Public Works Committee - MINUTES - 6/21/2010 CITY OF MUSKEGO approved PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, JUNE 21, 2010 Alderman Noah Fiedler called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Also present were Aldermen Neil Borgman and Kert Harenda, City Engineer David Simpson, Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat and Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski. Ald. Fiedler led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on June 17, 2010. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 19, 2010 Ald. Borgman moved to approve the minutes of May 19, 2010. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Janesville Road Reconstruction (Moorland to Racine) – City Engineer Simpson informed not much new. County is going to move forward with temporary signals on Martin soon. Durham Drive Reconstruction – City Engineer Simpson said the final public information meeting went well and there was a lot of positive feedback. 2010 Road Improvement Plan – Bids were good per City Engineer Simpson. Contractor looking to start late July. Stoneridge Groundwater Remediation – Nothing new per Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski, nothings happened in the last month. Well #9, Well #13 Upgrade, etc. – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski stated they made substantial completion two weeks late. Came to a dollar amount agreement for liquidated damages. Durham Drive Sanitary Sewer Project – City Engineer Simpson advised nothing new. Foth is about 95% done. Once they are done will have official public hearing. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS McShane Drive Pump Station Upgrade & Lake Lore Pump Station Abandonment – Approval of Design Services Proposal – City Engineer Simpson informed the Committee that the McShane Pump Station capacity is not enough to handle large rain events. It serves as the main connection for the City’s sanitary sewer system to the MMSD collection system. During the large rain events in 2008, the City was forced to make the 2 decision to bypass sanitary sewerage to public waterways in hopes of preventing surcharging of the sanitary system into residents basements. After the rain events, the City commissioned Ruekert & Mielke to examine potential for upgrades. The study was conducted in concert with the work that was being completed as part of the Ryan Creek Interceptor project, and with the completion of this it would not give relief to the McShane Lift Station. It was then determined that by replacing one of the three pumps in the McShane pump station with a large pump can increase the pumping capacity. This increase will result in a much greater level of protection from bypass events and basement backups. The Lake Lore Pump Station experienced a failure at a joint in the main leading to the McShane Pump Station. This failure indicated that the force main material utilized in the construction of that station may be nearing the end of its life. Therefore we are proposing the elimination of the lift station by designing a gravity sewer that will flow from the to be abandoned Lake Lore Pump Station location to the McShane Pump Station. Committee discussed life span and cost comparison of short term or long. Public Works Superintendent Kloskowski recommended R&M do the work. Ald. Borgman motioned awarding R&M design services contract and bidding for the McShane Drive Pump Station Upgrade and Lake Lore Pump Station Abandonment. Ald. Harenda seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss Sewer/Water Extension – Racine Avenue South of Woodland Creek Estates – City Engineer Simpson advised the Committee that the City received a preliminary land division request for W186 S9159 Racine Avenue. Resident Jim Rozinski is dividing his property (he currently has a private septic system) and would like to have a private sanitary system for the new lot. As in this case, all land divisions that have public sanitary and water main close to the land division; decision must be made as to the requirements to extend services. The Committee discussed cost and how many would hook up. Ald. Fiedler advised to get more numbers (on sewer aspect) and to talk at next meeting. Recommendation of Approval of the City of Muskego’s Compliance Maintenance Annual Report, aka CMAR – Public Utilities Superintendent Kloskowski advised the Committee that the Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR) is a report required to be filed with the DNR, which is intended to ensure that sewer collection systems and treatment facilities are well funded and properly maintained. There are two sections of the report – financial and collection system, and the report grades each section a grade below a B requires an action plan and a resolution from the governing body. A grade of B or better, the resolution is voluntary. The proposed resolution states that the Public Works Committee has reviewed the CMAR and the Council commits to funding the Utility to operate efficiently and maintain a better than B grade. Ald. Borgman motioned recommendation we pass on for approval to the Council compliance maintenance annual report. Seconded by Ald. Harenda. Motion carried 3-0. NEW BUSINESS PLACED ON FILE None COMMUNICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW 3 Public Works Superintendent Kloskowski advised we are in a cycle everybody who is adjacent to the water system, has a main in front of their house and has a private well, we are in well testing and letters will be going out this week. Wells have to be tested every five years for bacteria and 10 years certified by pump inspector it’s in compliance. It’s a DNR requirement. ADJOURNMENT Ald. Borgman moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 PM. Ald. Harenda seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Jeanne Struck Recording Secretary