yard grading, improved drainage, glass block windows in the basement, disconnecting basement from sanitary sewer, etc. Homes that cannot be flood proofed could be bought and demolished. We could install lateral trench dams in the sewer and water lateral to prevent water from the sanitary sewer or water trenches from flowing into the home foundation drainage system; identify homes whose sump pumps are inadequate and require upgrading; inspect each existing home in the city for illegal sump connections; require residents to repair leaking laterals. We could televise all existing laterals from the road to the building, but this will require added staff or contractor. MMSD may offer this as part of their Private Property I&I Program. They recently issued a Request for Proposal for consultant services to do home inspections similar to those identified. We could make use of the MMSD consultant or hire our own. Either would be eligible for MMSD reimbursement under their Private Property I&I program. MMSD has a grant program to remove private property I&I. This program was previously funded at $5 million over 5 years. Our portion would have been in the $29,000 per year range. MMSD is currently re-evaluating this program and considering increasing funding. It appears that this will now become a 6-year program but the funding level is uncertain. There is a 25% city match required. Defer until MMSD gets further along in developing their guidelines they are going to give to us. Wait to hear from MMSD. Put on agenda for next month. Discuss ownership and maintenance needs of pond east of Parkland and north of Janesville – Ald. Borgman stated that due to the tornado the pond got filled with a lot of debris, and then with the flooding and storm after that, the debris is washing towards passage under street and is concerned of passage way being plugged. If the pond backs up, it could spill into people’s basements. He would like the City to clean as part of the storm cleanup. Everything in there is due to storm. The pond is privately owned. Aldermen Harenda and Fiedler asked Ald. Borgman to obtain costs to clean. Put on agenda for next month. Review and potential approval of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the City of Franklin and the City of Muskego concerning the financing, planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and ownership of the Muskego force mains connection to the Ryan Creek interceptor sewer – City Engineer Simpson advised that since the City of Muskego approved the Ryan Creek Interceptor as part of the MMSD’s 2020 Facility Plan, 5 staff has been working with the City of Franklin to come to an agreement as to installing the Ryan Creek Interceptor (RCI) connection at Ryan Road and the City of Muskego’s Eastern boarder. The City of Franklin has agreed to finance and install the RCI in Franklin in advance of the MMSD’s proposed timeframe. This will facilitate installation of the pipe much sooner than if the MMSD built the project. Because the City of Muskego does not immediately need the additional capacity that the RCI will provide, the Mayor, City Staff, and the City Attorney have constructed a draft agreement that will provide for the City of Franklin to finance a portion of the project in Muskego until such a time that we indeed do need the additional capacity. This will provide a large future benefit to the City as development within the areas designated to be served by this connection expand. Ald. Borgman made a motion to approve the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement as presented pending we negotiate the interest rate. Ald. Harenda seconded. Motion carried 3- 0. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE None COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Ald. Harenda mentioned the culvert by the library being temporary and when it would be removed. Public Works Superintendent Delikat said it could come out. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Harenda moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM. Ald. Borgman seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Jeanne Struck Recording Secretary